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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread
« on: November 01, 2024, 11:04:38 am »
Played a game last night with Cultists and Swap. Opponent (better rating that me!) didn't notice anti-synergy, busies themselves with building a really efficient Cultist engine.

They rage-quit about turn 6 when I put five Ruins back in the ruins pile and gained five decent 5 costs...

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Diplomat - game wouldn't let me react
« on: October 02, 2022, 01:45:24 pm »
Ah, that would be it... I'd forgotten that bit of the diplomat small print!

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Diplomat - game wouldn't let me react
« on: October 02, 2022, 04:30:58 am »
Game #108945855

Kingdom included Clark and Cardinal (both attacks) and Diplomat.

I get hit by a Clark with Diplomat in hand. Don't reveal Diplomat, topdeck a good card to use the handsize reduction to kickstart a Diplomat engine turn.
Later in the same opponents turn I get hit by a Cardinal. Knowing I had a target card on the top of the deck, I would have revealed the Diplomat to draw it into the safety of my hand/discard pile, but the game didn't give me the option.

I thought this was going to be some sort of smart autoplay setting to not repeatedly reveal reactions once declined, but if it is I can't figure it out. Any suggestions?

Territory loves Castles - they are like a super Humble Castle that you can have four of... you can also use the Battle Plan from the same split pile to spin the castles round to the expensive ones until you are ready to buy to slow your opponent down obtaining them.

I managed to get all four Territories, then work them up to 9VP each (plus the normal castle points etc) before my opponent resigned in disgust.

Also Capital City and Tunnel - discard for benefit, and get a free gold!

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Stockpile/Gamble
« on: May 08, 2020, 08:52:05 am »
I tried this against the Bot, other cards chosen at random, and got a board with Goons, Advisors and no trashing. It took a few turns to get things rolling, but ended up buying and gambling the whole goons pile into play. Final scores were - Ratty 21, me 553, having emplied estates and then bought 42 copper...

Way of the Chameleon and City Quarter is completely mental.

I trashed pretty much everything except for a pile of random actions (didn't really matter what they were), then over a couple of tuns once the show was rolling bought a total of 9 of the city quarters, and 8 sulks (for the +buy), (I think I used engineer as an enabler to get the sulks faster) then managed to hit 89 coin with 9 buys to buy out the whole province pile with rather a lot to spare. My opponent hadn't figured what I was planning until too late, from the point of having trashed most non actions and owning a single city quarter to the megaturn only took 3 turns...

Just had a game with Familiar, Flag Bearer and Werewolf, no trashing, no villages, so a proper junkfest.

I have the flag, after a fairly hard battle, and am 4vp in the lead, just need to pile out 4 estates for a win (the set has pawn so some +buy).

My opponent plays Werewolf as a night, hit's Locusts. Trashes a Curse for me. Sweet.

Next turn, I play a Werewolf as a night, hit War, and it trashes one of my opponents flag bearers, giving him the flag.

With his 6 card hand, he plays a Werewolf as an action, and just hits a Province... he won by 1 vp.

I like that the Events shown here can all make a pretty big impact. I'm sure Toil can be used in some kind of pseudo-infinite loop.
Setup: enough bridges to reduce cost by 5, have $2, Throne Room, Market in hand, Throne Room, Market in discard (no card in draw pile)
1) Buy Toil, play TR, play Market twice (draw TR, Market, get $2)
2) Buy TR, Market
Back to 1)

It's not really infinite - you'll piledrive the thronerooms and markets, when the first one of these goes that's the end of the loop. It probably is a game ending megaturn, but the set up might take some doing...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Industrial Revolution!
« on: September 24, 2019, 07:16:30 pm »
I love the theme and the concept of the high cost power cards, but I think my big concern would be that in practice the cost of the power cards may be so great that by the time your engine is running it's gets hammered by boring big money variants. Getting an engine which kicks out 60 coins to spend and ten buys is of limited value if someone else has already hoovered up 6 provinces and a couple of Dutchies.

A possible fix for this might be to require colonies (maybe without platinum), or an even more extreme version of dominate (maybe say a 20 cost to gain a colony and and 15vp).

It would need to be good enough that a couple of hits offset someone pretty much draining the province pile single handed.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Sea Hag replacement for Seaside
« on: September 24, 2019, 11:52:21 am »
Imho OP, and swingy.

The 5 price point isn't good on very dominant cards - it gifts the game to whoever gets the shuffle luck to hit 5 first.

