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Dominion General Discussion / A quick Temple tip
« on: April 17, 2018, 03:48:09 am »
1. Temple scores a point when you play it
2. If you are down by 6 with 1 province left, you can play a temple, then play 8 coins to buy the last province and win.

That is all.

Dominion Articles / Bandit: What's Her Deal?
« on: September 15, 2017, 05:18:45 am »
I got carried away with this and it's way too long, apologies in advance. Originally designed as a Bandit article, it ultimately ended up including some basic Engine advice. Settle down and grab a nice cup of cocoa before you begin reading to see if there's anything Salvageable from this article. This was designed to be targeted towards beginners, but that definitely wavers here and there.
Note: I was planning to write an article on Bandit since it seemed like a simpler card for me to explain, then I get home and see Polk's already written a whole bunch on Gold, which is like 95% of Bandit. I'll get him back one day.

In all her poorly-camouflaged glory.
Who is Bandit?

Bandit does 2 things. First: she gains you a gold. That sounds pretty good. Second: she gives you chance to trash an important treasure from one or more other players (specifically, not a copper). This also sounds pretty good. But be careful: it's very easy to overrate both of those effects.

So what happens if I buy like 2 Bandits and then just buy a bunch of Treasures and Provinces? That seems pretty good!

Sigh. Yes, it seems to make sense. Add a bunch of Gold to your deck, take away the Treasures your opponents get (but not the coppers!), and then just get some Victory cards. Sounds good. Unfortunately, it's too slow and weak to win. You'll get a couple Provinces, but that's obviously not enough. Turns out doing the same thing with Smithy instead is just as good, if not better. Not saying it's good with Smithy - I'm saying it's better. In any event, these are called "Big Money" strategies, and are often neither the best strategy available, nor the most fun to play with (actually, basically never the most fun to play with). So you'll manage something with Bandit by doing a Bandit-Big Money thing, but she won't be happy about it! Don't upset her.

OK, then what?

Bandit's nice in Engines, decks where you get to play lots of actions. If you need a bunch of Golds in a hurry, it's usually better to burn 1 action playing a Bandit to get a gold which you might even be able to play that same turn than to burn $6 and 1 buy on gold. With engines, you'll be able to reliably play a Bandit a turn, which will ultimately be much quicker than buying them.

Before we go further, it's important that you understand the role that Gold plays in Engines. It's often nice to have a few lying around, but don't get too greedy. Read this very-recently-written article by Polk5440 to better understand Gold and see why it helps and why it hurts.. To summarize: too many Golds, and you have an unnecessary amount of money that you may not even be able to play every turn. But a few will give you the Dolla Dollas to afford Provinces and other key cards without gumming up your Engine very much.

So yeah, one reason to get golds is to have money (duh). Another: Gold combos with a lot of cards, especially Trash For Benefit (TFB) cards where you get reward for trashing expensive cards. Here are a few of the many examples.

  • Remodel (Base Set): Play a Bandit, draw the Gold, play a Remodel, and turn the Gold into a Province. Rinse and Repeat.
  • Bishop (Prosperity): Same idea as Remodel, but play the Bishop instead, and gain 4 Victory Points. It's not as many as the 6 from a Province such as in the Remodel example, but since you haven't actually added a Province to your deck, your Engine is just as strong as before.
  • Counterfeit (Dark Ages) : Play 1 gold, get 6 coins (and a buy!) instead. Cha-ching!
  • Salvager (Seaside): See Counterfeit

I'll come back to address the attack part of Bandit one last time. It's not as important as the Gold gaining part; don't worry about it too much. If an opponent wants to try a Big Money strategy, Bandit plays in an Engine can help slow them down, but if you’re playing an Engine good enough to play a Bandit a turn, you should probably be able to win anyways in the first place.

But my opponents keep buying it in 4 player games and stealing all my Golds and I can't ever win!

Don't worry, there are ways around it.

