- Total Time Spent Online:
- 22 days, 8 hours and 28 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 3846 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 14 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 42 votes
- 12 am
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- 2 pm
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- 11 pm
- Hearthstone
1080 posts of the member's 3846 posts (28.08%)1080
- Dominion General Discussion
1001 posts of the member's 3846 posts (26.03%)1001
- General Discussion
237 posts of the member's 3846 posts (6.16%)237
- Goko Dominion Online
170 posts of the member's 3846 posts (4.42%)170
- Other Games
168 posts of the member's 3846 posts (4.37%)168
- Variants and Fan Cards
163 posts of the member's 3846 posts (4.24%)163
- Dominion Articles
161 posts of the member's 3846 posts (4.19%)161
- Mini-Set Design Contest
89 posts of the member's 3846 posts (2.31%)89
- Puzzles and Challenges
86 posts of the member's 3846 posts (2.24%)86
- Rules Questions
75 posts of the member's 3846 posts (1.95%)75
- Hearthstone
1080 posts of the board's 10495 posts (10.29%)10.29%
- Dominion: Nocturne Previews
69 posts of the board's 2209 posts (3.12%)3.12%
- Other Games
168 posts of the board's 10340 posts (1.62%)1.62%
- Innovation General Discussion
34 posts of the board's 2103 posts (1.62%)1.62%
- Dominion: Adventures Previews
61 posts of the board's 4048 posts (1.51%)1.51%
- Mini-Set Design Contest
89 posts of the board's 6224 posts (1.43%)1.43%
- Let's Discuss ...
60 posts of the board's 4205 posts (1.43%)1.43%
- Innovation Game Reports
5 posts of the board's 355 posts (1.41%)1.41%
- Dominion: Renaissance Previews
21 posts of the board's 1579 posts (1.33%)1.33%
- Dominion Articles
161 posts of the board's 13666 posts (1.18%)1.18%