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Messages - tyr10n

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Previews 1: 5 Cards
« on: March 02, 2020, 08:10:35 am »
If you gain a Sheepdog to your hand, can you play it right away, using the reaction?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Dominion Expansion Bracket
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:59:03 pm »

Innovation General Discussion / Re: FiS: subtler bugs
« on: August 02, 2013, 10:40:29 pm »
Melding che guvara to score an enemy green figure doesn't nuke all score piles like it should.
It seems like it should thematically, but by the rules, this is a case of karmas not being allowed to trigger other karmas. Caresse Crosby has a similar issue with her karmas not working together. See discussion here:

Innovation General Discussion / Re: FiS: subtler bugs
« on: July 25, 2013, 02:28:13 pm »
Queen Victoria's effect "Transfer a figure from any score pile to yours." is an echo effect (not a karma), so it should be modified by karmas.

I wonder if it's worth noting somewhere that the mere presence of Figures changes the value of some other cards? For instance, Almanac. It was amazingly good before; it's even better now, since sharing Almanac no longer slows it down at all. (Yes, the other player gets to score too, so sharing it isn't quite automatic, but it's now certainly possible).

Cards that are easy to share suddenly become much better. For example, Oars and Writing.

Great, that makes sense. Though it's not necessary to be playing with Echoes for this situation to arise, since there are foreshadow effects in Figures. (That's why I looked in the Figures rulebook for the wording on foreshadow.)

An issue came up in a this thread about bugs in isotropic: I'm posting it here because it applies to the game in general. The foreshadow rule states:

If you take a Meld action (but not when an effect instructs you to meld a card!) you may afterward meld a card from your Forecast that is of equal or lower value than the melded card. You may then take a free Dogma action (not counting as one of your two per turn) choosing the card you melded from your Forecast.

So how does the free Dogma action interact with figures which state "If would meld ... instead". For example, Imhotep says: "If you would meld a card over an unsplayed color with more than one card, instead splay that color left and return the card." So when attempting to meld a card out of forshadow, do you still get to take the free Dogma action even if it wasn't melded? I can think of reasons for both interpretations:

  • Yes. You still execute Dogmas on a card even if they are removed by an echo effect. This is similar. The fact that the the card wasn't melded doesn't prevent you from getting your action.
  • No. The FAQ states that "instead" karmas prevent "If you do" dogma effects. The card was never melded so you can't get a free action from the "melded" card.

I lean towards "No" because it's not clear how/if you resolve echo effects.

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Figures in the Sand
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:21:58 pm »
So the current rules state:

  • Claiming an achievement via anything beside the Achieve action (a dogma, karma, or
    echo effect, for example) does NOT cause other players to draw a Figure. Claiming special
    achievements or Decrees likewise does not cause other players to draw a Figure.

Right now it seems Isotropic is going by an earlier version of the rules which said that you got the bonus for any achievement.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:54:55 pm »
In order to make more expansions, the cards necessarily get more complex, and that's the real problem with making more expansions (in addition to, then it's all I do with my life, and don't people have enough variety already, and so on, all the stuff I say over and over when people ask about why I'm not making more expansions). It's okay to change the game and there is more space to explore; it's just, you are pushed into making more and more complex things, while the audience already wants things less complex than they are.

Magic also has to deal with complexity creep in much the same way. Advanced players want more complicated cards, but the developers need to keep the game accessible to new players to make sure the playerbase doesn't stagnate. Somehow Wizards has managed to churn out expansions and attract new players for 20 years. Is there a reason why this couldn't be done with Dominion? I can understand you wanting to move on to new games, but would you ever be willing to hand off development of Dominion?

This was my favorite homework problem in the randomized algorithms class I took. The hint on the homework had us first solve a seemingly unrelated math problem:

What is the probability that a random permutation of 2n elements has be no cycle of length greater than n ?  The answer to this is 1 - 1/(n+1) - 1/(n+2) ... - 1/(2n) which is approximately 1 - log(2) or 31%

If the players use the right strategy this is the same as the probability of success.

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