First: while trashing is very important, be sure not to shrink down to a deck in the opening relying only on a couple at-risk treasures (like Silver). You need to use your starting money to pick up something that will last you throughout the game, such as actions cards giving you virtual money or cards that will regenerate treasures (such as, you guessed it, Bandit). This is crucial when opponents rush for early Bandits without caring about trashing or building up an engine. This will fail, but don't fall victim and encourage them to keep trying it. It's not the best approach.

Speaking of which: if your golds are getting stolen, you can use Bandits of your own to regain them. This will require waiting to build the start of your engine first. The best Bandit is the one that gets played every turn; the more often it gets used, the more golds you can recover. So have patience, accept that the attack isn't the most powerful thing on the board, and don't buy the Bandit until you absolutely need it. Remember, engines don't need 8 golds in the deck to be successful; even if only 1 or 2 survive between turns, then between that and playing another Bandit on your next turn, you'll be in fine shape.

One more thing: don't feel like you're getting singled out. If all 3 other players have Bandits, that means they're hurting each other too. Sometimes, you will be the recipient of bad luck. Sometimes, you'll be the benefactor. But the better a player you become, the more you minimize the impact of the luck factor. Welcome to Dominion.

But you said it can be useful! Are there times I shouldn't get it?

Absolutely. There are times when you don't need the Bandit, even when you're playing an engine. First off, remember that if you do get a Bandit, you don't need a lot of them and you won't need all that many Golds. Moving on.

Some boards don't have very many Villages, and you can't play very many actions. There may be more important cards than Bandit that you need to play, such as Smithy and other cards that draw more cards.

The TFB cards are awesome with Gold and Bandit, but they're not on every board.

On boards with Colonies (Prosperity), Gold becomes the equivalent of Silvers on board with just Provinces and no Colonies: decent-ish to gain without buys, but much less impressive.

If a deck can hit $16 and 2 buys, that's enough for 2 Provinces. You sometimes want to do even better, but that's a perfectly respectable number. If your deck only needs 1 or 2 golds to get there (or even a lower price point), then it's OK to just buy the Golds. It'll be faster, and the attack won't be all that important. If it's necessary to have more than just a couple golds or you think you'll be able to consistently get into the $$high-teens even with all the golds, that's when the Bandit comes into play.

And finally, there are lots of times where you can make an engine, but it's just not strong enough to be able to deal with lots of golds. The fewer 'stop cards' you add, the more reliable this low to medium strength engine will be. Yes, gold will be a hinderance here.

OK, now I kinda know how to use it in Engines, I guess. Whatever. When do I want to buy it again? As soon as possible?
Example Time!!!

I will defer here to Burning Skull. For any new players who are getting used to the base set (heck, even veterans check it out), take a peak at his 25-video series on the base set. Let's do a post-mortem for a couple of his games with Bandit.

Game #6

The engine is challenging to build, but once it’s up and running, it can rely on Poachers, Festivals, and Throne Rooms for all the currency. Golds will just get in the way, and since Skull doesn’t pick up any Golds, the opponent’s Bandit is totally worthless. So no Bandit here; Golds aren’t needed and the engine isn’t quite strong enough that it won’t be gunked up with excess Treasures.

Game #20

Bandit is important here for one very big reason - there is no +buy. It's a pain to have to spend $6 on Golds - let the Bandit take care of it. Skull uses the 1 buy a turn and the Remodel to build up an engine of Villages, Smithies, and Witches to support this Bandit and the Golds she brings. Note also the Remodel/Gold combo – he picks up 2 Provinces this way, and even had an outside chance of getting a third at the end.

Game #7

The engine is good enough that it can support several Golds in it. The Bandit saves Burning Skull from having to waste 6 coins and a buy every turn to pick up new Golds. Note also the careful balance between money and buys - not too much money so that it doesn't go to waste, not too little so that he'll be able to add multiple good cards a turn by the end.

These were just 3 games, you can always look through more and get a better feeling for Bandit and Base Set as a whole.

So in conclusion: Bandit is not your first priority. Trashing, junking (filling your opponents' decks with bad cards) and creating the start of your engine comes first. Once your deck is strong enough to support more golds, that's when you buy the Bandit. Don't be afraid to sacrifice a lot of your buying power at the start of your game with Bandit on the board - once you get her, you'll start powering ahead.

