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Game Reports / Dominion Juniors play KC/Bridge/engine
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:28:17 pm »
I played Snute's custom board on my stream today and apparently a lot of people (Awaclus, who asked me to make this thread, included) had a lot of things to say about it. Problem is, the chat went down, so I didn't get to see any of that. So here are the game logs and timestamps if you want to comment.

Code: [Select]
Cellar, Fishing Village, Bridge, Ironworks, Smithy, Festival, Mine, Adventurer, Expand, King's Court
Game 1 (48:35)
Game 2 (1:48:45)

Dominion General Discussion / NO NO NO NO NO!
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:18:19 am »
Okay, I swear, Goko had it in for me today. Every single time I opened two terminals, they collided. Every time I opened a combo, they wouldn't appear together until maybe the fifth shuffle. Terminal draws drew villages. Trashers were hardly useful. Buy phase was always one coin short of the good cards. Basically nothing went right and my rating dropped 400 points.

Has this happened to anybody else? Are there just days when all your decks are losers?

Edit: Adam, don't you dare drop your catch phrase.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Should I start streaming?
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:36:28 pm »
I really want to make a twitch channel and start livestreaming some of my Dominion games. I realized long ago that I talk to myself as if I'm in a let's play anyway, so it wouldn't be any different for me to start narrating the games I play. It would probably be useful for me to get tips in real time and to help along any newbies I might pick up.

At the same time, though, I'm hesitant. Who would even watch? I'm not a seasoned player and don't have nearly the reputation of, say, Adam Horton or WanderingWinder. And while my rating is steadily going up, that doesn't change the fact that I still only own the base set. I don't know if anyone would want to watch me fumbling around live when they could be watching someone in the top ~20 on YouTube who really knows what they're doing.

There's also the matter of me being female and this being the tail end of gamergate. Opening up a twitch channel might put me in danger of harrassment and such, especially since I'm not much of a gamer outside of Dominion (something that would delegitimize me in the eyes of a lot of sexist gamers). At least there's a way to delete a twitch account as a failsafe, but who knows if the damage will have already been done if I decide to take that option.

So... do you think I should stream? Why/why not? Any advice (besides what's in Adam's thread)?

Dominion General Discussion / The "wait, you can DO that?!?!!" thread
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:16:31 pm »
(Ela started another trend thread? Really?)

Nobutsrsly. What kind of "discoveries" have you made about cards and combos and stuff that, for want of a better phrase, blew your mind?

Like, I was amazed when I realized that Bridges activate before buy phase, meaning that you could Ironworks a Duchy or Mine a Copper into a Gold with enough actions.

Help! / Bad luck or Bridge fever?
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:02:05 pm »
So this happened.

We both opened the same way and had really similar strategies - I swear by the turn 8-10 range we had almost the exact same deck composition. But then things went downhill. I almost never drew my Villages and Smithies together - it was normally either all villages or all terminals. My opponent, on the other hand, got a kajillion awesome turns and beat me no sweat. I couldn't figure out what was happening, since she was a lower level than me AND I got my own back after capitalizing on her lack of experience with Chapel, so today when GokoSalvager finally came back up I looked at the log and I found... she hadn't bought a single Bridge that game. Is that what killed me? Aren't Bridges supposed to be amazing in Village engine games? Did my deck just have it in for me or what?

Dominion General Discussion / Greening traps?
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:36:53 pm »
I'm sure everyone here has heard of PPR - in a game without or with unreliable +Buy it's dangerous to get the second-to-last Province because the other player might have more VP than you blah blah blah. There's also that tactic of trashing all but one opening Estate so you can win on an even Province split.

But there are definitely other ways you can trick your opponent in the greening phase/endgame. The one I've noticed a lot when I play my default Base deck is what I call the "Three Province Trap". It happens when both players are aiming for engines that get double Province and goes something like this:
Quote from: Setup
Player 1 buys one Province before their engine is finished
Player 2 finishes engine and buys two Provinces
Player 1 finishes engine and buys two Provinces
Now there are three Provinces left and the split is Player 1: 3, Player 2: 2. This normally goes in one of three directions:
Quote from: Outcome 1
Player 2 buys two more Provinces
Player 1 buys the last Province plus some combination of Duchies and Estates and wins
Quote from: Outcome 2
Player 2 buys just one Province and some combination of Duchies and Estates
Player 1 buys the last two Provinces and wins
Quote from: Outcome 3
Player 2 buys some combination of Duchies, Estates, and non-VP cards
Player 1 buys two more Provinces
Player 2 buys the last Province and some combination of Duchies and Estates (and then loses from not enough VP)
Obviously this is in a game where the only VP come from Province/Duchy/Estate. The only way I've managed to beat people who pull this off is by them getting bad draw on their would-be winning hand. Are there ways to avoid this trap? What would you do?

But more importantly, what other greening traps are there out there? There are a lot more VP cards than the basic three, so there have got to be more tactics like this.

General Discussion / Music talk
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:36:20 pm »
I know there are some musicians on here, so post your stuff~! Or just talk about music. That's cool too.

