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Messages - glasser

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2011
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:06:47 pm »
I just played this game. The last turn makes this game a great moment. After this I raged at the swindler IRL with 20 curse words. I also said "REALLY" 3 times in-chat when that happened. My opponent just lol'ed. Good game benj4130

But you weren't going to win if you had bought that Colony anyway...

Rules Questions / Re: Reveal question
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:11:01 pm »
Note that for some reason Isotropic reveals all cards you discard with Secret Chamber and Vault, but there's no obvious rule basis for that.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: In which Sarah king's courts a golem
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:14:43 am »
jomini's solutions are awesome, though I will point out that for the Ambassador one, she does get to choose how many Platinums to return each time.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:09:14 am »
I am guilty of this.  I prematurely gg sometimes when I expect I am about to lose, but then don't.  Or I have decided to resign but then my opponent makes a massive blunder that gives me a chance.  No sarcasm intended.

Yeah, I got a gg from an opponent today after I played a relatively early KC-KC-Bridge-Bridge.
Which is really quite a different beast from KC-KC-Bridge-Bridge-Bridge :)  I went on to lose.
(The other key cards on the board were Chapel and Tactician; Tactician was the only card doing anything like nonterminal draw, and I really should have bought one earlier, since otherwise even if my deck consists entirely of KCs, Bridges, and a Chapel, the chance of getting the magic hand is pretty low...)

Dominion Isotropic / watch out for IGG with grand market and +$
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:26:04 am »
Apparently, holding two coppers, a silver, a gold, and an IGG will give you a no-confirmation +$7 in a Grand market game, even though you could have bought a GM! I think I would have expected a +$5.

Of course then my net cut out a few turns later anyway. Sorry hellorenee.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Boneheaded plays
« on: December 31, 2011, 12:23:19 am »
Didn't save the log but... Today I played a game with Alchemist and Chapel. Chapeled down to 3 coppers and a potion so I could buy an Alchemist every turn, opponent did the same, opponent bought the last one for a five-five split.

"Well, no more potion-cost cards on the board, guess I might as well chapel this potion to keep my deck trimmed..."

I then proceeded to have the least effective Alchemist stack ever.

Heh, and I felt dumb enough when I let the same logic convince me I should discard potion to Stables in an Alchemist stack...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: DominionStrategy YouTube channel
« on: December 28, 2011, 02:28:31 pm »
Given that iso logs are publicly available, and people post them all over this forum anyway, what difference does it make if it's in real-time with commentary?

Well, the chat...

One other note: because WW plays in text mode where the controls are under the log instead of image mode where the controls are to the left, there is very little visible scrollback; often I literally could not see what allfail/timchen had done because it scrolled off too fast. Maybe use image mode in the future?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: One card - big money
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:43:17 pm »
Er, isn't the answer Pirate Ship, where a single play is basically worth up to (roughly) the total number of treasure cards in the supply + opening coppers + black market + diadem, minus however many you need to leave around to prevent three-piling?

Dominion Articles / Re: Not Combos -- Cards that don't work well together
« on: December 20, 2011, 04:55:35 pm »
Yeah, I seem to have selective amnesia for that clause on Talisman. Oh, there are Great Halls and Islands? Who wouldn't buy a Talisman? Oh, NV/Bridge? Talisman would make that so much better cause you can grab two Provinces at a time.

Did that in an in-person game recently, with Talisman, Ironworks, and Silk Road.  Played copper and three Talismans, got myself four Silk Roads. We realized my mistake a couple turns later, at which point the game state was entirely unreconstructable.

In retrospect that's not even the best strategy anyway, since Silk Roads that are only pairing with themselves and estates are unlikely to be worth as much as duchies.

2011 / Re: Nomad Camp: a place for people to find their opponents
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:33:48 pm »
Still haven't heard from manzi. Theory, is it possible for you to email manzi with my email address or something? Would really like to get in touch soon... I can only play my game today or tomorrow (Sunday is out).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Four-player Mountebank: Estate rush?
« on: December 08, 2011, 07:10:01 pm »
Plenty of people always play with double treasure because they own both Base and Intrigue, keep all of their expansions together in one box, and don't bother to keep the two halves of the coppers (etc) separate...

2011 / Re: Nomad Camp: a place for people to find their opponents
« on: December 08, 2011, 12:58:24 pm »
I've sent a couple PMs to manzi and not heard back yet. Anybody know manzi?

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Minor Walled Village bug?
« on: December 03, 2011, 12:11:19 pm »
Well, WV specifically mentions "at the start of Clean-up", so I think it has priority over Treasury.

I guess the real question is: if you've played WV and two Treasuries (or Alchemists or whatever), can you choose to clean up a Treasury first and then trick WV into being put back on deck (like how you can if you play a WV and two Embargoes)?

