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Messages - Sparafucile

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I’ve been playing through the recommended sets.   Got to a set with battle plan and catapult.    Now catapult is a split pile with rocks as the second 5 cards - and battle plan let’s you rotate any pile.

I’ve played catapult many times - but this is the first time I’ve actually used rocks.    In most games it’s just not worth it to empty like 3 more catapults to get to the rocks beneath them.  Battle plan let’s you rotate them and make them accessible early.   I really hope that catapult gets a rework that lets you optionally rotate the rocks pile.

It might be interesting to have all top cards from split piles get the rotate ability.  I think this would make the piles more interesting - though I think catapult would benefit from this mechanism the most.    The other split piles you often want the top card in multiples anyways - and the one that you might not - gladiator - has a way to burn through the pile.  Having rotate on the gladiator pile might be the only split pile where that option would reduce the strategy - as timing the burn down of gladiators to get the fortune is an interesting part of this pile.
Battle plan can rotate catapult and any other split pile.  Just played a game where it flipped plunders and encampments

I think in my second sentence i mentioned you can rotate any pile, including split piles. 

I’ve been playing through the recommended sets.   Got to a set with battle plan and catapult.    Now catapult is a split pile with rocks as the second 5 cards - and battle plan let’s you rotate any pile.

I’ve played catapult many times - but this is the first time I’ve actually used rocks.    In most games it’s just not worth it to empty like 3 more catapults to get to the rocks beneath them.  Battle plan let’s you rotate them and make them accessible early.   I really hope that catapult gets a rework that lets you optionally rotate the rocks pile.

It might be interesting to have all top cards from split piles get the rotate ability.  I think this would make the piles more interesting - though I think catapult would benefit from this mechanism the most.    The other split piles you often want the top card in multiples anyways - and the one that you might not - gladiator - has a way to burn through the pile.  Having rotate on the gladiator pile might be the only split pile where that option would reduce the strategy - as timing the burn down of gladiators to get the fortune is an interesting part of this pile.   

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E
« on: May 20, 2022, 09:26:39 am »
The play effect of Mint is situational but not weak. You often need payload after getting rid of those Coppers and besides Kiln and Treasurer, Mint is the only non-Remodel Platinum gainer in the game.
*cough* Tragic Hero *cough*

Also Specialist

And Hero, Haggler, horn of plenty, Camel, ( Mine, taxman as specialized treasure upgraders), forge.   (And not counting all the remodel/upgrade/displace variants)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 1
« on: May 16, 2022, 10:30:44 am »
Embargoing provinces and duchies made for interesting end games.  Even embargoing gold or potion piles was fun.    The big problem with embargo early game was that there was no way to embargo the good cards from your opponent while leaving an opening for you to get the embargoed card.

If embargo had taken effect at the end of the turn instead of right away, it would have been a big difference. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies rule book is now available
« on: April 20, 2022, 04:03:31 pm »
I personally don't like the fact that they just keep expanding it man

I would prefer if they reused existing mechanics in interesting ways instead of introducing new rules with every expansion.   The game is very non-beginner friendly now due to the abundance of rules introduced with each expansion. 

Dominion General Discussion / Allies rule book is now available
« on: March 10, 2022, 10:00:27 am »
As always, all cards are listed, rules and recommended sets

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies is online
« on: March 09, 2022, 10:10:55 am »
Barbarian is swindler 2.0 :(

Rules Questions / Re: Coffers Rules Change
« on: November 26, 2021, 02:37:04 am »
Is this errata ever going to make it to the printed version of the cards - I love the game getting fixed - but it makes my IRL copy less true to the game when it happens. 

Dominion Articles / Re: Dominion is getting worse with each expansion
« on: September 17, 2021, 08:31:04 pm »
It’s an interesting point you make but a couple thoughts

There’s a limit on how much “worse” the game will get even with infinit expansions.  Even then it’s not THAT much different.

You can use a constrained randomizer to fix this easily.  “Ensure +buy is pretty trivial”

Subjectively - every expansion has made my experience better.  So while ur math is interesting, it doesn’t really capture “Worse”. 

