Types: Project
Cost: $5*
At the start of Clean-up, you may return a Treasure card to the supply and gain a treasure card costing up to $3 more than it
You can only buy this if you have at least 3 differently named Treasures in play
The condition is too harsh and arguably not necessary at all.
While Mine (i.e. handgaining) might be too strong it could at least topdeck like Taxman.
Oh I've missed
in play in the description
Upgrading on cleanup does not consume an action and does not reduce the buying power (Mine is also giving extra $1, but you cannot play it every turn)
The cost is deliberately high, to avoid early buying of a cantrip copper trasher. Oh, I have an idea - instead penalize for coppers in play
SmelteryTypes: Project
Cost: $4*
At the start of Clean-up, you may return a Treasure card in play to the supply and gain a treasure card costing up to $3 more than it
This costs extra $1 for each two Coppers in play, rounded up