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Dominion Isotropic / watch out for IGG with grand market and +$
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:26:04 am »
Apparently, holding two coppers, a silver, a gold, and an IGG will give you a no-confirmation +$7 in a Grand market game, even though you could have bought a GM! I think I would have expected a +$5.

Of course then my net cut out a few turns later anyway. Sorry hellorenee.

When you play a Vault on Isotropic and discard cards for money, the other players see what cards you've discarded. As far as I know, this isn't the case for any other discard in Dominion (other than those which specify that you must reveal the cards, or things like cutpurse). Is this actually compatible with the rules?

(I know Isotropic differs from the technical rules in that you don't have the top card of your discard visible, but this isn't just about one card, this is showing a whole bunch of cards!)

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