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Dominion General Discussion / Rising Sun Physical Copy?
« on: September 05, 2024, 05:17:14 pm »
I'd been excited to see Rising Sun in physical form around now.  Is there a delay?  All of the sites with preorders on them still say preorder and I haven't seen anything shipping yet. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rising Sun
« on: August 21, 2024, 10:32:59 pm »
In a surprise move, the date has moved up rather than down. Previews will be August 5th-9th. Digital versions are allowed to go public on the 10th or 12th (or later if they don't make those dates). It will be sold in Europe (in English and German) starting after the 15th; it may take a few days before it wends its way, but you know. And it will show up in the hands of US players in late August (if the boats don't sink and all that).

Any update on the physical copies?

Will the Previews be available to play at some point like they have been in the past?  Or will it only be on videos until the full release?

Beggar + Panic seems kinda awesome.  A $2 Gold with + 6 buys? 

Does this mean any card which generates is out altogether, or is it still available without generating ?

For example, would Monument just be + and nothing else, or would it not be allowed in the supply?

Any card that generates is out, period.  The game plays normally, but all points are limited somehow.  I know there are landmarks that are limited, but just eliminating VP chips will make this interesting.

Okay, so here are the rules:

  • Two Players
  • Maximum of 2 landscape cards (ways, landmarks, projects, events)
  • No VP chips generated by cards, events or landmarks.

What is the highest you can get?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: DeepMind for Dominion
« on: April 28, 2020, 09:05:23 pm »
My favorite notion re: AI is to petition / @stef to allow a simple DSL to be created that gives rules for how to play the game given the presence of certain cards.  Then those scripts get loaded up and bots select them based on the cards present and the current win rates.  Every win from a bot based on the script gives a small (small!) ranking bonus to the uploader.  Losses do not give dings, so you are encouraged to try things out and upload strategies to play against, but also improve them over time.  Overall this improves bots AND improves players as they have to come up with nuanced rules and ways of systematically thinking about cards and how to win.

I think that's the only way you're ever going to actually see an AI develop is if it has thousands of games as samples and thus the cooperation of

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Menagerie
« on: April 13, 2020, 01:42:31 pm »
I'm hoping Cool Stuff Inc gets their copies in soon.  Looking forward to holding the cards and then storing them forever in my custom case where they will be played with 1-2 times total.


Now in stock at Cool Stuff Inc!

Can confirm, just arrived at my door!

Same!   I have to say, though.. today is the saddest Happy Dominion Day I've ever had...  :P

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Menagerie
« on: April 08, 2020, 02:13:10 pm »
I'm hoping Cool Stuff Inc gets their copies in soon.  Looking forward to holding the cards and then storing them forever in my custom case where they will be played with 1-2 times total.


Better than nearly every other expansion, I feel like Menagerie takes mechanics that interact *with* other expansions in very interesting ways.  The "weird costs" and exiled cards bend *so* many games.    Lots of Ways also make really, really interesting decisions with a ton of other expansion cards.   

Renaissance was cool and I thought it was a great step for players that wanted simpler games.  Menagerie still feels simpler than Nocturne, and is simpler to set up than any post-Guilds expansion.   Throw out the 10 cards, maybe horses, and 1-2 projects.  That's it.  No additional tokens.  No additional piles (horses / way of the mouse excepted).  Ways is a different mental model, as is exile, but that's it.  Simple, but deep and interesting.

Color me incredibly impressed.

Lord Rattington is basically just a Big Money bot with a few cards he knows how to use, sortof.  So it gives you a benchmark if your strategy can beat that.

I think if you can't reliably beat the bots (70+% of the time) then I think they could still be valuable to play against to learn how to read cards and devise strategies that at least out perform big money, but they don't give you something to actually reason against.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: bounty hunter is really good, right?
« on: March 20, 2020, 09:58:16 pm »
With a strong trasher, it can go a lot faster -- 14 turns to 5 colonies?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: bounty hunter is really good, right?
« on: March 20, 2020, 09:53:27 pm »
I think if you have someone going provinces and you're going colonies, it's close and it's a single-card solution. 

