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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 22, 2018, 09:35:00 am »
Are Events allowed, or just cards?

Events are allowed. Landmarks are allowed. Projects are allowed. Cards with Artifacts are allowed.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 22, 2018, 02:06:18 am »
Ok, I think I'm ready. I have to reiterate - there were some really interesting cards that came out of this challenge. I am not a good judge of balance, so I made my pick on a few criteria: (1) did the alternative cost make sense, and add something interesting to the game, (2) did the card as a whole make sense to me, and (3) did the card sit in my "sweet spot" of complexity?

On that basis, I will first name a couple of runners up:

Sunken Village, by Kudasai
Outskirts, by Asper
Royal Retreat, by Aquila

But my final winner is a card that I would love to play with, despite some slight tracking issues, because it seems to create a cool interactive minigame:

Rare Earth, by Tejayes


Thank you so much, ConMan! And now...


This is a two-fold challenge. First, create a new use for the standard coin tokens used for Coffers and Villagers. Give it a name, describe when you can spend these tokens, and describe what happens when each token is spent. Second, create at least one card (up to three) that allows for gaining these tokens.

The best combination of token and card will be the winner. If your token is similar to a previously-submitted token, that's fine; just give it a different name at the very least.

If there are any questions about the parameters of this challenge, please ask away.

Edit: Changed rules to allow entrants to design up to three cards that all gain the same new token.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 16, 2018, 11:20:01 pm »

Dragon’s hoard

I finally figured out how to post to imgur, however the link is the only way I am able to show you the card. I hope this is good enough for you guys.

Surround the link with these tags: [ img width=200][ /img] (remove the spaces), and that will let it show. Like this:

[ img width=200][ /img]

Without the spaces, it becomes this:

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 16, 2018, 05:51:50 pm »
I did not add the "During your turn" bit, though, because I want the cost to be the same for all players at all times.

You need that clause there to determine the timing, and with that clause, it would affect all the copies of Rare Earth, even those owned by other players. See Peddler.

Gotcha. Here we go:

Rare Earth
Treasure - $6*
When you play this, choose one: +$1 and gain a Rare Earth; or return this to the Supply for +$1 equal to its cost in $.
During your turn, this costs $1 less for every two copies of Rare Earth in the Supply (round down).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 15, 2018, 10:52:13 pm »
Taking some advice from earlier to fix Rare Earth:

Rare Earth
Treasure - $6*
When you play this, choose one: +$1 and gain a Rare Earth; or return this to the supply for +$1 equal to its cost in $.
This costs $1 less for every two copies of Rare Earth in the Supply (round down).

I did not add the "During your turn" bit, though, because I want the cost to be the same for all players at all times.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 14, 2018, 07:17:27 pm »
The new challenge is:

Design a card with variable cost.

Here's my entry:

Rare Earth
Treasure - $5
When you play this, choose one: +$1 and gain a Rare Earth; or return this for +$ equal to its cost.
This costs $1 less for every two Rare Earth in the Supply (round down).

As always, feedback is appreciated.

Edit: Reworded for concision.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 09, 2018, 04:36:52 pm »

+1 Card
+1 Action
Put this on your tavern mat.
When you would gain a card, you may call this, to instead gain a card costing up to $1 more than it.

Action - Reserve
I like this. If you use it "normally" during your Buy phase it is to Baker as Coin of the Realm is to a Villagers. You cannot always use it like a Peddler though, e.g. when you hit 6 in a Kingdom without 7s you cannot use this to a gain a Province. So not all that great
But it can shine in combination with Workshop variants or as defense against junkers.
And much like with Smokehouse, you can save these up and use them on a single card gain, provided you have no gaps in card costs. In games with $7-cost cards, Poor House, and/or Bridge-variants, you could get Cursed, but then call series of Ateliers to eventually take you up to a good card. In most games, you should easily be able to buy a $2 card, then call four Ateliers to get a Gold.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 05, 2018, 08:31:29 pm »
Vanishing City
Action - Reserve - $3

+2 Cards
Put this on your Tavern mat.
When you play a Vanishing City, you may call this, for +1 Action.

I was working on a card quite similar to this:


Action-Reserve - $5

+1 Action
Put this on your Tavern mat.
When you play a Researcher, you may call this for +3 Cards.

But since you beat me, I'll officially submit this one instead:

Action-Reserve - $4

Trash a card from your hand.
Put this on your Tavern mat.
When you trash a card, you may call this, for +1 Coffers per $1 it costs.


Any feedback is appreciated.

Edit 1: Reworded the call effect per ThetaSigma12's suggestion.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 29, 2018, 02:09:50 pm »

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 21, 2018, 09:43:34 am »
Gain a cheaper card to your hand.

Cheaper than what?

Cheaper than the Scepter.

I had the same question; as worded it sounds more like it needs to be cheaper than the attack card; but it could go either way.

If the card needs to be cheaper than Scepter, then no reason to also say a non-Scepter card. If you are going to say a non-Scepter card, then probably fine to just say "costing up to ", and allow it to combo with cost-reducers like most gainers do.

So, after Tejayes' reply, I thought the intention was that the on-play is cheaper than the Scepter, but the reaction is cheaper than the Attack.  The on-play was the bit that was confusing me.  Now I'm even more confused.

You are correct. On play, you gain a card cheaper than Scepter. On reaction, you gain a card cheaper than the Attack, assuming you don't gain the Attack itself.

I'll keep fiddling with the wording to make it clearer. I just wish the Card Image Generator didn't make the text so small whenever I add even a little bit more.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 20, 2018, 03:47:49 pm »
Gain a cheaper card to your hand.

