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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What are the Odds?
« on: December 22, 2020, 12:17:15 am »
Well done! You are correct

Puzzles and Challenges / What are the Odds?
« on: December 21, 2020, 05:50:02 pm »
You are playing near end-game and have to make a decision. You are at a point where buying a Province will be a sure win, buying a Duchy will be a probable win, and buying anything else will be a probable loss.

You can either end your actions and buy a Duchy, or play an action by Way of the Mole for a new 3-card hand

You decide to play it safe and buy the Duchy. The next hand you draw is this

Knowing what your next 5 cards were, did you make the right call?

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