At the extreme, imagine starting 5-2 with this on the board.
You get to trash your junk while your luckless opponent struggles to absorb all the junk you keep hurling at him.
Unless there is a cheap powerful thrasher in the kingdom, there will be no coming back.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: COMBO: hunting party/patron
« on: September 18, 2019, 02:10:57 pm »
Having tried it out against Lord Rattington in a selection of random kingdoms, it's more like a patron and 5 hunting parties required to be drowning in coffers with no +buy. If you've copper and a silver in your deck, you get a minimum of 5 (copper, silver, patron) to spend a turn as well the coffers. Unless the board has strong attacks, I was beating the bot's big money strategy effortlessly (I beat what appeared to be envoy big money 6/2 )- and generally was ending up with 6 or 7 provinces at about turn 16.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 16, 2019, 02:07:02 pm »
Also, I always thought Grand Market was one of the strongest cards in the game. Seeing that people value Worker's Village more than Grand Market is  ...interesting.

Isn't this factored relative to the card cost. In most situations, like you, I'd much rather have a stack of Grand Markets in my deck than Worker's villages (although my view might change if there is strong attacking draw on the board - say torturer), but this is somewhat offset by the difficulty of hitting six without a copper in play to get hold of a first Grand Market. The no copper requirement also often reduces what can be spent on the other buys during the same turn - if this happens, it effectively increases the cost of a GM by the value of coins you can't play.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Survivors won't discard
« on: September 06, 2019, 06:17:24 pm »
Just played a game with ruins, and with the new interface, survivors seems to let you order the cards, but not discard - see the screengrab. Game ID 30390262.

I have to be honest - I'm not a fan of the new interface - clicking the blue text in the log was often a lot clearer, particularly when you have a lot of things to resolve, and need to choose the order wisely.

Having played a few games with Church, it feels pretty powerful - more for the potential to line up strong combos than the trashing - e.g. I had an encampment game where I used it to put a gold/plunder in hand every turn, which pretty much ensured I could draw my deck without any risk of losing my encampments.
With something like a village/smithy engine, if you have drawn your deck (or drawn enough to hit the target spend) with a spare pair in hand, you can guarantee a good turn next turn - and you can hide at least one green out of the shuffle at the same time, which is pretty strong.

It also combos really well with Menagerie - being able to thin out duplicates mid turn without spending an action means that with a few Churches in a deck you can keep the Menageries firing even on large hand sizes.

The extra deck thinning felt more a bonus than anything else (making the trashing mandatory might have been interesting!).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The bad luck thread
« on: July 18, 2019, 04:29:23 pm »
Games with no + actions, no trashing, Travelers, Mill (only cantrip), Enoy, Sulk, Gollum on the board.

I buy up 7 of 8 Mills (including discipling one), and via their deck cycling run through the travelers really fast, get my teacher. Buy a couple of envoys waiting for the teacher to come through the shuffle, knowing I'll have a pretty unbreakable Mill/Envoy engine as soon as I get +actions on the Mill. Opponent meanwhile has gone for a couple of Sulk's for economy, then is going for a Gollum type engine (which is some turns off firing), and is some way behind on getting his teacher. Game pretty much in the bag unless I really mess up, or so I thought.

Then this happens... opponent plays one of the Sulks. Hits Locusts (1 in 12 chance). Hits the teacher (1 card in a deck of about 20). To say I was irritated didn't do the situation justice... to add insult to injury, my opponent finally gets his teacher just before a shuffle, and of course it's in the next hand he draws >:(

I think I lost by about 20 points...

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Possible Lighthouse glitch
« on: February 14, 2019, 03:34:13 pm »
Fair enough - that makes sense!

I did wonder if it was a card interaction I didn't understand - the diplomat reaction wasn't one I'd thought of!

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Possible Lighthouse glitch
« on: February 13, 2019, 05:57:28 pm »
Just played a game (#23503012), with a kingdom that included a Margrave, Lighthouse and Den of sin.

If I've understood correctly, if in a turn I play a lighthouse, then I am immune from my opponent's Margrave if it is played in the following turn. Some turns I played a lighthouse, but got hit with the Margrave's discard attack anyway. This didn't always happen - looking back through the log (which I should have saved before coming out!) I think it was turns where I'd played a Lighthouse, then a Den of Sin, that the lighthouse didn't work.

Is this a known issue? Is this me not appreciating the finer points of card interaction, or even not really understanding how Lighthouses work, or just having misread the log?

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