The game is exceptional in its ability to mix arbitrary expansions and still keep the mechanics feasibly useful.   For a shitty game that is a counter example to this, see the game Ascension.  Not only is that game plagued with infinite loops, huge shuffle luck - but so many cards are keyed off of the existence of other cards or density of expansion specific mechanic - that the game is SUBSTANTIALLY worse as you add expansions in and mix them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Minor note about new printings
« on: January 25, 2021, 03:29:39 pm »
Is there any way for me to obtain the changed cards without re-buying these expansions?   I like keeping my dominion collection current - but it seems wasteful to rebuy the whole expansion

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Distribution of Dominion card costs
« on: December 24, 2020, 02:18:51 am »
It's surprising that an expansion called Dark Ages would have the second highest average cost, though.

The Dark Ages calculation is weird, with Knights counted as nine 5-costs and a 4-cost. But also, the five 0-cost Ruins are included.

Counting Knights as a single 5-cost pile and not counting ruins, the average for Dark Ages is 4.06, close to the center.

I somehow didn't realize that OP counted the Ruins (don't know why he did, he didn't count any other non-Kingdom cards), so I didn't count them in my averages calculation. The average for Dark Ages drops to 3.82 if you include the Ruins.

Runes are in the supply though and purchasable. (Unlike madmen or spoils for e.g.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Haggler and debt is bugged online
« on: July 22, 2020, 01:37:05 pm »
Oh!   Lol.  U guys are right

Dominion General Discussion / Haggler and debt is bugged online
« on: July 22, 2020, 11:40:51 am »
Having a haggler in play and buying a city quarter forces you to gain either copper or curse. 

Frustrating because I wanted to use city quarter as money source to pay off debt.

Game number: 51144739

This is incorrect - as city quarter cost debt, and so Copper is NOT cheaper than city quarter.

As a starting point, I offer the following kingdom:

Fairgrounds, Duke, Silk Road, Vineyard, Gardens, Feodum,
Kings Court, Scheme, Bridge, Workers Village.
Colony/Platinum in game

Assumptions:  You are going to buy out the all of the cards in the kingdom.  (Including copper, silver, gold ... but not curses)

How:  Buy out all of the cards in all of the piles ... leaving one card in each pile only.  On the last turn buy all the remaining cards

Mechansim:   The kings court, scheme, bridge, workers village.  Kings court bridge makes cards free.  Kings court scheme gives you a little draw and allows you to top deck everything ... so once the combo gets going, it works in perpetuity.  Workers village is for +buy to make sure that you have enough buys to buy everything out - but this could probably be optimized.  If you kings court 9 bridges that gives you 28 buys ....

VP choice:

Fairgrounds = 8 per fairground on this kingdom (20 unique cards) = 64 points
Duke = 8 per duke  = 64 points
Silk road = 7 victory piles = (7*8) = 56 victory cards = 14 points per silk road = 112 points
feodeom = 60 silvers / 3 = 20 points per feodum = 160 points
Gardens = over 250 cards = 25 points per garden = 200 points
Vineyard = (40 action cards / 3 ) = 13 per action card = 104
estate+duchy+province+colony = 22 per set = 176 in total

So all together this calculation is close to 900.

Add the two landmarks that add the most points in, easily over 900 points 

* notes  - castles disallowed because they have victory tokens in 2 of the castles.   Assumed black market is out - or fairgound points would go crazy high.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 07, 2020, 03:12:21 am »
It says each time ... this turn.

Also. - ways are instead of the card text.... so....

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 07, 2020, 03:06:48 am »
 Very interesting card!   If I chameleon a second time in a turn - does it undo the first one - putting all the cards back to normal? 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Product Idea - Dominion: Memories
« on: December 09, 2019, 11:03:24 pm »
Feast - Nothing directly replaces this, but it adds so little to games. I guess in a way Changeling is an improved Feast.

Mostly I agree that the deprecated cards were hardly used.  I do think that feast has a LOT of impact on many kingdoms.

