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Messages - olneyce

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Game Reports / Re: Double Golden Decks
« on: May 17, 2012, 03:15:09 am »
Yeah, interesting game.  We both just assumed it was a tie, laughed about it, and accepted.  Sounds like there were options for either of us to win if we had just thought about it a bit more.

It may be a troubling demonstration of how much Dominion I've played, but I tend to think of Dominion cards as being the 'true' meaning of a word, which then add flavor to the real world.

Meaning: when I see the word Caravan, I don't think "hmmm, a bunch of people traveling together."  I think "cantrip this turn, free Lab next turn."  And it's only a secondary thought to consider what the world means for the non-Dominion world.

Just played a game that made me think of this one.  Quarry+Grand Market+Wharf.  No Kings Court, though.  But there was Menagerie and Hamlet, which is one of my absolute favorite combos.  The result was a crazy-fast board and a 9-1 final score.

I think if I had played this differently I would have had a shot at ending the game in 9 turns.  And if my opponent had pursued the same strategy the game could have ended in 8 turns!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Has Isotropic crashed?
« on: May 09, 2012, 09:12:36 pm »
I'm assuming the reset did something to the ratings?  Or else everyone in the world is equal now, according to our benevolent overlord...

Long live the communist paradise that is the new Isotropic.

Introductions / Re: *waves*
« on: May 03, 2012, 07:40:40 pm »
Cards I like:

1. Fishing Village
2. Warehouse
3. Oasis
I prefer Cellar.

Looking back, I discover that I was one of the benighted souls who ranked Alchemist #3.  What in the world was I thinking?  It's a nice card but definitely not as good as Apothecary, Vineyard, and Golem.

I love Apothecary more and more every day.  It's probably not quite as good as Vineyard, but I enjoy playing with it a lot more. 

I have never gotten the hang of Golem.  It is clearly a good card, but I can't figure out how to play it.

Introductions / Re: Hello, my name is ShuffleLuck
« on: May 02, 2012, 10:34:30 pm »
I actually like the idea of 1P starting with -1 VP a lot.  I'd be curious to see how that affects the winning percentage.

I would also be curious to see if bigger kingdoms might also provide an opportunity for some weaker cards to shine.  For a lot of the situation-specific weak cards, the reason they are so weak is a lack of the necessary supporting cast.  You see Counting House/Coppersmith relatively often, but if you don't have the right supporting cards (a village, certainly, but also discarders, etc.) it's just not worth pursuing.  If you ramped up the size of the kingdom, you would potentially be adding more power cards but you also might be adding more pieces of a weak-card puzzle.

I have no idea if this would really happen, or if it would overwhelm the power cards (which also have even more support than normal) but it seems possible at least.

Game Reports / Re: how I was crushed by a nOOb and won
« on: May 02, 2012, 12:38:37 am »
Sure, I mean my default is that if it's a strategic question I'm far more willing to just let it go.  That is, if there is any chance they might simply disagree (even if it's incredibly obvious from my perspective that they are wrong), it's far more likely to be presumptuous to interfere.

If your opponent buys a copper with every +buy for no good reason, it's far less incumbent on you to let them know.  Or if they buy like 7 copies of Thief in a game where I'm going for Festival/Library and am happy to be rid of all my coins.  The actual thing they're doing is usually a bad move but that doesn't make it intrinsically wrong.

Using Bishop to trash valuable cards from my opponent's hand while Possessing them is intrinsically a mistake.  It's not a strategic misstep; it's a misunderstanding of the rules.  I mean, if you desperately need the $1 and there's nothing else to trash, maybe.  But that's about it.

Game Reports / Re: how I was crushed by a nOOb and won
« on: May 01, 2012, 11:16:30 pm »
Yes, obviously you should tell them.  Sheesh.

I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious in the Bank case, too.  But Bank is at least a (relatively) simple card and the problem was immediately apparent (where did all my money go?).  Possession is NOT a simple card, and the problem (wait, I'm not the one getting those VP?) is not immediately obvious.

