- Total Time Spent Online:
- 62 days, 9 hours and 40 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 339 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 13 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 3 votes
- 12 am
- 1 am
- 2 am
- 3 am
- 4 am
- 5 am
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- 7 am
- 8 am
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- 12 pm
- 1 pm
- 2 pm
- 3 pm
- 4 pm
- 5 pm
- 6 pm
- 7 pm
- 8 pm
- 9 pm
- 10 pm
- 11 pm
- General Discussion
292 posts of the member's 339 posts (86.14%)292
- Dominion General Discussion
9 posts of the member's 339 posts (2.65%)9
- Other Games
9 posts of the member's 339 posts (2.65%)9
- Goko Dominion Online
7 posts of the member's 339 posts (2.06%)7
- Dominion World Masters
5 posts of the member's 339 posts (1.47%)5
- Introductions
4 posts of the member's 339 posts (1.18%)4
- Mafia Game Threads
5940 posts of the board's 366338 posts (1.62%)1.62%
- Forum Games
164 posts of the board's 17090 posts (0.96%)0.96%
- General Discussion
292 posts of the board's 40778 posts (0.72%)0.72%
- Forum Game Awards
2 posts of the board's 733 posts (0.27%)0.27%
- Dominion World Masters
5 posts of the board's 1966 posts (0.25%)0.25%
- Non-Mafia Game Threads
151 posts of the board's 81221 posts (0.19%)0.19%
- Introductions
4 posts of the board's 2676 posts (0.15%)0.15%
- Other Games
9 posts of the board's 10340 posts (0.09%)0.09%
- Goko Dominion Online
7 posts of the board's 22734 posts (0.03%)0.03%
- Dominion General Discussion
9 posts of the board's 98987 posts (0.01%)0.01%