Cheaper than what?

Cheaper than the Scepter.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 20, 2018, 11:24:28 am »

Edit: Changed cost from $4 to $5, effectively making this a Buy-phase Workshop in which you can immediately play Treasures, and also added $1. Hopefully this makes it a viable card for games without Attacks.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 09:36:34 pm »
I feel like cache and death cart (and contraband) already cover the big $ with penalty space, so heres some other ideas, centered around trashing/restitution.

Blood Money
$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
You cannot buy this unless you reveal an action card from your hand. When you buy this, trash an action card from your hand.

Blood Money
$4 - Treasure-Reaction
Worth $1
You may trash a card from your hand.
When a player trashes a card costing $3 or more, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, place this on top of your deck and gain a silver, putting it into your hand.

Blood Money
$5 - Action-Attack
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of his deck, trashes one of them costing from $3 to $6, and discards the rest. If any player trashes a card this way, gain a spoils, putting it into your hand.

Blood Money A (Sacrifice an Action to buy) is a little steep of a price, considering that Actions are rarely worth trashing, especially to get $1 off of the price of a Gold. Also, it's easier to gain this through Remodel and the like.

Blood Money B is a little weird for the name, but it kind of works. Get junked? Your restitution is a Copper that can trash it. Get Saboteured? Instant Silver, AND you get this back in your next turn (assuming it doesn't fall prey to the same attack).

At first, I compared Blood Money C to Dame Sylvia (and really, the rest of the Knights). Then, I realized that the Spoils won't be gained on every play. That probably keeps this from being too strong.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 06:35:12 pm »
Because I have yet to see any legitimate reason against it. Your "tons of other threads" excuse is a classic ploy by people who claim something, yet resort to a vague existence of evidence without actually providing any.

Hee hee! My laziness is a "classic ploy". I like that!

Really it's just that this conversation has already been done to death in this very forum and I'm sick of having it.

I can understand your frustration about the topic. Please understand my frustration with people who consistently make claims along the lines of "Many published articles agree with me" or "You can find this in any 'reputable' collection", then refuse to provide any actual examples because, in the end, they don't exist. I have put up with this way too much in my lifetime. Since your example did exist, please accept my apologies.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 06:30:48 pm »
Rinkworks's post on why you need to be very careful when using "can't".

Thanks, Jack Rudd.

Even though I think the "while this is in play" clause would take precedence over all of the forced-Victory-gain edge cases out there, rinkworks made excellent points as usual. And I suppose that HoP, BV, etc. themselves are pretty edge-case-y already...

Very well, that version of Blood Money is now...

$5 - Treasure
While this is in play, you cannot buy Victory cards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:59:26 pm »

Here's an idea that hurts VP acquisition without Cursing...

$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
While this is in play, you may not gain Victory cards.
This needs to be "you may not buy Victory cards". Otherwise it has rules clashes with a number of cards.

You mean like Horn of Plenty, Border Village, etc.? That was the entire point of the wording change -- to prevent players who play this version of Blood Money to acquire Victory cards in ANY manner.

I really like this idea, even though it's pretty similar to Quarry. That being said, it should definitely be 'buy' instead of 'gain'. It's a Treasure card anyway, and the number of situations in which you'd be gaining a Victory card without buying it during your Buy phase is small. In fact, it's so small that it's not worth the terrible rules interactions that 'you may not gain' would cause. Why in the world would you want to insert terrible rules interactions just to eliminate cool combos with Horn of Plenty and Border Village? Makes no sense.

What terrible rules interactions? Other than HoP, BV, and the aforementioned Swindler interaction that isn't a Swindler interaction?

The problem with 'you may not gain' is that there are cards effects that tell you to gain things. The rules do not cover what would happen when these two effects conflict. 'You may not buy' is fine, because no card forces you to buy things. There are tons of other threads in this forum where people list examples of why 'you may not gain' is bad, and I'm not going to waste time dredging them up for you.

Here's my question for you: why are you so stuck on using 'you may not gain'?

Because I have yet to see any legitimate reason against it. Your "tons of other threads" excuse is a classic ploy by people who claim something, yet resort to a vague existence of evidence without actually providing any. Find a thread discussing said issue, post a link, and your point will be made. I'll do some searching myself.

The only instances where the "you may not gain" will become an issue other than HoP, BV, etc. is, as Jack Rudd brought up, with Black Market. Assuming you play this version of Blood Money when you play Black Market, and even then, there are rare cards that force you to gain Victory cards. And in all of those circumstances, the playing of Blood Money first will negate any forced gains, such as with Baron.

Lhurgoyf's wording, I'll admit, is better...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:37:34 pm »

Here's an idea that hurts VP acquisition without Cursing...

$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
While this is in play, you may not gain Victory cards.
This needs to be "you may not buy Victory cards". Otherwise it has rules clashes with a number of cards.

You mean like Horn of Plenty, Border Village, etc.? That was the entire point of the wording change -- to prevent players who play this version of Blood Money to acquire Victory cards in ANY manner.

I really like this idea, even though it's pretty similar to Quarry. That being said, it should definitely be 'buy' instead of 'gain'. It's a Treasure card anyway, and the number of situations in which you'd be gaining a Victory card without buying it during your Buy phase is small. In fact, it's so small that it's not worth the terrible rules interactions that 'you may not gain' would cause. Why in the world would you want to insert terrible rules interactions just to eliminate cool combos with Horn of Plenty and Border Village? Makes no sense.

