Dominion League / Re: Season 25 - Results
« on: January 23, 2018, 04:56:27 pm »
D2: CPiGuy 4-2 Hugovj
Don Quixote
Cost: $0
Discard this at the start of your next turn.
While this is in play, all other Action cards gain the Attack type.
While this is in play, Attack cards do not affect you.
Donald just asked me to temporarily ban possession until we get the banned cards feature up.
I agreed to do that and will release it in a day or two.
I guess that settles this threads question.
Just curious, will this feature be part of your previously announced Thursday update, since you haven't implemented it yet?
The Possession ban is already implemented.
I was referring to the banned cards feature.
AFAIK, it's implemented server-side, but it still needs a UI counterpart in the client. I haven't seen any ETA for that.
Haunted Woods vs Night Cards
Opponent played a Haunted Woods? Better not buy anything if you want to play your Night cards.
Specifically, Guardian is crap vs. Haunted Woods
Cards with vanilla bonuses always list them in the order [Card, Action, Buy, $, VP].
So is this a selection of your cards with some new ones? I'd like it if I could see all your other cards too without overlap. Anyways, some of the cards look great. But some of them are... weird. Are these card ideas, or have you done some playtesting with them? I guess here's some feedback.
You wrote in the OP that the second player chooses the expansion, other than Nocturne, from which cards are selected. But we have to pick the Kingdom cards first, start the game, and then the client decides who's going first at random. So how does this work?
Watchtower - Villa
Me: Hmm, let's grab that Watchtower. Put down all the coins, buy Villa, play Villa, gain enough Action to re-stock my hand, sounds like a plan.
System: "It looks like you are going to gain a Villa. Do you want to topdeck or trash?"
One worry would be that I think you often don't want more than one Attendants, thus Old God won't be revealed very frequently. Which I guess is a nice thematic touch, but gameplay-wise not ideal.
Are there any types I'm missing so far?Shelter and Ruins are easily dealt with.
But then there are Heirloom, Gathering. Prize, Zombie.
And since there are no double-types that use two of the last four, the answer to the OP question is no. You need at least 11 piles.