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Weekly Design Contest #211: Not Your Ordinary Village

Village is one of the most iconic Dominion cards.  Villages usually don’t do much on their own, but without one, you have to be extremely picky with the other Actions your deck can contain, limiting the potential of the deck and outcome of the game.  This time your task is to design something* that allows you to play 2 or more Terminal Actions in an unusual way. 

That’s kind of vague, so let’s look at some examples from the official cards.  Among all the cards that contain “Village” in their name, only Snowy Village would rate highly in this contest, due to its restriction on further +Actions.  Other cards that rate high are Taskmaster, Conclave, and First MateThrone Room is another good example, but the fact that it exists means that Throne Room variants need to be more unusual to rate well.  Something like Crown rates poorly, while Mastermind is better.  Landscapes like Toil also count, but you'll have to be careful to make your entry different enough from existing Landscapes.

Contest Guidelines:

Judgment Details:
  • The contest will close roughly a week from today.
  • I will judge entries based on balance, wording/mechanics, simplicity, creativity, and how fun the entry is to play with.


Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #207: Vanilla on the Side
« on: December 19, 2023, 02:09:22 pm »
Weekly Design Contest #207: Vanilla on the Side

The title indicates what this contest is about, but the details are a little nuanced.  Your task is to design something* that does not provide any Vanilla effects, but includes gaining (or exchanging for) a non-Supply card that only provides Vanilla effects.  Examples of official cards that meet the criteria for the contest are Marauder, Pillage, Hermit, Sleigh, and Demand.

Contest Guidelines:
  • *For your main entry almost anything goes, including kingdom cards, landscapes, and all mechanics up to and including Plunder.  It just can’t be a non-supply card itself and it can’t include Vanilla effects, namely +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy, and +$1.
  • There are some effects that are similar to Vanilla effects, but are not Vanilla themselves.  For example “... put card(s) into your hand,” and “you may play an Action card…” are not Vanilla.  But you need a good reason to use that instead of a Vanilla effect (see Throne Room, Will-O’-Wisp, and Imp wording).
  • The main entry needs to do something besides just gain the non-Supply card.  This disqualifies Ride and Stampede.
  • The non-Supply card’s only benefit should be Vanilla effects.  You could use an existing non-Supply card that meets the requirements (i.e. Spoils, Madman, and Horse).  Just make sure your main entry is different enough from existing things that use that non-Supply card.  Or you could make your own; just let me know how many cards are in the non-Supply pile. Don’t worry if your non-Supply card has the same effect as someone else’s, especially if it is simple.
  • The non-Supply card can use various types, such as Action, Treasure, Night, Duration, and even Victory.  Some types, such as Attack, must be attached to a non-Vanilla effect, so they can’t be used.  Reactions could go either way: a non-Suply card like Trail would be OK, but Moat would not (Attack protection is not Vanilla).
  • The non-Supply card can include drawbacks.  Most notably this is returning itself to its pile.  Your non-Supply card is not required to do that.  Also, it’s OK if the drawback could be a benefit in some rare interaction (i.e. infinite gains for Collection), just make sure that interaction does not apply to your main entry or the non-supply card itself.
  • The non-Supply card can involve a condition (such as Madman’s draw varying with the number of cards in your hand).  It could also involve choices.  Just make sure that the only benefits are Vanilla effects.
  • Your entry must contain both card text and a mock-up.  If you don’t do this, I may not judge the card.  You don’t need to add card art, but I want to see the text fit on a card.  I recommend using this mock-up tool.  If you use one of the official non-Supply cards, you don’t need to include card text or a mock-up for that.
  • If you have any questions, let me know, and I will post my reply here.
    • Would cellar be okay as the effect on the primary card?
      I’m assuming you’re excluding the +1 Action at the start.  If that’s the case,“draw that many” is not Vanilla, so that effect is safe for the primary card.
    • Could your card be allowed if it gains non-vanilla non-supply cards?

      For example
      “Gain a Horse. If you have an odd number of cards in play, gain an imp”
      Where imp is not vanilla.

      Not my real entry.
      Yes, that works. As long as the main card could gain a Vanilla non-Supply card (unconditionally, conditionally, or optionally), the main card can gain other non-Supply cards that are non-Vanilla.
    • can we have +Coffer, +Villager or +favors?
      Those can all be part of the main entry, but they cannot be part of the non-Supply card on the side.

Judgment Details:
  • The contest will close roughly a week and two days from today.  A little extra time because of the holidays and to get me to my long weekend for New Years for judging.
  • I will judge entries based on balance, wording/mechanics, simplicity, creativity, and how fun the entry is to play with.


Weekly Design Contest #202: Extra! Read all about it!

In case you hadn’t heard, there is an upcoming errata to effects that let you take an extra turn.  The main goal is to limit the number of turns a player can take in a row, especially if the kingdom contains multiple ways to take an extra turn.  The wording has also changed.  For example, here is the updated wording for Outpost:

You only draw 3 cards for your next hand.  Take an extra turn after this one (but not a 3rd turn in a row).

So for this contest, your job is to design something* that lets the player take an Extra turn.  Official cards that meet the criteria for the contest are Outpost, Possession, the Odysseys (Voyage), Fleet, Island Folk, Journey, Mission, and Seize the Day.

Contest Guidelines
  • *Anything goes, including kingdom cards, landscapes, non-Supply cards, and all mechanics up to and including Plunder.
  • Many entries will probably need to include some form of “(but not a 3rd turn in a row),” but note that Fleet and Seize the Day remain unchanged, so once-a-game extra turns are safe.

Judgment Details:
  • The contest will close roughly one week from today.
  • I will judge the entries based on balance, wording, simplicity, creativity, and how fun the entry is to play with, with most emphasis on the extra turn effect.


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