What terrible rules interactions? Other than HoP, BV, and the aforementioned Swindler interaction that isn't a Swindler interaction?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:21:37 pm »

Here's an idea that hurts VP acquisition without Cursing...

$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
While this is in play, you may not gain Victory cards.
This needs to be "you may not buy Victory cards". Otherwise it has rules clashes with a number of cards.

You mean like Horn of Plenty, Border Village, etc.? That was the entire point of the wording change -- to prevent players who play this version of Blood Money to acquire Victory cards in ANY manner.
I was actually thinking Swindler. I play Village, Black Market (playing a Blood Money), Swindler. I hit your Colony. What happens?

I gain a Colony back. The wording states "While this is in play, YOU may not gain Victory cards." It says nothing about your opponents who don't have this version of Blood Money in play.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:40:53 pm »

Here's an idea that hurts VP acquisition without Cursing...

$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
While this is in play, you may not gain Victory cards.
This needs to be "you may not buy Victory cards". Otherwise it has rules clashes with a number of cards.

You mean like Horn of Plenty, Border Village, etc.? That was the entire point of the wording change -- to prevent players who play this version of Blood Money to acquire Victory cards in ANY manner.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 12:05:43 pm »
Blood Money
$5 - action
When you buy a card with this in play, gain a card costing $0.

A slight twist on my submission to the treasure card design contest. That one was interesting, but was far too strong when cursers are around and meh otherwise. Now, this is stronger in general. A gold that generates coppers, that's pretty bad, but it has some obvious (and some less obvious) combos: Bridge or Highway can obviously take advantage, but many decks that like coppers, or like gaining, could also benefit. Still, better be careful, in BM games it's probably worse than Cache.

Is this supposed to be a Treasure? Because you have it listed as an Action.

Variants and Fan Cards / Card That Name! -- Episode 2: Blood Money
« on: October 04, 2012, 10:22:19 am »
Like Assassin, this card name shows up very frequently in fan card ideas. In most cases, it's basically the opposite of Ill-Gotten Gains, which is an expensive, weak Treasure that Curses your opponents.

In other words, most Blood Money cards carry these traits:
  • A Treasure, usually at least as powerful as Gold.
  • Rarely costing more than $3.
  • Either causes its player to gain at least one Curse or is a Curse card itself.

The main issue with making Blood Money a Curse-type is that it likely makes the card gainable via Cursing Attacks. Fan card creators have tried to circumvent this by either renaming the type or shoehorning it into a Victory card. Or, you know, by gaining a Curse whenever this is played.

Now, it's your turn. What does your ideal Blood Money card look like? Is it a Treasure like most cards with similar names, or do you dare try making it an Action card? Does it hurt your score for big financial gains, or does it do something entirely different? Does it deal with Curses at all?

Here's an idea that hurts VP acquisition without Cursing...

$5 - Treasure
Worth $3
While this is in play, you may not gain Victory cards.

Since it's still good for acquiring Treasures and Actions, this would likely be too strong at cheaper costs.

If you want to know, blood money is often another word for "restitution", paid to the family of a victim by the murderer, slave owner, or whatever-they-did-er after the victim has already passed away. In that sense, here's how I envision a Blood Money card:

$3 - Treasure
When you play this, reveal your hand. The player to your left chooses a card for you to trash from your hand.
This card is worth $ equal to half the cost of the trashed card (rounded up).

Not the best idea, to be sure, but it'll hopefully help get the ball rolling.

With all that said, Card That Name!

I want to preface my critique of these Reaction cards with a general thought on the type.

Currently, there are nine official Kingdom Reaction cards (so I'm not counting Hovel). Of these official nine...
  • None cost more than $4. Not saying a winning entry should be $4 at most, but it's hard to judge when there are no official $5+ Reactions.
  • All of their non-Reaction abilities are fitting for their price, if not spectacular.
  • Only Fool's Gold, Watchtower, and Trader have Reaction abilities that can be used in every game. The rest require certain abilities that don't appear in every Kingdom.
  • Most of them have some synergy between the Reaction and other abilities (Secret Chamber deals with cards you don't want right now, Horse Traders gives you more cards to discard, you can usually draw top-decked cards with Watchtower right away, etc.).

While I'll be keeping these points in mind as I review, a good Reaction card does not need to follow all of these guidelines. If a Reaction ability is strong and almost always useful, then a weak non-Reaction ability could work. Also, the two abilities don't exactly need to be correlated (looking at Moat, especially) as long as they both do a good job that warrants a gain either way. Finally, if I like a $5+ entry, I'll vote for it.

Oh, and one of these is mine, of course.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+3 Cards
You may discard a Curse. If you do, +1 Action. If you do not, gain a Curse.
When you would gain a Curse, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, your opponents gain a Curse instead.

The big problem with this Reaction comes in multiplayer games. If you reveal a Whist and the other victim of a Cursing attack doesn't, does that mean that player gains 2 Curses? And what if the attacker then reveals a Whist of his own? Does unlucky schmo #3 gain 3 Curses now? That's too shenaniganny for me.

$3 - Action-Reaction
Trash a card from your hand.  Gain a Silver.
When you gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, put that card into your hand.

Decent Action ability that's not too powerful, and the two abilities have good synergy. However, this could be a bit strong when you can gain powerful cards easily, like with Remodel or Tunnel.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
When your discard pile is empty, you may reveal and discard this card. If you do +3 Cards.

Weak Action, but the very strong Reaction makes up for it. I agree with Rush_Clasic that the wording of the reaction could be a bit better, but this has potential.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+1 VP
When another player gains a Province, you may trash this card from your hand. If you do, gain a Duchy.

