was finally able to get the Cost-Reduction Warrior Carpet Bombing to work. When Adventures first came online, I thought this would be a thing: Use Warriors and Bridge Troll (Bridge or Highway work too) to systematically trash your opponents entire deck (except for cards costing 2 or less). Trash the 3/4's, then play a couple bridge trolls and trash the 5/6's, etc.
It was then pointed out to me that Champion blocks this (and every Warrior game has Champion in it), and it's too slow to set up with all the treasure you're gaining. All true.
In this game I used multiple Counterfeits to trash the treasure, I had Margraves for extra draw, I Inherited Page (which allows me to play a bunch of travellers before even starting to play my Warriors). I kept the Pages rather than turning them into Treasure Hunters, there was no Estate trashing in this game. Once I got this going I trashed a bunch of his 3/4's and then played my Bridge Trolls and trashed his Champions. He resigned right afterwards. I actually goofed the playing of the Bridge Trolls, playing one too many, so I missed trashing his 5's. I would've got them on the next pass if he hadn't resigned.