Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 18, 2020, 01:09:17 am »
1) Not sure how villa makes a difference. Could you explain in more detail.
2) if coppers and curses are gone (which almost never happens) and you have no coins you can end your buy phase because of the part at the end "or you cannot buy any cards in the supply".
3) i thought of using something like that, however, first i feel it's a little clunky. Second this would have differences when stacking multiples. If you play 5 bulk orders and buy 5 cards, my version forces you to buy one copper, your version gains you 5 coppers.
1 & 2) Ah, there was a miscommunication here. As written, the clause, "or you cannot buy any cards in the supply," presents an alternative to "you can't end your buy phase," rather than "you've gained x cards." That is, it says: "if you can't use all the necessary buys, you can't buy anything at all," rather than: "if you can't buy anything, the game is allowed to continue." You seem to be intending the latter, which makes a lot more sense . Technically, you can fix this by removing the comma before "or you cannot buy any cards"; however, this would leave the sense ambiguous rather than clarifying your intended meaning, so I would still try something else.
3) As I understand it, once you've gained one copper, the rider, "unless you've gained more cards this turn than you have Bulk Orders in play" should block the other four triggers in your scenario. Is this not the case?