Action is much weaker than Monument, and the Reaction just seems a little meh at $3. Not worth getting until the end game, and even then you probably won't get a lot of use out of this. Pass.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Buy
Discard 2 Cards.
When an opponent buys more than one card during his buy phase, you may reveal and discard this card; if you do +1 Card, gain a Silver to your hand.

The synergy between the two parts is there, but each half just has so much going on. Pass.

$3 - Victory
Worth 2 VP
Whenever you gain a Victory card costing $6 or less, you may reveal and trash this card from your hand. If you do, gain a copy of it.

Same Victory ability as Tunnel, and certainly has more synergy. Still, it's basically a Feast for better Victory cards. It's a decent idea, to say the least.

$4 - Action/Reaction
+2 Cards
When you discard a card from your hand or your deck, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, put that card on the top or bottom of your deck, your choice.
(Rules clarification:  You must discard the card directly from your hand or your deck in order to use this card's Reaction ability. If the card must first be set aside, such as with Library or Adventurer, this card's Reaction ability cannot be used.)

The Action is like Smithy with one card always being a Copper. Comparable, but certainly not stronger at $4. The Reaction certainly nullifies Rabble, Spy, and the like. After discarding through Militia, Warehouse, etc. you can top-deck, then draw those cards with the Action, so that's a little synergy, anyway. Would be awesome with Harvest.

$5 - Action-Reaction
Gain a card costing up to $4.
When you gain a card you may discard this.  If you do, trash that card and gain a card costing up to $2 more.

If it wasn't for the trashing, this would basically be "Choose one: this is a Workshop; or this is a Silver." There is synergy for sure, especially when you can discard multiple copies. Also can accelerate games. Still not big on the cost, but the idea is there.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+3 Cards
Discard 2 cards.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal and discard this from your hand.  If you do, your opponent trashes that Attack card, and you both may gain a card costing at most $2 less than the trashed card; +1 Card.
(Rules clarification:  Your choice of gained card and your opponents choice are independent of each other.)

Action is a gimped Smithy at the same price, and the Reaction is useless in non-Attack games. Plus, it discourages Attacks completely. Pass.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
When another player gains a Victory card, you may set this aside from your hand.  If you do, then at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards, +1 Buy, and discard this.

Again, clunky wording on the Reaction. The Action is not great, but can work at $3. The Reaction is applicable to every game and basically turns this card into a Laboratory+. Of course, you could also say "If any other player gained a Victory card on his last turn, +1 Action." There would be minor differences (TR/KC, Outpost, etc.), but you wouldn't need the Reaction for it. Still, good idea.

$4 - Action-Reaction
Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Discard one of them. Put the other one on top of your deck.
+2 Actions
When another player plays an Attack card, you can discard this to gain a [This Card], placing it on top of your deck.

Not a fan of the Reaction ability at all. It just seems silly to me. The Action isn't bad, though it's a bit of a hodge-podge. Don't see the synergy, either.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Discard 2 cards.
When you discard this from your hand other than during a Clean-up phase, you may reveal it. If you do, +2 Cards.

The Action is a little weak at $3, but it's Reaction ability synergizes well with it. If you open double-Blackjack, they clash, and you discard an Estate (let's say) and the other Blackjack, you can get up to $6 if you draw two Coppers and had no other Estates in hand. Then again, if they don't clash, you're guaranteed no more than $4 per hand. Has its uses against certain cards as well, and let's not forget Warehouse. I like this the more I think about it.

$4 - Action-Reaction
Gain a Copper, putting it on top of your deck.
+3 Cards
+1 Buy
When a card played as an action would cause you to gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do and if this is the first time you have revealed [This Card] in reaction to that action, you may trash the gained card or gain an additional copy of it.
(Rules clarification: A card played as an action means that this card cannot react to the gaining effect of Fool's Gold or Market Square or the additional copies gained by itself, for example.  If you play two Workshops while this card is in hand, you may react to both, gaining an additional copy of the gained card each time if desired; but if you play one Workshop while you have two copies of this card in hand, you may react with both, but only the first will allow you to gain an additional copy of, or trash, the gained card.)

The Copper gaining is a decent enough drawback for this $4 Action. The Reaction is, again, quite clunky, but it synergizes decently with the aforementioned drawback. Combos incredibly well with a lot of gainers, but those cards don't appear in every game. Again, thinking about this yields a better opinion than my first impression.

Crazy Eights
$3 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck. You may discard it or put it back.
When you would discard a card other than from play, you may reveal this from you hand. If you do, trash that card instead.

The Action is a non-Attack Spy -- not great at $3, but has some self-synergy already. The Reaction ups the self-synergy by a great deal. Good counter against a Militia opener.

Go Fish
$4 - Action-Reaction
Trash up to two cards.
When you would trash a card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, discard this and put the trashed card aside.
Put that to your discard pile in your clean-up phase.

Why not just discard the would-be-trashed card right away? Is the miss-a-reshuffle drawback that necessary? While the theme of the two abilities has synergy, the abilities themselves really don't since you're not forced to trash anything good. I guess the miss-a-reshuffle can come in handy with Victory cards, but it's still too minor of an ability for me.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+2 Actions
+1 Buy
When you draw this during a Clean-Up phase you may discard it. If you do, +2 Cards.
(Rules clarification: If you draw a [This Card] during your Clean-Up phase, even as a result of discarding a [This Card], you may choose to discard it for its draw effect. You do not need to discard it the moment you draw it, only before you declare your Clean-Up phase over.)

