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Messages - Festuca

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Could you link to Theory's? I went through 5 of the 9 pages and couldn't find it.


Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Dominion Sporcle Super Quiz!
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:14:32 pm »
Cool, great idea! I love Sporcle. I noticed some omissions too, in addition to ftl's:

Inn has only 3 letters in its name

"Action card costing more than $2 that changes the number of cards it gives conditionally" is perhaps poorly worded, but things like Scout, Apothecary, Cellar, Library came to mind. And even Hunting Party gives +1 or +2 cards depending on whether you have non-duplicates still in your deck. Or Tournament depending on whether the other person has a Province. Also, Menagerie.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 3 Sign-up
« on: January 22, 2012, 07:16:52 pm »
I'd like to play!

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results: 2011 Championships
« on: November 29, 2011, 10:24:17 pm »
Chapel Division: #23 Socrates vs. #42 Festuca

Socrates 27 : 43 Festuca
Socrates 35 : 38 Festuca
Socrates 35 : 50 Festuca
Socrates 42 : 23 Festuca
Socrates 15 : 56 Festuca

I was a bit lucky in some of the games, and Socrates was a fun and friendly opponent. Thanks for the games!

2011 / Re: 2011 Championships Registration
« on: November 21, 2011, 12:27:35 am »
1. Festuca
2. GMT - 7

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Cards for Christmas Presents
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:26:49 am »
I always wanted to see some sort of Farmer's Market, as if from Cornucopia. The penalty would be something along the lines of, "you can't buy this if you have any duplicate treasures in play".

Farmer's Market is so thematically adorable! I really like it a lot. What were you thinking of for the effect? I could imagine something like

Farmer's Market
Cost: 6
+2 Cards
+1 Action
+1 buy
You can't buy this if you have duplicate Treasure cards in play

cause you know, extra bounty, extra card? I'm not sure, but I do think Farmer's Market is a great idea.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Cards for Christmas Presents
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:00:32 am »
Yeah, you all figured out what I meant with Oratory. I'm happy with Rinkworks' wording - seems clear enough. I think I might want a mandatory trash for the first condition though. You should have to do SOMETHING if you hit it with Golem.

I'm enjoying the Granding it up thread. I was thinking about what other restrictions you could put on a "Grand" card, but no copper really seems like the most interesting and the one with the most effect. How about no non-treasure sources of money (i.e. no +x$ cards)? What else would be interesting?

ChaosRed, I like it! In support of your wife, I think you should go for it. :) I especially like the name.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Cards for Christmas Presents
« on: November 07, 2011, 11:46:18 am »
Yes, the idea is that each person gets "their" card.

I looked at Davio's councilroom page to see what cards he's particularily fond of, and he seem to buy a lot of Chapels and also play them better than average. So I came up with Oratory as a Chapel spin-off. Then I was thinking about Goober's suggestion to find a power card that allows crazy engines, and... well, you can see where this is going. So thanks to you both for the inspiration!

Cost: 3
Choose one: Trash as many copies of one kingdom card as you like from your hand,
Trash Oratory. If you do, +1 card.

Thanks for the feedback on Overhaul's price. I changed it to 5$. The problem with these cards is that I can't playtest them with the people I usually play Dominion with because that would spoil the surprise! Maybe I'll have to teach someone else how to play.

I can see your point about Covered Wagon, and I completely agree that it would be a terrible actual Dominion card. I'm not sure that that's necessarily my goal though, so much as to make a card that my friend would like. I do like Goober's idea to make a "Grand Lab" or something, though... that could be fun. Ok, I'm convinced. I'll see what I can think of on the train this morning.

Thanks very much for your help!

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Cards for Christmas Presents
« on: November 06, 2011, 05:29:27 pm »
I was planning on making Dominon fan cards for my Dominion-minded friends for Christmas, based on everyone's favourite/signature cards. I'm a card designing noob though, so I was hoping for some advice or commentary. Here's what I've got:

Magic Lamp
Cost: 4
+1 Card
+1 Action
Name a card. Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's the named card, put it into your hand. Repeat until the revealed card is not the card that you named.

