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Rules Questions / Ironworks and moved cards
« on: October 05, 2024, 05:05:43 am »
Does Ironworks still produce any Action/Coin/Card in the following scenarios where on-gain effects affect the chosen card?

1. If the card is trashed (e.g. by revealing Watchtower, or Rush/Sailor playing a card that trashes itself)?

2. If the answer to 1 is no, does it make a difference if the card isn't actually trashed (e.g. Fortress or Lich) or does the attempted trash still cause Ironworks to loose track of the card?

3. If the card is returned to the supply (e.g. Rush plays Experiment)?

4. If the card is exchanged (with Changeling, post-2020 Trader)?

5. If the card is moved, but still within the players ownership (for example gained to the hand, set aside, or Exiled)?

Also, did the 2016 rephrasing of Ironworks from "If it is an..." to "If the gained card is an..." affect how Ironworks works in any way (either for the questions above or for some other case)?

Dominion General Discussion / Summary of all errata
« on: July 03, 2022, 02:50:55 pm »
As someone with the first edition of everything, the amount of changes to keep track of is getting long. Is there somewhere a complete list of all errata and rule changes so I don't have to keep track of all the different pages and forum threads?
It would be convenient to have all the functional changes (both general rules and card texts) as a single sheet that can be printed and have at hand when playing, so if someone has already made that it would be really great.

Rules Questions / Order of gaining card vs. on gain effects
« on: October 01, 2018, 01:48:24 pm »
When resolving an on gain effect, is the gained card already on the discard pile, does the effect happen first, or is it simultaneous (i.e. I can choose the order)?

I buy Cursed Village. The next Hex is Locusts but my deck is empty so resolving it triggers a shuffle.
Do I put Cursed Village in my discard pile before or after I shuffle?

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