Choose one: gimped Festival; or instant Laboratory that is vulnerable to Militia, et al. But yeah, in games without those discarding Attacks, this ability is way too strong for $4.

Old Maid
$2 - Action-Reaction
+2 Actions
When another player plays a card with the wording "+2 Actions" you may set this card aside from your hand. If you do, at the start of your next turn, return this card to your hand and +1 Card.

A weak $2 Action that becomes a cheap Vanillage if an opponent plays a Village himself. Decent idea and synergy, but kind of boring.

$5 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Discard 2 cards.
When any player gains a Victory card you may reveal and discard this, if you do gain a Gold.

Take Inn, trade an Action for $1, tack on a Gold-gaining reaction, and you got yourself a strong $5 that I don't really care for.

$7 - Action-Duration-Reaction
Now and at the start of all future turns: +$1.
While this is in play, when the game ends, you may reveal this from your play area. Take an extra turn after the game has ended. This can't cause you to take more than one turn after the game has ended.

Never liked the idea of permanents in Dominion, and I still don't. Pass.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+1 Card
+2 Actions
When you reshuffle, you may reveal this card from your hand and set it aside.  If you do, trash a card from your hand, and at the beginning of next turn, +$1 and return this to your hand.
(Rules clarification: If you draw this into your hand and trigger a reshuffle before drawing up to X cards in hand, resolve the reaction part of the card first (set this aside and trash a card from your hand).  Then, continue drawing up to X cards in hand.)

Well, if there was a reward for "Reaction Ability So Weird That It Makes You Laugh," this would win. The thought of setting aside a Village during a reshuffle to trash a card and make said Village a Bazaar next turn is just so... random. It probably works at the price, but it's just weird.

$5 - Action-Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 VP
When another player gains a VP token, you may reveal and discard this card; if you do, +3 Cards.

Non-terminal Monument with a Reaction that makes use of this rare vanilla bonus. Simple, but I like it.

$4 - Victory-Reaction
Worth 2 VP
Whenever a player (including you) plays a card that instructs you to draw exactly 1 card, you may reveal this card from your hand. If you do, +2 Cards instead.

If there are no cards with +1 Card, this is worse than Tunnel. Pass.

$2 - Action-Reaction
+2 Actions
Choose one: Draw a card and discard a card, or +1 Buy.
When you discard a Victory card, you may reveal and discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a Treasure costing up to $6.

The Action is a choice between an Inn-y Village or a money-free Festival, which is fine at $2 for me. The Reaction synergizes very well with the first choice... perhaps a little too well for $2.

$5 - Action-Reaction
Discard an Action card from your hand. If you do, gain a copy of the discarded card.
When you gain an Action card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a copy of the gained card.

It's Mint for Actions! Wanna bet this is called "Doppelganger" or something similar? Anyway, it's pretty strong when you buy non-terminals, but the opportunity costs offset its power. If a $5 Reaction must win, this is my favorite so far.

$5 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
When another player gains a card, you may discard this card. If you do you may gain an Action card costing at most $2 less than it.

This, however, isn't a favorite. The Action is Moat, and the reaction is just so limited for a $5 Moat. Pass.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
When any player (including you) gains a card without buying it, you may reveal and discard this card.  If you do, you may take a copy of the gained card from the supply and place it in your hand.
(Rules clarification: Cards placed in your deck as a result of [This Card]'s reaction are not "gained," in the same way that you don't "gain" cards with Masquerade, so this card may not be revealed in a response to other people revealing this card.)

Again, an expensive Moat with a Reaction that isn't usable in every game. Pass.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
Discard 2 Cards.
You may reveal [This Card] from your hand when discarding it due to an Action. If [This Card] is among the cards discarded, you may draw the same number of cards after discarding.

The Action alone would suck at $4, and I'm not so sure the Reaction synergy is enough by itself. It would be crazy good with Cellar and Warehouse, though.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+2 Buys
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this and set it aside.  At the start of your next turn, play this immediately, without using an Action.

Action: Woodcutter with an extra Buy. Not great, but works at $4. Reaction: Similar to Horse Traders, although not as massive against discarders/Ghost Ship. Still, a pretty decent anti-Attack. Gardens games would like this.

$4 - Action-Reaction
+1 Buy
Gain a Silver, putting it in your hand.
Whenever a player gains an additional buy, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, choose one: Silver produces $3 when played this turn; or Silver produces $1 when played this turn.
(Rules clarification: If multiple players reveal this card, resolve them in turn order, starting with the active player. The result will always be that the last player in turn order to reveal this card will choose the final outcome.)

Action: Basically Woodcutter with an auto-Silver gain, and could be better if you have an extra to reveal. Often better than Explorer unless you have a Province in your hand. Reaction: A little hard to manage, but a novel idea for messing with your opponents. Not sure what to think about this one.

$2 - Action-Attack-Looter-Reaction
Each other player gains a Ruins.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, discard any number of cards and put the rest on top of your deck in any order, then discard this card. At the start of your next turn, +5 Cards.

Action: With Ruinses basically being weak Curses, this works at $2. Reaction: In other words, you discard cards you don't want, draw the same number of cards, and you can only do it once. Weird, but it has decent synergy.

$3 - Treasure-Reaction-Attack
Worth $1
Reveal the top card of your deck, you may trash it or add it to your hand.
When an opponent gains a card during their turn, you may reveal this to place the gained card on top of their deck instead.