But I'd agree, it's slow.  I did a quick game against a bot and it was 27 turns to 8 colonies vs their 7 provinces.    Also, because there is no draw, I never got to the actual golden deck where I could guarantee a colony per turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Achievement I want to unlock
« on: March 19, 2020, 08:22:10 pm »
When you play Goatherd on your right-hand opponent's turn, I assume that "their last turn" means the turn they had before this current turn? Which, in a multiplayer game; could have been 4 turns ago? Is this correct? Or was "their last turn" their current turn if it currently is their turn?

Same goes for playing Smugglers or Treasure Hunter on your opponent's turn. I'll make a rules forum thread for this one.

Basically it just means the turn that happened just before yours.  "Their last turn" is the turn that they last played. 

Dude, you sound incredibly entitled. Instead of “calling it even”, I recommend an actual apology.  Donald X owes you nothing—and the money you spent for this expansion isn’t nothing, but if you hate it so much that you can’t handle it, just stop buying the future expansions game. Complaining to the creator of it will only result in everyone else not getting to play more of the game they like.

I don't see this at CoolStuffInc or MiniatureMarket.  Any update on when stores like that should have them in stock?  (even if it's "within the next 3 days")

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 07, 2018, 10:30:46 am »
Cathedral, a Short Story By Robz888


Me: Rats are a thing, you know. As is Hireling. I'll beat you, just wait and NOOOOO NOT MY SCHEMED ACTIONS

Cathedral: ...  8)


So I saw this as well and thought it was a brilliant balance of cost and long term possible problems.  Works well with extra buys where you can add coppers easily. 

What i do not like about this is that IRL plays mean that some players will forget that they *must* trash every turn and get by with turns they shouldn't have been able to do.  Duration cards like this that require you to be paying attention to something that happened many turns ago or on someone else's turn [Haunted Woods, for example] seem to be difficult to manage in a real game.  I would only play with such cards when someone has played 20-30 games of Dominion IRL before.  There's a limited number of my friends who could do that :P

Dominion General Discussion / CSI / Nocturne
« on: December 01, 2017, 10:18:18 am »
It's my understanding that RGG shipped most of the Nocturne boxes ~1-2 weeks ago.   Is there any insight into why CSI still doesn't have theirs?  I see that a few online retailers have gotten it, but was surprised CSI (and possibly Miniature Market--still lists as Out of Stock) do not yet.   :(

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Has Nocturne Shipped?
« on: November 21, 2017, 03:49:17 pm »
I see on the wiki page that the official release date was Nov 16, 2017.  Do we know if everything has been shipped to all of our Favorite Local Game Stores so we can buy and play?

Dominion General Discussion / Wishing I had Nocturne to play tonight...
« on: October 31, 2017, 09:17:57 pm »
So it's Halloween here and I love how Nocturne fits into the theme of it. 

What set of cards (from Nocturne and other expansions) would you thematically put together for a nice Hallow's Eve haunt?

I'm thinking something like:

Haunted Woods


Added bonus:  Now there is enough room in my box for Empires :D

Since we randomize everything, Potions don't show up that often (but we have been known to turn on Platinum/Colony for the hell of it).  Ruins, Prizes, etc could go there and the liklihood of all of them showing up in a truly random game is low enough that I thought it was nice to just leave it blank.

Like many people, I've ordered the Broken Token Dominion insert that goes in the Hobby Lobby box, but I was always bothered by the extra stuff I had to take out.

I got a new table saw this weekend and decided to do something about it.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Release date
« on: May 24, 2016, 09:55:17 pm »
So is this actually being shipped tomorrow to suppliers?  So my CoolStuffInc order should show up middle of next week?  Just in time for sumpfork to update all his tabs and maybe enough time for a Randomizer app to get caught up.   W00t.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #6 - Jack...
« on: May 19, 2016, 12:41:44 pm »
Literally lol'd

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