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: December 02, 2011, 08:44:12 pm »
Gardens Division: (29-36) glasser def. dnkywin (4-2)
Befitting the tournament divisions, our first three games ended up coincidentally being chapel/gardens/witch! No thief, though. =(
dnkywin 33 - glasser 25
chapel/conspirator/cartographer/pawn. glasser's engine failed for just one turn (14) during
the greening phase, and that decided it.

glasser 34 - dnkywin 29
Crazy gardens/vineyard/ironworks/council room game. Both of us got to exactly 40 cards, and dnkywin was up 5-3 on Gardens... but despite the fact that dnkywin's Vineyards were worth 5 to glasser's 4, the 4-1 split on Vineyards decided the game. Amusing feature: Moats ran out (with dnkywin gaining 9, mostly with Ironworks) but never blocked a single attack (turned out Jester was barely worth wasting an action on, despite its potential synergy with gardens/vineyard) and were only played once; 5 Jacks were bought and never played.

glasser 57 - dnkywin 17
witch (on turn 2, thanks to nomad camp) + city (+ moneylender and a bit of saboteur) beats
loan + tunnel.  Maybe loan + tunnel would have worked better in a Province game?

glasser 44 - dnkywin 36
Duke/remodel dominated. We both ended up going that route, but dnkywin started out with alchemy for a few turns and I think that made the difference. This game also had Duchess, and maybe it would have been a good idea to gain them with duchies to make that be the third pile to end? dnkywin also tried some desperation swindling at the end (and managed to trash one of glasser's dukes), but the difference was too great for dnkywin to overcome.

dnkywin 40 - dnkywin 32
Even a 5/2 split with Vault and decent $2s (Hamlet and Haven) didn't let glasser win this Colony game. Probably mostly because he got distracted from Colonies by Provinces.

glasser 33 - dnkywin 28
Ambassador game gets decided by nobles. Worker's Village helps. glasser draws out his deck for the only time on his last turn to clinch the series.

glasser says: fun games with lots of "multiple potential strategies", and dnkywin was a pleasure to play with!

Rules Questions / Re: Minion, Tunnel and Reactions
« on: November 21, 2011, 03:00:45 am »
OK, so sounds like Isotropic has a minor bug with Minion in that it does let you use a discarded Watchtower.

Of course, the good thing about this kind of bug is that if you care about being 100% in accordance with the rules, you can just abstain from revealing the watchtower in this case :)

2011 / Re: 2011 Championships Rules
« on: November 20, 2011, 11:31:28 pm »
7. Players shall alternate starting position throughout the match; Isotropic should automatically give starting position to the person who most recently lost.  If the match has already been completed, however, failure to alternate starting positions is not grounds to dispute the match result.

I don't understand what this means; it appears to be two conflicting statements. Let's say I am player 1 and I lose.  "Players shall alternate starting position throughout the max" implies I should play second next game; "Isotropic should automatically give starting position to the person who most recently lost" (and my understanding of Isotropic's behavior / the rulebook) implies that I should play first next game (assuming we play the next game of the match immediately). Which should we try to make happen?

2011 / Re: 2011 Championships Registration
« on: November 20, 2011, 11:28:58 pm »
glasser, America/Los_Angeles.

Rules Questions / Re: Minion, Tunnel and Reactions
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:10:29 pm »
, looking at your second log, the only time a Militia was played when the victim had both Tunnel and Watchtower in hand a Gold was gained. Assuming the other card discarded was the Watchtower, this would seem to contradict your second conclusion.

It does contradict it: I was not given a prompt asking me if I wanted to reveal the Watchtower and top-deck the Gold, as I was for the Minion.

Rules Questions / Re: Minion, Tunnel and Reactions
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:49:26 pm »
On Isotropic, if an opponent makes you Minionly discard a hand with both Tunnel and Watchtower, you can reveal the watchtower and top-deck the gold:

But if you get Militiad and decide to discard both, you don't get to:

Note that there was no "which card to discard first?" prompt like there is with card cleanup.

(Also, it's possible that this is dependent on some less deterministic internal sorting or something.)

You want to buy a Mint and don't need all your copper to do it.  (Counting House doesn't work well with Mint, but you might have gotten the Counting House from a Swindler or Jester, or Jestered a platinum that you want to mint, or you might just want the Mint as a 15th card for Fairgrounds.)

You don't need to PLAY the coppers you pull with Counting House, so this distinction doesn't really work.

Anon79 presumably has the real reason it's written this way :)

Dominion Articles / Re: Three-sentence overview of each card in Hinterlands
« on: November 10, 2011, 03:23:53 pm »
$5 Action
+2 Cards +2 Actions
Discard 2 cards.
When you gain this, look through your discard pile (including this), reveal any number of Action cards from it, and shuffle them into your deck.

You need a good combo in your discard ready to go in order to play this.

Did you mean "in order to gain this"?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards That Combo With Tunnel Reaction
« on: October 29, 2011, 01:55:21 pm »
Hi. I think Vault/Tunnel is a great combo.

It's nice, but don't forget that every time you play Vault, your opponent can discard a Tunnel or two for Gold.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What's your dominion pet peeve?
« on: October 15, 2011, 04:28:49 pm »
I'm always a little insulted when my opponent vetoes treasure map on a board where clearly any halfway decent player is not going to buy treasure map.

For what it's worth: I play in "veto mode: don't care" mode because I literally don't care: if you want to veto cards, that's great for you, but except for this week when I've been trying to make sure not to veto the one Hinterlands card there, I always click the "veto random card" link myself. So don't read too much into others' veto choices :)

One reason for limiting the card with "if you do" is that you might Throne Room it and run out of cards: TR/Trading Post/3xCopper gets rid of all three coppers but replaces them with only one silver.

Actually, the "if you do" doesn't come into play in that case: Throne Room, Trading Post, trash two coppers and gain a silver in hand, trash a silver and a copper and gain a silver in hand.

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