The problem with labeling this as an Attack is that most anti-Attack cards are Reactions with the wording "When another player plays an Attack..." Since you're not really playing the Attack portion of this, those Reactions won't work. Only Lighthouse would prevent this Reaction ability. Also, the Treasure portion is often better than Loan at the same price. Pass.

Pennies From Heaven
$4 - Action-Reaction
Discard a Victory card from your hand.
If you do, gain a Silver, putting it in your hand.
When an opponent gains a Victory card, you may reveal and discard this from your hand.  If you do, gain a Victory card costing up to $3 less than that card.

The Action makes a decent opener, though it becomes pretty bad by the midgame. The Reaction makes this a nice endgame card. The two abilities are more of a Secret Chamber-esque synergy than others, but the idea is nice.

$5 - Action-Reaction
+1 Buy
When another player gains a non-Victory card with a cost of up to $4, you may reveal this card from your hand and discard it.  If you do, gain a copy of the gained card.

A Woodcutter that can become a Smugglers' Workshop? Meh.

$3 - Victory-Reaction
Worth 1 VP
When you draw this other than during a Clean-up phase, you may reveal it and immediately discard it.  If you do, +2 Cards.

While there will usually be +Card abilities, the rare games without it make this a costly Estate. With good drawing cards, this will often be a must-buy. Too situational and swingy for me.

Finish Line
$5 - Action-Reaction
+3 Cards
When another player buys a Duchy you may trash this from your hand. If you do, +1 Card and gain a Duchy.

A Smithy that can become a Duchy in the endgame? I guess that makes it worth $5, but I just find this card dull.

$3 - Action-Reaction
Select a card on your [This Card] mat. Choose one; trash it, or put it on top of your deck.  Set aside a card from your hand onto your [This Card] mat.
When you gain or trash a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, put it on your [This Card] mat.
At the end of the game, trash this and trash all cards on your mat.

Basically, it's a slow trasher with a slow Watchtower-esque Reaction. Pass.

$3 - Action-Reaction
+2 Cards
When any player plays an Attack, you may reveal this from your hand and set it aside. If you do, after the Attack resolves, discard this and +2 Cards.

See Jungle.

$5 - Action-Reaction
Discard any number of cards. For each card you discard, +1 Action, +1 Card, +1 Buy.
When you would gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, instead, gain a Copper, putting it into your hand.

The Action is Cellar with extra Actions and Buys. The reaction is only really useful against Cursers and Ambassador'd Estates, but it powers up the Action. Not my favorite $5 Reaction, but it's not the worst.

$4 - Action-Reaction
Set aside up to 2 Treasure cards from your hand on your [This Card] mat. Cards on your [This Card] mat may be returned to your hand at the start of your buy phase. Return them to your deck at the end of the game.
When you would gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, instead, gain a Copper, setting it aside on your [This Card] mat.

A similar Reaction to the Horseshoe just above it, but slightly stronger in that it doesn't have to enter your deck. The Action is basically a Copper trasher that can revive them for a needed money boost. Might be a little strong in that regard.

$4 - Action-Duration-Reaction
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+1 Card
Trash a card from your hand.
Whenever another player trashes a card, you may play this card.

Decent early trasher, and the Reaction and Duration abilities work well off of each other. I normally don't care for fan Durations, but this is pretty clever.

All Fours
$4 - Action-Reaction
When you discard a card from your hand other than during your Clean Up Phase, you may reveal this and set it aside.  If you do, gain a Gold and discard an additional card.
(Rules clarification: Cards set aside are returned to your hand at the start of your next turn or discarded at the start of your next Clean Up Phase, whichever comes first.)

Without any ways to discard on the board, it's a terminal Silver. Pass.

$4 - Action-Reaction
You may set aside this and and a card from your hand onto your [This Card] mat.
You may trash a card from your [This Card] mat.
When you gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, put the card on your [This Card] mat. At the end of the game, return all cards on the [This Card] mat to your deck.

I prefer Astrolabe. Pass.


Overall, there were quite a few cards that didn't really appeal to me at first, but I grew to like them as I thought about them a bit more.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Challenge #17: +Buy!
« on: September 27, 2012, 05:34:13 pm »
After complaining about such practices in the Treasure contest, I'm going to discuss these cards, one of which is mine...

Sky Diver
$4 - Action
+1 Buy
Discard a Copper, or reveal a hand with no Copper.  If you did discard a Copper, +1 Card, +1 Action.

It's a Woodcutter if you don't have a Copper, and it's basically a Market if you do since the loss of a Copper will drop the net money bonus to +$1. Probably balanced at $4, if a little strong in the early game.

$6 - Action
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal an Action or Treasure card.  Put that card into your hand. Discard the other revealed cards.

If this isn't named Farmer's Market, I'll shave my head. *had fingers crossed behind his back while typing that*

$6 - Action
While this is in play, when you gain an Action, Treasure, or Victory card that you have not gained this turn: +1 Buy, +$1.

Could be handy for those pesky $7 turns, if you don't mind buying a Copper. Not sure if $6 is too much, though.

$5 - Action-Attack
Choose one: +$3 or +3 Cards.
Each other player chooses one: they trash a card from their hand, or draw a card and discard a card from their hand.
Choose one: +1 buy and each other player gains a Copper; OR trash a card from your hand and each other player with four or more cards in hand discards a card.

Definitely a creative idea, if a bit crazy. Looks like fun.

Egg Catch
$3 - Action-Duration
+2 Cards
Set aside any number of Treasure cards from your hand face up on top of this card.
During the buy phase of your next turn: +1 Buy and play the set aside cards in any order.


$4 - Action
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash one or three cards from your hand.

