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Feedback / Re: Inheritance + Farmers's Market Bug
« on: May 02, 2021, 01:12:23 pm »
@kieranmillar first and foremost, whoa! you can view logs of games? mind pointing me in the direction of how to do that?

re: Farmer's Market: I'm not quite sure how that could be possible. The Farmers' Market pile collection most definitely "wrapped around" during the course of the game (sent back to zero and started accumulating again), and I was the only one who purchased inherited FM.

Feedback / Inheritance + Farmers's Market Bug
« on: May 02, 2021, 12:44:59 am »
I just played a game in which I used Inheritance on Farmers' Market. I did not receive the 4 victory points when I played my estate with 4 victory points already on the Farmers' Market pile. I've studied the cards wording and wikipedia pages and can't see any reason this would be the case.

Is this a bug?

PS: this game also had throne room, and I was throne-rooming my estate when I failed to receive my victory points. I don't think this should matter, but felt like it was best to mention it.

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