If you are of the ilk who believe that it's a competitive game and you should never do anything to help your opponent then you don't say anything here.  If you are someone who believes that there is ever a circumstance to help out your opposition to prevent obvious mistakes, this is one of those times.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: First player bias
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:01:09 pm »
Anymore gems? :)

-Use classic proposal instead of auto-match with point counter turned off.   (Ben Warden)
-Propose these games against players that are higher level than they should be. (Ben Warden against me haha)

I was just about to put up a separate post on that.  It's annoying but ultimately fine when that happens.  Yesterday, though, I had an auto-match game proposed, declined, proposed again, declined, then a direct invite from the auto-match player with point counter turned off.  Again, the burden was probably still on me to notice that and not just click "yes" to every proposed match.  What got my goat is that the guy denied doing it when I asked him about it.  I assumed the best, then returned to the lobby and noticed that I indeed had point counter enabled so I have no better explanation.

I assume Ben Warden is above board with it.  He probably just likes to pick his opponent, rather than waiting for auto-match.  There's at least one other player, though, who uses it to gain a cheap advantage.  Annoying.

Anyhow, didn't mean to derail.  I'm still fuming just a little.
I don't even understand what Ben Warden is doing 'wrong.'  He proposes games directly.  And doesn't use the point counter.  Is that it?  The point counter is a variant.  It almost by definition can't be 'gaming' the system to not use it.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: First player bias
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:55:31 pm »
How to get on top of leaderboard on iso:

Make sure not to tell your opponents when they are clearly doing something suboptimal (playing banks first for $1).
Make sure you leave after every win (but never after a loss), so that you can maximize chance of being first player.
Bias towards prosperity.

Anymore gems? :)
Get good at the game?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Where's the official app?
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:15:25 pm »
I don't understand why you all have alternate accounts on Isotropic.  It doesn't bother me, I'm just curious as to their purpose.  Clean CouncilRoom profile?  Experimenting with crazy strategies and/or 3p-4p?
I created an alternate account right about when I discovered and realized just how little I knew about the game.  So in order to protect my level (which, hilariously, was probably about 27 at the time) I created another account to mess around with.  I really hated the Prosperity cards and was convinced I didn't know how to play them, so I used Prosperity bias.  In fact, after a couple hundred games I realized that I was perfectly fine with all the cards, but it was really helpful to have a 'low-pressure' way of realizing this.  After that, I just play around with the other account 5-10 games at a time, mostly because I think it's fun to watch where the real account and the fake one rank against each other.  My normal one is usually higher, but due almost entirely to the very high variance for the alternate.  The skill of the other account has been equivalent or higher pretty much since that one had 100 games or so.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: April 29, 2012, 07:34:42 pm »
Yup, that's 9 straight losses in the span of an hour or so. Fun fun.

Thanks for being a good sport!
On that note, thanks to Fabian for helping me to spot a way to victory in the game I played against him (the 8th of his consecutive losses, I believe). 

I was pretty sure I could only draw and commented about it and he expressed doubt, thinking I could beat him by 1 point.  I then looked a little harder and realized I could Mine my Gold into a Harem, then Salvage a Platinum and buy the final Colony.

It takes a very good sport to be in the middle of that kind of bad run and still be generous and friendly.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Where's the official app?
« on: April 28, 2012, 03:26:37 pm »
No, they are both future incarnations of The Doctor, also starting with D.
[shifty eyes]
Really olneyce, you need two accounts here, too?
Doctor Who references are comedy gold. 

man, i like that you are friendly and civil but i disagree with a lot of what you have to say. 