One or three, but not two? It's Junk Dealer with a +Buy instead of a +Card and the option to trash two extra cards. Strong opener.

Pole Position
$5 - Treasure
Choose one:
If this is the only Treasure you play this turn, choose 2. Otherwise, choose 1: +$1P; OR +$2; OR +$1, +1 Buy.

Clunky wording. If I understand it correctly, this could be a Gold+Potion or Gold+Buy or Silver+Potion+Buy if you get the full effect. In a full-draw deck with ample alternate $, this could be a decent-ish sole Treasure. Otherwise, I'll pass.

Dig Dug
$4 - Action-Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may trash a card from your hand.

Gimped Herbalist now, net Market later. Allows you to basically trade a crap card for something else. I normally don't care for fan Durations cards for some reason, but I'd at least want to try this out.

$3 - Action
+1 Buy
Reveal and discard the top three cards of your deck.  If all three are identical, +$4.  If exactly two are identical, +$2.  If there are no duplicates, +$1.

Reverse Harvest with +Buy. As an opener, this will usually be a Woodcutter with cycling, and a little luck could make this ridiculously strong. Then again, it's probably not strong enough for $4. Hmm...

Mario Bros
$2 - Action-Duration
+1 Buy
At the start of your turn: +$1.
During your Clean Up phase, place [This Card] in play for the player to your right.

So this is a strong one-shot will just go back and forth in a 2P game, never leaving play, and always giving the current owner +$1 for each Mario Bros played. I like crazy cards, but this is too much for me.

$5 - Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, whenever you play an Action, +$1.

In Village-free games, no one will buy this. Even in games with good chains available, you'll have to play this early to get the best mileage out of it. Situational at best.

Space War
$2 - Action
+1 Buy
You may trash this and another copy of [This Card] from your hand.  If you do, gain two differently named cards costing up to $6, placing the card with the lowest cost on top of your deck.

Up to $6 total or up to $6 each? I need clarification before I can critique for sure.

$3 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
When you buy a Treasure you have not yet bought this turn, +$1.

Sort of a delayed Market, assuming you buy a Treasure. Meh.

$4 - Action
+1 Action
+3 Buys
If you have unused buys at the end of the turn you play this card, trash this card.

It's a decent one-shot or Gardens' best friend. Too friendly, even for this Gardens lover.

Jungle Hunt
$3 - Action
+2 Cards
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal and discard 2 cards. If both cards discarded were Actions or Treasures, +1 Card.

Laboratory-plus with a forced discard, but the option of another card if you lose two unwanted Actions or Treasures. Too strong.

$5 - Action-Duration
+1 Buy
On your next turn: +1 Buy.
Choose two non-empty piles from the supply. Place a Plus token on one and a Minus token on the other.
While this is in play, cards from supply piles with Plus tokens on them cost $1 more and cards from supply piles with Minus tokens on them cost $1 less (to a minimum of $0). When this leaves play, remove one Plus token and one Minus token from supply piles.
(Rules clarification: The maximum change in price is $1, even if there are multiple Plus or Minus tokens on a pile. If there are both Plus and Minus tokens on a pile, there is no change. If you play this card with a multiplier such as Throne Room or King's Court, there will be tokens left on piles once [This Card] leaves play, but if nobody has one in play, the tokens will do nothing.)

tl:dr. Seriously, this is another one of those "too crazy even for me" cards. And I entered a card that changes Potion costs, for crying out loud!

$4 - Action-Duration
Set aside a card from your hand. At the start of your next turn, return it to your hand and gain +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy.
When a player plays an Attack card, they may discard a Treasure card. If they do not, players who have a [This Card] in play are unaffected by the attack.

Haven-plus with a conditional Lighthouse ability. Too strong at $4 for me.

$6 - Action-Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+1 Buy
While this is in play, cards cost $1 more.

Do they cost more for everyone, or just me? If the former, then this is too shenaniganny. If the latter, I don't think this is strong enough.

$3 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal the top card of your deck.  If it is a Ruins, Curse, or a Copper, put it into your hand.

Vagrant + Buy - Victory power = meh.

$5 - Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, Action cards you buy are immediately played.
(Rules clarification: This would allow you to play action cards during the buy phase, but only those you are purchasing. This is not optional and does not require leftover actions.)

As I said before, I would like the ability to restart an Action phase. This method, though, I do not like.

Secret Quest
$3 - Action
+1 Buy
When you play this, +$1 per Buy you have.

Starts as an Herbalist without top-decking, then is a Woodcutter, then a Horse Traders without discard... Without extra actions, non-terminal +Buy, or TR/KC, this would be lame.

$4 - Action
Look at the bottom card of your draw pile; you may discard it. If you do, +$2 and +1 Buy. If you don't; put it back on bottom, +2 Actions, and +1 Card.

It's a Woodcutter or a Village depending on whether or not you like the bottom card of your deck. Or just what you need. I don't know about this one.

Night Driver
$4 - Action
+1 Card
You may discard up to 2 Cards. +1 Action and +1 Buy per card discarded.

Similar to Sky Diver, but you can discard a Victory or Curse, then do it again if you need a village. And I thought Sky Diver was a strong-ish $4.

$4 - Action
+1 Buy
When you discard this from play, if you gained at least 1 Treasure card, 1 Action card, and 1 Victory card this turn, draw an additional card during this turn's Clean-up phase.

This Woodcutter variant allows you to get an immediate Caravan bonus if you do things right. Very situational, and pretty lame if Militia or something similar is on the board.

$4 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Discard a card.
When you gain this, if at least one supply pile is empty, you may put this on your deck.