Rules Questions / Fortune + Potion
« on: June 22, 2017, 04:11:20 pm »
Does Fortune double Potions as well as $?

*in my opinion.

I'm sure you've been there too; you load up a game or deal out 10 blue-backed cards and see your one personal rectangular nemesis that makes you think "Oh crap. I'm not winning this game" (Just me?)

Anyways, these are the cards that I feel separate the Dominion Greats from the Not-So-Greats. (It's also a little bit of "Teach me how to play better please" disguised as a clickbait article).

This isn't a list of the best cards in Dominion - Chapel's great, but it doesn't take too long to learn how important it is to trash your whole hand. It's also not a list of the cards whose strategies are easy to get, hard to perfect - you might've played your Rebuild or Governor deck slightly better than I did and won, but at least I understand the general principles of them. Also not a list of those cards with those obscure edge case strategies that are easily overlooked in favor of classic engines/BM - it sucks you beat me with that Counting House combo, but 99 times out of 100, there's no way it's worth it.

So without further ado, these are the cards with the what/why/when/how/where/who that need a lot of practice (still in my opinion).

Honorable Mentions

Distant Lands - Many have asked the question, few have found the answer: WHEN do I start picking up these cards with this really awesome color scheme?

Duke - OK, like most other pure victory cards, I kinda forget about it until the late game. I'm not great at looking at a board in the beginning and evaluating how Duke/Duchy stacks up with Province.

Groundskeeper - Surprisingly, the only Empires card that made it even to HM for me, though a few others were close. It can be game changing at the end, but like Distant Lands, 'when' is the question. Too useless early, too late...late. And yes, gainers are an obvious solution, but without gainers, picking up a G-Keeper in the midgame over other $5s is a tough choice.

Highway - ...and other cost reducers. Less about me and more for the general public, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of most of Highway's tricks. What I don't have, however, is a good recognition of Highway's 'countertricks' (oh yeah, THAT'S why my Apprentice isn't working).

Watchtower - A cute little helper card, obviously not a powerhouse nor a card you need a lot of it, but it can do 3 separate cool things, all of which are easy to both forget about and underrate. I don't know, I feel like this is a really forgettable card for some reason, but it's usually a very useful one.

10. Tactician

When you start playing Dominion the thought process associated with Tactician goes: (see it for the first time) "Discard your hand? Ewwww" (sees somebody else use it) "+5 cards, + 1 action + 1 buy? That was awesome!" (and then more uses) "Eh".

Funny enough, Double Tactician is one of the coolest uses of Tactician, and yet, it's also not too tough to see when and why it works. It's the Single Tactician deck that's more gray area - Yes, 1 great turn is usually better than 2 good ones, but how good are those good turns I'm having, and how great is that one great one? It's that middle ground where I have a tough time seeing if sacrificing a turn is really worth it.

9. Minion

OK, fine, this one's a personal vendetta - I just can't win with Minion on the board. I can't. Minion stack is great, I was told, it's self-sufficient, I was told, and yet, there's so many cards that can combo well with Minion that I'm not aware of. In addition, I have a tough time with the main discard/+$ decision of Minion. When it's the last card left, sure, discard and get 4 new ones, but when you only have 5 total Minions in your deck, it's tough to get them to line up right.

8. Hermit

Maybe another card that is more personal, one that I don't really get...but I don't really get it. I remember watching a game from someone (I think it was Mic, could be wrong), where they butchered Coppers into Curses just to feed them to the Hermit. Yes, I see it's a nice counter to Looters and Curses, but it's still only one card you can trash, not to mention it doesn't work on treasures. As for Madman, sure it's great, but it's a 1-time use, plus you might have to sacrifice a solid turn in order to get it. I've seen games of people going after Hermits hard, and I don't see the purpose of having a bunch of them. Again, maybe this card is more of a personal sob story than one that accurately reflects the community's feelings....then again, it's my list, I can do what I want.  8)