Awkward wording probably. This friend's signature card is (obviously) Wishing Well; this is supposed to be a Wishing Well you can keep using till you get one wrong.

Covered Wagon
Cost: 4
+1 Card
While this card is in play, Grand Markets cost 7$, but may be bought with copper.
Setup: Add Grand Market as an extra Kingdom card pile.

Again pretty obvious. I was also considering making it a duration card, so it had this effect for two turns, but then it would change the price of Grand Markets on the other peoples' turns, and I don't know about the price, and all sorts of stuff. This was more simple, but I'm interested in other peoples' thoughts. Also, I'm not sold on the name.

Cost: 7 5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Discard X cards. Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing exactly X more than it.

This friend likes Upgrade, and also Library-esque chains. Is 7 okay for this? No it is not! It could be kind of crazy.

Cost: 3
Choose one: Trash a card and any number of copies of it from your hand,
Trash Oratory. If you do, +1 card.

Cost: 4
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may set aside this and a Province from your hand. Colonists set aside in this way are worth 4VP at the end of the game.

The last person doesn't really have a signature card, except he only ever wants to play Colony games. That doesn't make for a very exciting pet card. Better ideas would be welcomed.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 2 Match-ups Round 1
« on: November 03, 2011, 12:54:15 pm »
Looks like WW's commentary sparked a whole commentary fest! That's great - a huge advantage to playing a tournament with people who are much better than me.

Game 1: Not having played a ton of Hinterlands, I wasn't really aware of how Silk Road would compare to Gardens in such a game, which is why I started with Gardens. I suppose I could have realized it considering what a fast game it would be, but I'll blame the first-match-jitters. Most interesting was WW's comment about my not playing the Inn - I can't really explain why I did that. Probably since, with three Ironworks in hand, I wanted to be able to play two of them for Gardens. Regardless, I can see how this was likely a mistake.

Game 2: I did have a bit of bad chapel luck at the start, but my luck the rest of the game was nothing to complain about. My big lesson from this (and game 7) was that Swindler is better than I think. I tried to pick one up later in the game to do some damage control, but by then it was too late (and of course it got swindled, making it way too late).

Game 3: Fools Gold is one of the few Hinterlands cards that I have some experience with. Like Anon79 said, with Steward and Remodel, I thought this strategy had a chance of being fast enough. Curious: If you were planning on going some BM variant, how come you didn't take a gold or two before starting on the Harems?

Game 4: This game was a convincing argument in Merchant Ship's favour. I was trying to go some sort of Festival Rabble, but it was obviously too slow, and also, Lighthouse.

Game 5: This was a cool game with lots going on. I thought Tactician was going to be good here, considering there was so much virtual money in the form of Black Market and Horse Traders. I have to apologize for that last Province buy - I thought I was ahead, but I wasn't super confident, so I just bought it. WW was a very good sport about my bad counting.

Game 6: Can you tell me why the Tribute was going to be strong here? I have to admit that I just picked mine up for lack of a better 5 cost.

Game 7: As WW rather tactfully put, I didn't play very well here. Very interesting Swindler comment, that there's something bad at all price levels. That's not something I've ever thought about but it seems like an obvious thing to consider when you're deciding whether to buy Swindler. Cool, I learned something!

Again, thanks to WW for the fun games and thoughtful commentary.

She buys the Inn
Fixed :)

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 2 Invitational Sign-Up
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:58:36 pm »
I'd like to play if possible!

Thanks for organizing this again.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A Dominion Fan Card Creation Guide
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:51:16 pm »
This guide is so amazing that I registered just so that I could thank you for it! You seem like one of the experts on the Variants subforum, and I'm sure this guide will be extremely useful. Thanks for this hard work!

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