Oasis Market with a Hinterlands-y, Treasury-y bonus that I kind of like. Fine at $4.

$3 - Action-Victory
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Worth 1 VP
When you buy this, if this is the first card bought this turn, +1 Buy.

Great Hall without the +Card but some Gardens potential. Is it enough, though?

$4 - Action-Duration
+1 Buy
At the end of your Buy phase, set aside one card from your deck for every unused buy face down. At the start of your next turn, put them into your hand.

Now that is a better way to convert Buys to cards, but does this work for both turns or just the turn played? In any case, Caravan is more readily spammable, but this card

$6 - Action
+1 Buy
Discard 3 cards or 1 [This Card].

Good placeholder name, rinkworks. Still, this wouldn't be all that fantastic unless you can get rid of your Treasures.

Street Racer
$2 - Action
+1 Buy
All players (including you) reveal a card from their hand. All cards revealed this way cost $1 less this turn, but not less than $0.
If you did not buy any copies of the revealed cards, you may put this card on top of your deck.

Interesting idea. Sort of a targeted Bridge that you can reuse if it didn't work for you the first time. Still a bit weak, but it has its uses.

Road Runner
$5 - Action
+2 Actions
+3 Buys
In games using this, when you trash a Fool's Gold, you may gain an [This Card].
Setup: Add Fool's Gold as an extra Kingdom card pile.

Any card that requires the addition of a Kingdom card from another set (yes, this is a fan set, but it counts) doesn't work for me.

Star Raiders
$2 - Action
+1 Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you buy a card, gain a card costing exactly $2 more.
When you discard this from play, trash it if you have any unused Buys.

I like this use of "trash if you have unused Buys" better than Pac-Man for sure. This could be interesting.

$6 - Action
+1 Buy
Trash any number of differently named cards from your hand. +$2 for each card trashed.

Being restricted to one trash per card name doesn't appeal to me at $6, even if it is potentially worth a fortune.

Space Invaders
$6 - Action
Reveal an Action card from your hand, play it up to three times.
If you play it once: +1 Buy, +$3.
If you play it twice: +1 Action, +1 Card, +$1.
If you play it thrice: trash the Action card.

Play the Action once, it's a non-terminal super Woodcutter. Play the action twice, it's a Bazaar-plus-Throne Room. Play it three times, it's a King's Court that one-shots the Action. At times, I think this may be even better than King's Court, though certainly not always.

$5 - Action-Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
When you buy a card you may discard this.  If you do, +$3.

Same Action portion as Market Square, with a Reaction that is both less situational and less appealing.

Missile Command
$3 - Action
+1 Action
Choose one: +2 Cards and discard 2 cards; or +1 Card, +1 Buy.

Too cheap.

$4 - Action
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
Discard 2 cards. Reveal your hand. If you have 2 or less treasures in it, +$3 and gain a silver.

Interesting. Gaining the Silver could actually hurt future plays of this card a little. At least, I guess that's the idea. Highly variable in power for sure, but I kind of like it.

Moon Patrol
$3 - Action
+1 Buy
Discard any number of cards. For each card discarded this way, +1 Card, +1 Action.

Crazy Cellar. No thanks.

Human Cannonball
$4 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Choose one: Put a Coin token on your [This Card] mat; or remove any number of Coin tokens and get +$1 per removed token.

I like this. Usually a Market Square, it becomes a Market(+) when you need it to be. Maybe a touch strong at $4, but not as an opener. I'd like to try this for sure.

$3 - Action
+2 Buys
Gain a Silver.
While this card is in play, when you buy a Victory card, +$3.

Another "+$ when you buy cards" card, but a little better done with the extra buy and the restriction to Victory cards. Still a little too Gardens happy, even for me.

Ikari Warriors
$5 - Action-Attack
+1 Buy
Discard one card; if you do, each other player gains a Curse card.
While this is in play, if you buy an Attack card; play it immediately.

Even with the discard, this seems too strong for $5.

$4 - Action
+1 Buy
You may put a Victory card from your hand on top of your deck. If you do, +$3.

Similar mechanic to the Holiday Village I entered a few challenges back. This one is too weak for the cost, though.

$4 - Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you buy a card, gain a Gold if you have no Treasures in play. Otherwise, gain a Silver if you have no Golds in play.

And I thought Trader was Silver-happy...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 1: Assassin
« on: September 27, 2012, 10:53:55 am »
$5 - Action-Attack
+2 Cards
Each other player reveals the top four cards of their deck, one at a time. They discard one of your choice, and put the other revealed cards back on top in their original order.

[Edit: attempt to fix clunky wording]

Compare this to Rabble:
Pros: More cards revealed, Coppers and Ruins not automatically discarded, no chance to reorder (though Rabble's reordering ability is only marginally useful).
Cons: Fewer cards drawn, can only discard one useful card at a time.

In the end, I just don't think this attempt is strong enough compared to Rabble for a $5 cost. Would it work at $4?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- An Introduction
« on: September 25, 2012, 05:52:06 pm »
I posted an Assassin card yesterday in my "Coronation" thread. I don't know if I want to split the conversation about it into two threads. Mine is a targeted discard attack that gets stronger the more +actions you have. The opponent can hide their better cards so it doesn't get unfun.

Go ahead and post your version (or a link to it) in the Assassin thread, please. It'll help to compare your Assassin to the others for sure.

This thread of mine never took off, but it's semi-related:

That certainly will give me ideas for future episodes. Thanks! Any in particular that you or anyone else wants to see in an episode?

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