7. Transmogrify

So here's what I know how to use Transmogrify for:
1) It can turn Estates into Silvers for some nice early game usage
2) It can turn Provinces into Provinces to help end the game faster
3) ....some other stuff

Transmogrify is nice with Summon, it's great with Fortress, but it's easy to let it sit on your mat and not feel like using it. It's a card that can be used to help smooth out rough turns and give you power to kick off, but I imagine a lot players don't see a lot of immediate gain from it and pass it up for other $4's that can give an instant impact/direct contribution to an engine. It's easy to imagine that tricks exist with Transmogrify, harder to spot, much less practice, those tricks in an actual game.

6. Stonemason

So it took me a while to figure out why this card is considered so good. It can gain things, it goes great with potion-cost cards...but still, it's a dead card whose trashing ability just isn't that good. Depending on the board, there is a point where too many Stonemasons are detrimental.

I feel like I've started to get away from the whole purpose of this topic, so I'm gonna try to get back on track here: why does this card separate good from great players when it's buy ability isn't too difficult to figure out? Keyword(s): Endgame control. Stonemason both through buying and through trashing is possibly the best card at creating quick pile outs, and it's difficult for opponents to see it coming. Finding forced wins is a vital skill, and few cards better enable it than Stonemason.

5. Butcher

Good ol' Mr. My-Bald-Cap-Doesn't-Fit-So-Well-And-My-Ear-Is-A-Doorknob. Similar to Transmogrify in a lot of respects - trashing Estates into $3s and $4s is good early on, and endgame, it can drain Provinces quickly. And playing a Butcher just for the coin tokens is also a reasonable play. And then the questions come: When do you start burning those coin tokens? Is it worth to use 5 coin tokens turning a copper into a $5? Should I save them for later in the turn when I can use them with my multiple buys? When do I start turning my expensive actions and treasures into Provinces? Coin tokens are in general tough because it's a tough call when to use them, though the earlier the better is a good rule of thumb, but Butcher complicates the issue by giving you two different, useful ways to use coin tokens to get better cards.

4. Jack of All Trades

OK, I know what you're thinking: how the heck did this make the list, let alone get to 4? Haven't you heard of the fabled Double Jack, of whom many stories have been spread across the lands.

Why, yes, I do know of the legends! But do you mean to tell me that unless your deck contains 2 Jacks and a bunch of silvers that it's a useless card? The fact is Jack of All Trades is a jack of all trades. It does 4 things, each to be utilized weaponized (I like that word better!) in their own way. And it seems to me the best players can spot when one or multiple of those abilities can be used to better an engine. Maybe it is a little high on the list, I'm committed. The 4-word card shall stay at #4!

3. Develop

Say what you want about the last 12 cards so far, I'm pretty confident in my choice for top 3. Starting with Develop. Gains a card costing more and less. There aren't that many cards that make you trash backwards in cost, but here's one of 'em. It's a poor copper trasher, a mediocre estate trasher (at least you get a $3 on top of you deck), the real power lies in knowing when to get rid of those $4 and $5 Actions you worked oh so hard to get, just to feed them to the sinking sandcastle owned by an alien (seriously, why is his face GREEN‽‽‽‽). Again, maybe more of a personal issue, but I imagine a lot of players are reluctant to trash actions as 1) You bought them with your own hard-earned cash at some point and 2) and more importantly, it's tough to justify trashing over playing them.

But the flip side is you get two more cards, one of which is stronger than the trashee, plus you'll probably be playing them real soon, and adding engine cards to an engine is always smart. I haven't even mentioned endgame yet; you can use it to add some endgame victory cards and can get in some sneaky pileouts. Upon seeing the card for the first time, it should be obvious that there are tricks you can find with it, it's just a matter of managing to spot them and pull off a with it.

2. Procession

It's a Throne Room! It's an Upgrade! It's...Procession. Does it seem to strange to you that Procession is a Throne Room that improves the card you throne, gives you a chance to play that card on the same turn, costs the SAME as Throne Room, and despite all that, is still rated lower by the community. Huh? Well, the main reasoning isn't too hard to see it turns out - Throne Room can be used on your best, most expensive actions, while Procession...could technically too, it would just be dumb.

