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Messages - SixDaysShort

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Rules Questions / when, exactly, do/don't I shuffle?
« on: November 07, 2011, 08:21:11 pm »
I know everyone should learn this early on.  And, I thought I had control over it.  But, isotropic has given me some strange results.  For instance, I remember that if I didn't have any cards on top of my deck, swindler didn't have an effect.  Likewise, if I used lookout w/ only one card in my deck, i didn't get to reshuffle to look at 3.  However, sometimes, reveal effects make me reshuffle.

Is it card-specific?  Or are there general rules?

Dominion General Discussion / Playing isotropic on iPhone/android
« on: October 29, 2011, 06:39:09 pm »
Have any of you been able to do this?  Zooming is quirky on my iPhone, and the icons are small enough to easily misclick on when in "full screen.". I imagine it could be done with a tablet.  I suppose I'm just curious if anyone has found a way to make it work on a phone.

Dominion General Discussion / Any progress on the app?
« on: September 29, 2011, 04:55:35 pm »
Has there been any word about an official dominion app?  I'm guessing they haven't even tied down a developer yet because there's been no announcement on toucharcade.  Has it been scrapped?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Impressions on this idea?
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:15:47 pm »
To clarify, that card bank is the ONLY way to buy action cards.  It replaces the stacks we normally buy from.

Variants and Fan Cards / Impressions on this idea?
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:37:42 pm »
So, I played "ascension: chronicle of the god slayer (is that right?)" on my iPhone a couple times last night. It got me thinking about it's card bank feature and how it would affect dominion.

The idea is that you'd create a card bank deck...almost like a black market deck...from which you'd lay out a 4-6 card hand from which the active player could buy cards.  After a card is bought from or trashed from that hand, it'd replaced from the top of the card bank. In addition, victory and treasure cards would always be available for purchase.

I'm uncertain how to fill the deck.  I'm thinking either all 10 of 10 different action cards or 5 of 20 different cards.  In addition, I feel that I'd have to add some type of trashing ability for the hand of playable cards.  I'm thinking that for 3/4 gold, you could trash a card from the board.

Rules Questions / Re: Throne room/king's court
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:20:43 pm »
Okay.  That's what I thought.  I guess that means that I just didn't understand the point that was being made in the new five best $6+ cost cards article.  Thanks for the quick response, though.

Rules Questions / Throne room/king's court
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:10:42 pm »
Could someone give a brief clarification on how throne rooming a throne room works.  I thought I had a good understanding of it.  But something I read recently confused me.  So, I need a different description.

Other Games / Re: What other games do you enjoy playing?
« on: June 27, 2011, 01:32:07 am »
Played 7 wonders a few times this weekend.  It's fun...and so, so fast.  I still have no idea what I'm doing.  The game seems highly luck-based.  But, I'll learn more as wenplay more.  I could be way off base.  It feels like a mix of citadels and race for the galaxy.

In the dozen-or-so times I've played on my phone, it's happened 100% of the time.  Because of the inconvenience of scrolling on a phone, it's made me stop trying. 

Other Games / Re: What other games do you enjoy playing?
« on: June 21, 2011, 01:24:34 am »
Just played citadels on the weekend. 5 players - great game =D buy rating!

7 players - horrible

6 people isn't bad, either--at least in my experience.

I played battlestar galactica (just the base game) this weekend with 5 other friends. Someone got it from borders for $15 dollars 4 months ago...but we hadn't opened it, out of intimidation at the number of pieces and estimated time, until then.  I don't k is if it was an aberration, but it was by far the best boardgame experience I've ever had.  Because of unfamiliarity, the game took almost 4 hours...but not one of us ever got bored.

Incredible.  I can't wait to play again.

Two recent live games I played with people who aren't that into Dominion, I went Witch/Village (nobody else went for Witch) and the other one was a KC-based engine where I passed out all the curses with Ambassador. And uh, none of those people want to play with me anymore  :-X

Yeah. They only have base set and intrigue.  The only action cards I had in my deck were 6 villages, 5 torturers, and a chapel.  I felt even worse considering that one of them had only played twice before...and seemed to have liked it, up to that game, lol.

I'll take theory's advice, I think...and treat them as opportunities to try crazy combos and practice counting and construction.  I did make a silly little engine this weekend involving cellars, scouts, a woodcutters, and a boat load of estates.


And beer kind of sucks ;P.

Capital d, colon

Not bad advice at all.  I don't like losing.  But I suppose I could suck it up for the good of the night.

Other Games / Re: What other games do you enjoy playing?
« on: June 18, 2011, 04:30:14 am »
I don't really play much in the way of competitive gaming anymore.  I do game night with a big group (8-10) every week or two.  For lighter games, balderdash, cranium, rock band, wii-bacci, bohnanza.  We play race for the galaxy every now and then.  We play citadels every now and then. Carcassone and settlers are played (but I avoid them).  They couple who does it all also has the battlestar galactica game and seven wonders...both unopened.  We gave game of thrones a chance, but gave up.

Dominion General Discussion / Do you have non-competitive friends?
« on: June 18, 2011, 03:53:23 am »
A little backstory:  I started playing dominion at a friends place about three months ago.  They play it, along with a bunch if other board/social games every other week or so.  It's mainly just an excuse to drink and BS with each other.  They also told me about isotropic.  I started playing there about 5 or 6 weeks ago.

I've gotten better.  I'm still not all that good.  But, compared to them, I am.  Now, when I play with them, I occasionally ruin the mood.  It was fun when we could all complain about the curses together...or snatch up moats and villages like they were the best thing ever.  Tonight, I basically torture-chained them to a skunk game.  It was shit and I felt bad about it.

Do you all still play with any friends who aren't very good and don't really care to be?  How do you (or would you suggest) handle the discrepancy?

By the way...this is my first post.  My names on isotropic are sixdaysshort, freewin, or daddyissues.  I usem interchangeably at times. Come say hi and teach me things!

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