Here's my SoundCloud. It's mostly limited to pop/electronic stuff that I make on Reason but I do do classical as well.

Other Games / Sopio? Anyone heard of it?
« on: October 03, 2014, 02:41:31 am »
This thing.

It's sort of a cross between Uno and Fluxx. Turns are draw-play style, every player from the same central deck. There are cards that give positive and negative points (in increments of 50) and effect cards that do other things - playing extra cards, changing people's scores, screwing with other players' hands, etc. Every player has their own points pile to keep score and the goal is to get to a thousand points.

Basically it's a really fun game and it's more complex than it appears... if you're not playing with deck 1 that is. I'd really recommend trying it out.

Goko Dominion Online / "Watching"?
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:19:51 am »
On the popup on games it always has a "watching" list but there's never a button to click in order to watch games. Is there something I'm missing?

Puzzles and Challenges / Help me come up with the best "Pin Race" kingdom
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:03:47 pm »
Backstory: I've been itching to try out the KC-KC-Goons-Masquerade pin. Problem is, I don't have much experience with any sets except base, and if I join a game where I'm not quite used to the technique yet I'm going to get slaughtered. Repeatedly. So as soon as I save up enough to buy the all sets pack on Goko, I'm planning on putting together a board and hosting unrated games to try to get used to it.

Challenge: Come up with a kingdom that would be ideal for racing to get the pin cards. (Also say why you chose those particular cards but that should be a given.)

Dominion General Discussion / When luck is not on your side
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:03:04 pm »
"Okay my engine is almost done, time to..."
Elanchana Destler   draws Estate, Moneylender, Silver, Throne Room, Estate
"wait goko no"
Elanchana Destler   draws Estate, Copper, Copper, Copper, Throne Room
"goko what are you"
Elanchana Destler   draws Copper, Throne Room, Estate, Province, Estate
Elanchana Destler   draws Estate, Silver, Moneylender, Province, Estate

So yeah, post all your terrible draws/shuffle luck here.

Game Reports / My first non-base win ever
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:34:41 pm »
I hit quit before I remembered to copy the log, but basically here's what happened: Baker board with no attacks, opponent and I run out Bakers really fast, followed by all Squires but one, I rack up coin tokens and start buying Festivals with Altar, which he doesn't have, he grabs a Duchy with the last of his coin tokens, I play my bazillion coin tokens and am about to snag a Province plus the last Squire and Festival, and he resigns before I even get there.


(I hope this is awesome enough to go on this board.)

Edit: Found the log!

Dominion General Discussion / Don't drink and chapel
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:34:38 pm »
Oh look, another "what do you guys do" thread by Ela.

When I heard that chapel was the best/most powerful card in the game, I have to admit I was quite a bit taken aback. I mean, sure, it's awesome for getting rid of curses and that, but I had had, and still have had, much better luck when I haven't bought chapel. I have definitely lost games to trashing more opening estates than my opponent, or chapeling too much copper to buy anything useful, or waiting too long to trash copper because of that and drawing chapel at the most inconvenient times. Can I, and other newbies, get some advice about how to use chapel responsibly?

Dominion General Discussion / Deciding when to green
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:23:09 pm »
Disclaimer: I don't know any sets very well except base, so my thoughts will be largely based (heh) around that.

During my very first Dominion game IRL, someone said that "Once that first province goes, it's only a matter of time before the game is over." Obviously it's more complicated than that though. I've played games where one person picks up a province on their first or second $8 turn but the other waits until they can double-province and snags the win. On the other hand, I've also played games where one person picks up an early province and then waits for the megaturn stage, beating their opponent from PPR and such. And of course that's not counting duchy tennis, gardening, three pile endings, yada yada yada. I haven't really grasped the "secret formula" for when to green, so I want to hear more experienced players' thoughts. What kind of criteria do you take into account when you decide when to buy victory points?

Goko Dominion Online / Want to get experience with non-base thru unrated
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:29:27 pm »
The problem is I only own the base set and almost no one makes unrated games anymore.

Can some people who own non-base sets post here when they want to help base players practice other sets?

(I have a feeling this can be used for other newbies, not just me.)

Dominion General Discussion / Coming up with names for stuff
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:24:40 pm »
While I might not actually be good at the game, I've been naming random things that I do or see others doing...

Village/Smith engine = Vill Smith
Piledriving Labs = Lab Grab
Opening Witch/Chapel = Chapwich

Post more?

Rules Questions / Doubling TR and KC... what?
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:25:22 pm »
I need something clarified. At first I thought that playing TR-TR or KC-KC let you play an action card four or six times, respectively, but then Goko wouldn't let me do that. So I thought the first of those cards canceled out the second one. But then I read about KC-KC-Goons-Masquerade and KC-KC-Bridge-Bridge-Bridge and since those are all terminals I didn't see how that could possibly work. Does this mean that if you play TR-TR or KC-KC it lets you play two/three action cards twice/three times?

Introductions / Uh...hi?
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:00:53 pm »
Hey, I'm Ela. I'm generally known for my bad strategies, constant frustration, and clever puns on the word base. Anybody want to help me not be, in the words of Hank Green, so bad at game?

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