a few things:
  • you are right, we don't know exactly how much influence biasing and veto will have on levels. but i'm not sure we can dismiss it as being negligible either. by my math, OWB wins 6% more colony games than he does province only games and he makes it so that about 60% of his games have been colony games. we can argue on whether a 6% change is a "small amount of noise" or a large amount, but it is something.  and i'm also not sure i would call TrueSkill a "very noisy metric". 
  • i still don't think the fun aspect should matter as much for competitive play.  but if you want to bring it up, just remember that it can cut both ways. i prefer playing with a fully random set. no automatic vetoing of attack cards.  no bias towards sets. i prefer the random mix of games, and i think that the current IsoDom challenge helps demonstrate this.  how many match reports in the first round were basically hey there's witch/BM again.  ditto masquerade for intrigue.  should some people enjoying a bias give them preference over my preference for a fully random set?  and that is before we even consider if that bias gives them any advantage at all.  winning games is going to be more fun than losing most of the time, so any change which cuts into that is not something i will be eager to embrace.
  • it is a game and it is supposed to be fun.  but that doesn't mean that we can just cast aside the competitive aspect of it.  chess and baseball are just games too. fun should always be a factor, but you can't enter in to a competitive environment and expect that people aren't going to care about advantages.  if you play in a softball beer league yeah everyone there is trying to have a good time but they are still gonna get mad if they catch you trying to sneak a lead from first base.
Yeah, I don't really agree with this, but I totally get where you're coming from.

The main point I'd make is that (for the most part) you already get the type of games that you want, and you get a ranking system that reflects performance over time.  The lack of a truly-random option is unfortunate, but if you set it to no-veto and just bias for ALL of the sets you'll get something fairly close to random.

A world where bias or veto games stop counting for ranking would impose a far more strict constraint on people who feel otherwise. 

As for competition vs. fun, I clearly agree that there needs to be a (fairly high) baseline of competitive balance.  And I absolutely would reject anything that would interfere with the internal structure of the game (like a handicap for low-ranked players or something).  But the unofficial/official rankings on Isotropic?  Sure, it's important that they genuinely reflect a general level of skill and performance.  But I just can't get too worked up about them missing the 'true' level of someone by a few slots.

And I do think it is a pretty noisy metric.  Am I the third best player or the 35th?  Within the course of about two weeks I was in both slots.  I don't think my skill actually changed much there.  I mean, in the grand scheme of 10,000 players, that's still fairly precise.  But we're having a conversation about the very top and how people compare against each other there, right?

Rankings have enough inherent flaws that other means (for example, tournaments) are a far better way to determine skill at top levels.
Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

But seriously, I understand that people are concerned about the desire for rankings to reflect objective skill.  I'm just saying that these things (veto, biasing) insert a very small amount of noise into an intrinsically very noisy metric.  And since they increase enjoyment for a fair number of people, it doesn't seem worth worrying about very much.

The alternative, where the games stop counting for rankings creates a forced choice.  Players who enjoy biasing or vetoing but ALSO enjoy having a metric that assesses their rank are now obligated to put those values into conflict.

If this were something that really MATTERED, I would choose fairness over enjoyment for sure.  But it's just a game, and it's supposed to be fun.  Making it less fun for a lot of players so that the rankings are marginally more accurate just doesn't seem like a worthwhile trade to me.  It may very well seem worthwhile to others, and that's perfectly reasonable.  I just don't think the majority (or anything close to it) would share that belief.

That said, if the change were implemented, I don't think it would be catastrophic. 

And I tend to agree that if you ARE playing random, you shouldn't be able to see the kingdom.  Random ought to actually mean random.  But even there I'm not overly worried about the damage it does to the objectivity of rankings so much as I am annoyed at having people take forever to ponder kingdoms while deciding whether to accept on auto-match.

I get where people are coming from in the desire for total randomness.  I just don't fully agree.  Playing with veto mode makes the game more enjoyable for some people.  I used to set it as required for the first month or so it was out, but stopped because I didn't like excluding myself from playing a lot of people.  But when it does show up for games now, I do still enjoy pondering the strategy a bit.

Similarly, I can totally see why people would find Colony games to simply be more enjoyable than non-Colony games. 

Given that, I don't really see much of a problem with people employing those things.  I'd change my tune if someone could demonstrate that the upper-bound on comparative advantage someone could gain from 'exploiting' these loopholes is actually quite large. But given that I can only imagine it bumps players up a couple levels, I just can't get too worked up about.

