Not really in the spirit of the thread, but accepting a game that has minions or a torturer/village engine without noticing. I just hate minions so much.
You should play in veto mode then, that's one of the reasons it's there for.
I leave it on don't care, but I feel like if I make it so I always play in veto mode, I'll miss being able to play against a decent population of people on the site.
Yeah, one of my peeves is people who sit in auto-match and decline matches. It makes me reluctant to accept any matches from them after that since I can't shake the feeling that they're specializing in a certain combo (or at the very least playing with boards they're strong at) and just waiting till it shows up randomly. And most of the time I keep getting automatched with them after I decline the second, third, fourth times.
Sometimes I look at a set of cards, and it has Sea Hag and Torturer and all this crap and I go, I'm just not in the mood for this right now. Given that the overall goal is enjoyment, I feel like this is fair. I'm not trying to get cards I'll be better at, I'm just trying to play a game that I won't suffer through.
Although it bothers me from time to time when someone does this, I'll admit that if I was just torturer lock downed, I'd prefer to play a game without them. I much prefer people who decline games due to a specific card to people who decline games based on their opponent.
I will add two new ones to the list though:
- Losing when you were second player and would have won on your turn.
- Not exactly a downer, but : Playing a player who is significantly rated higher than you who does things that you don't understand, and you precede to win. It really bugs me when my opponent is someone I expect to lose to, they do something really bizarre and it doesn't seem to go any where. Were they experimenting, or was I a turn away from being completely crushed? It's the way I felt when I first played people who knew how to use chapel correctly, but we were playing 4 player (in real life) and chapelling into a strategy doesn't work as well if the other 3 players manage to get enough of the provinces first. At least when I play someone who I expect to beat, and they do something odd that doesn't work out I don't wonder what was going on, I just assume they made a mistake. </rant>