There seems to be a rules contradiction in the DominionStrategy Wiki for
In the "Unofficial FAQ for Current Version", it states:
Estates do not copy the abilities or types of the set aside card; they just play it. Therefore they do not trigger abilities of the card below the dividing line that do not happen when playing the card, like gaining another Port when buying a Port...Below, in the "Official FAQ for Prior Version", it states:
...if you used Inheritance on a Port and then later bought an Estate, that Estate would come with a Port, just as buying a Port gains you a Port.So, which is it?
Also, how does Inheritance work with Reserve cards? I used Inheritance with Duplicate on Dominion Online, and when I play the Estate, it reads as playing a Duplicate in the Log, but they don't go to my Tavern Mat, and I can't Duplicate anything.