1) a Feast has different probabilities for hitting a 5 count than a silver does on turns 3 and 4.   Silver copper copper can be game losing.  Feast copper copper allows for a 5 card.   double silver is great for hitting 6 and 7 early.   silver and feast is good for hitting double 5.
2) Feast works well with low valued kingdom cards.   Copper, copper and silver can be frustrating.  Copper copper feast hits the five while also picking up a pawn or lurker.  (where as starting with these cards in lieu of feast would be detrimental to hitting the 5 counts)
3) There are many kingdoms where you want to minimize silver.  Having a feast that hits that critical 5 and then self destructs to keep the deck thin can be quite valuable.  Assuming you have bought only cantrips and haven't trashed, a deck with a silver in it is going to move 10% slower than a deck without.
4) Just being an action allows feast to interact very differently than silver with the rest of the game e.g. play before your watchtower, and either u have extra actions OR you get to top deck the 5 card.  hit it with a vassal.  Power it up with a teacher.  Throne it, process it, Captain it.  The list goes on.

Anyways ... i'm very grateful that you continue to support the deprecated cards - so i can continue to use feast! :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion 2019 Errata and Rules Tweaks
« on: September 25, 2019, 12:02:18 am »
Any chance we could get an errata update pack with the modified wordings for the most important changed cards?    I can’t afford to buy all of the expansions again ...

Heck - I would buy an annual update pack to keep the most update rules in my set ...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Next expansion possible and when?
« on: September 11, 2019, 02:38:22 pm »
That’s why I’m hoping the next Dominion addition is a mini pack of landmarks, events and projects.   Lots of new interactions without overflowing my storage solution.   Lol

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The bad luck thread
« on: August 28, 2019, 01:46:08 pm »
The extra golden sombrero

On a board with delve - open up triple silver - as hitting 5 and 6 is crucial on the board

All 3 silvers bottom deck.   Turns 3 and 4 wasted.  Resulting in being behind both opponents by 2 turns (three player game) in deck progression. 

The odds of this happening?  3/13* 2/12 * 1/11 = 0.3% chance.


That seems like a fairer price but it would make it swingier I suppose, because hitting $7 is even m

I can think of two $6 cards that are pretty swingy: Goons, because the discard attack makes it harder for the other player to get to $6, and Grand Market, because the benefit makes it easier for you to get more.

It’s really hard to hit an early grand market when u can’t have coppers in play.    But goons is horrible.   I agree

Can captain play as a card from an empty supply pile?

Dominion Articles / Combo: Dismantle, Catapult and Spices
« on: July 14, 2019, 10:11:56 am »
Unexpected little combo I came across in  recent game.

Context:  The only chaining in the deck is from Apothecary and Alchemist.  On any given turn, could only play a total of 2 terminal actions.  (due to the event citadel enabling +1 extra action).  You already own at least a gold, and a spices, and are roughly chaining your deck.

Execution:  Dismantle a gold into a spices (giving +2 coffers) and a gold.  Then Catapult a spices.  This curses your opponent and forces them to discard down to 3.

Net Effect:  +2 coffers, +1 coin and the brutal attack of opponent gains a curse and opponent discards down to 3.   Interestingingly, this dismantle + catapult play is similar to playing 2 giants.   The economy is a little weaker.  (+3 coin instead of +6) but the attack is much stronger IMHO.   This combo always forces a curse on opponent AND makes them discard down to 3.  Giant only sometimes gains a curse.

Optional Econ building step:   Adding a middle step of dismantling the spices to a gold + silver - and then catapulting the silver instead, allows you to gain a gold out of the sequence.  so Dismantle, Dismantle, Catapult = Gain a gold, +2 coffers, +1 coin, opponent gains curse and opponent discards to 3.

Awesome.  Thx. 

Related clarification on rules (not what I originally tried)

If I have no discard pile, a haggler in play, and then purchase a herald ....

Should I be able to choose to gain a 3 cost card first (as per haggler) and then use the overpay mechanic on herald to put that new 3 cost card on top of my deck?   (Since both effects are on guy - I can choose the order yes ?)

Did ur repro test have changeling in the supply?   (With smart exchanges enabled for auto play options)?

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