But then, I also think it would be fine to allow a player to set a couple restraints on cards they simply want to avoid.  I understand that it's not 'true' Dominion to avoid playing with Familiar and Possession.  But those cards are just so incredibly frustrating that I'd rather corrupt the game a tiny bit than have to deal with them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Throne Room
« on: April 24, 2012, 12:46:42 am »
I have increasingly found Throne Room to be far less powerful than it once seemed.  I tend to think it is most useful when it allows doubling something that you would otherwise be unable to double in the game.  Which usually means: there are no villages so you can't play terminals twice. 

It's not even necessarily that you need to Throne Room the terminal, though.  Using a Throne Room to get a de facto village from a cantrip (thus enabling an engine on a board that otherwise wouldn't quite enable it) is often more useful than trying to match up the TR and terminal in a 5-card hand.

But even there, you really need good action density since you'll need at least two (and often three) separate cards to match up together. 

My general rule of thumb (with plenty of exceptions, of course) is to not invest in Throne Rooms unless there is a very good chance to gain two (or more) action cards on a series of mid-game turns.  If that isn't going to happen, the Throne Room is not likely to be any more useful than just buying a normal card.  Often far less useful.

I also usually only go for Throne Rooms if I intend to get several.  There are not many decks that are improved enough by one Throne Room to make up for the opportunity cost of buying it.  It needs to be part of an integrated strategy to get real value most of the time.

The fact that Throne Room autoplays is one other reason that it's worse than King's Court.  That doesn't matter all that often, but it can be a real killer sometimes.

Throne Room combos pretty well with handsize increasers (like Wharf), especially when there are cantrips on the board.  It makes the construction of a TR-based engine far simpler because your hand is bigger, and it massively increases the power of the Wharves if you can stack them.  Like King's Court, it also combos well with Scheme - guaranteeing you can match up your key cards fairly regularly.  Though only getting two Scheme plays out of the two cards means you're always going to play more actions than you can re-stack.  So it's still WAY less powerful than KC/KC/Scheme.

I mean, I've got two accounts well beyond level 40.  I could use olneyce to win 85 straight games against The 9th Doctor and it would be worth far more than Karumah's silly games. 

And it only takes a week or two to get a reasonably solid level 40 account if that's your real skill level.  Set up one or two more of them and then beat each of them into submission.  I'd have to think that would put the main account up in the 70s pretty quickly.

It would obviously be totally pointless to actually DO this.  But I don't really think it would be that difficult to manage

Thanks Doug Z!  Isotropic only grows more amazing.

man, it is a huge stretch to call anything on isotropic a horrible interface design.
  the whole thing is very well written, especially for something that is basically one guy's hobby.
and as gendoikari said, its free so we can't complain anyway. 
you can't fault the software just because you are in autoplay mode. 
What a helpful contribution to this thread! 

Introductions / Re: Hi!
« on: April 18, 2012, 02:50:44 am »

There was a thread some time ago where people talked about their favorite Isotropic usernames and Occupy Grand Market was high up on the list, I believe.

Dominion General Discussion / Possession
« on: April 16, 2012, 02:03:12 am »
It's a really stupid card.  I know that this is not saying anything people don't already know.  But it's a really stupid card.

Solo Challenges / Re: Solo Challenge 6 - Little and Often
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:25:23 pm »
I'm not really competing in these challenges but I've glanced at them.  This one seems like the most fun.  Just did a test and finished in xx turns.  Curious to see how that compares.

One comment: I'm sure the Native Village mat counts, but why would you WANT to leave the cards on the mat?  Your last turn should probably include putting all the green back into your deck for a monster Crossroads-draw, no?

Game Reports / What goes well with Jack? (Hamlet and Vault)
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:23:28 pm »
Got a bit lucky here, but buying a Province every single turn from 8-14 is pretty awesome.

Jack+Hamlet is great, because it lets you cycle through the coppers, and gives +buy if you need it.  It's basically Festival/Library except the buying power comes from the silvers. 

Vault loves decks that are full of green and high-value money - so it works great with Jack, too.  Though if your opponent is also using Jack, the option to discard is damaging.  Still, good combo, I think.

Combine all three and you've got a pretty strong deck. 

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