Regardless of how it stacks up against Throne Room, it's still a tough card to play right. On the face of it, even if you don't play the new card this turn, at least instead of paying $5 for the next card you need for your deck, you only need $4 to replace the card you just got rid of it. Frugality! Save a buck! Well, not so simple. Village/Terminal balance is key, and Procession can upset the balance. As with Develop, even when you're getting a more expensive card, it can still be discouraging to trash those o-so-precious Actions of yours.

But what really makes this card shine is when you Procession the Procession. Think about it for a couple seconds, and it's still not quite obvious what's gonna happen, even with just a chain of just 2, let alone 5. The endgame pileout the Processing a Processing a (insert recursion code here) enables is tough to underestimate unless you've done it yourself, or more likely, had it happen to you. So with both the ability to sacrifice actions for better ones and miraculously drain 3 piles like that, Procession is a well deserved #2.

And 1. Peasant and Friends

I hope you all saw this one coming. Countless articles have been written on Peasant and his 4 elders siblings, and yet, still we wander in the darkness, without a flicker of light to illuminate the proper way to play a game of Dominion with these sepia gentlemen. In a game where it's fun to find cards that thematically match what they do, perhaps no card better does this than Peasant: we Peasants don't know how to play with it, and must become the Teachers to master it.

In all seriousness - yeah, Peasant's tough. Where do I begin. How many Peasants should I get? How early should I fill my deck with these dead terminals? How many Disciples do I want? Which card should I Disciple? Do I even want a Teacher? What token do I place first? Which pile does it go on? Why am I placing my first token while my opponent just ended the game? (Been there, done that).

People have complained about Peasant ranking behind Page in the Qvist rankings. One of the main reasons (I think) Page has beaten Peasant two years is that people UNDERSTAND the Page chain. It's so beautifully intuitive! Champion stops attacks. Champion lets me ignore '+x Action'. The End. Heck, even Page is simpler than Peasant, it's just a $2 cantrip - what could be easier to get?

So yes, with a callback to the purpose of this article, when you play a game against me and Peasant is there, congrats on the victory.

Again, everything above is how I feel. I'm sure there are cards above that are much more obvious that I let them on to be and I'm just missing some simple fact about them. Those are just the cards that I see on boards that cause me to panic a little bit. I don't know, anybody else have thoughts/lists of their own? I decided to post this in General Discussion for a reason, so....Discuss! But do it generally...

Game Reports / Which Fortress Strategy?
« on: February 15, 2017, 09:12:15 pm »
Hello all. This was a fun game I remember playing a few weeks ago (and therefore don't have a log as I'm just now deciding to post it).

The board was:

Coin of the Realm
Cartographer (On this board:

Lost Arts

I got Coin/Butcher on 2/5 as player 1, my opponent opened Plan on Fortress/Fortress on 3/4.

 As you can see, Fortress kinda matters here a lot, but what do I do along with it? My opponent neglected Develop and went for a lot of Apprentices (5 or so) with some Butchers to gain the Apprentices. I was much more haphazard: I somewhat-rushed Fortresses, getting 5 or 6, and then started adding a collection of Develops (which gained more Butchers, Apprentices, and Menageries), stupidly overpayed a $5 Doctor early-ish which was all but useless, and also had a Catapult and picked up one or two more COTRs on dud turns. Also picked up an Altar which I planned to use (and did in fact do so) as Butcher fodder. Despite falling behind 24-6 on Province points, I managed to Butcher out the Provinces and Develop for enough Duchies to eke out a win, thanks to first player advantage. This was turn 12, or so.

Anyways, I guess the main questions I have for this board are:

1) How hard do you rush for Fortresses?
2) What's better? Apprentice or Butcher (or get both evenly)?
3) How early/how many Develops do you get?
4) How hard do you rush for Fortresses? well as how Catapult, Plan, and everything else factors in.

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