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Dominion Articles / Better engine option?
« on: May 30, 2020, 10:53:20 am »
Question for you guys.
I had a base only kingdom that included merchant, village, militia, throne room, council room and market, and sentry for trashing.
What do you think would be the better engine here? Village+council room gives you lots of card draw but no $ so you’d need some golds I think. Or market+merchant with some throne rooms for some +card draw.
What would be more consistent? Once you start adding provinces, which one holds up better to dilution? Or is it pretty much the same? Throne room collisions kill your engine in the one, while drawing a hand with no village kills your engine in the other.
Any thoughts?

Adendum: remaining 3 cards were moat, gardens and burocrat or something equally unimpressive.

Dominion General Discussion / Best deck with no treasures?
« on: May 13, 2020, 10:20:37 am »
I just got blasted by someone who built a Throne room/Vassal/Market engine after an early Chappel to trash. They bought zero treasures all game. By the end, they were playing their whole deck every turn for 3 provinces. No treasures ensured Vassal hit almost every time on the discard/play portion, throne room to vassal gave multiple discard/play's, and the money from multiple vassals or markets was enough to get up to double provinces fairly quickly. I imagine this would work with other cards too. Are there other well known combos that can work with no treasures?

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