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Topics - MattLee

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I'm buying my brother Dominion for his birthday. I can buy him the 2nd edition or for about the same price I can buy him the 1st edition and give him the update pack (I have an extra one i'll never use). So the decision is kind of whether or not to give him the old cards for free. The extra variety would be nice but are they so bad that it would be better to not give them to a new player at all?

Dominion General Discussion / Being sneaky
« on: April 14, 2018, 11:14:33 am »
If my wife is busy shuffling, or looking at her cards, or otherwise not paying attention I'll play my turn fast so I can buy a provence or attack card before she notices. She does the same. That's what you get for not paying attention! Do you guys do this IRL games?

Dominion General Discussion / Would you trash an estate worth 2VP?
« on: April 11, 2018, 12:46:01 am »
Just a though experiment...

If your starting estates were worth 2VP would still chapel them? What if they were worth 2.5VP? or 3VP? Obviously it would depend on the board, but in an average game at what point would you not trash them?

My wife loves Dominion but hates complex or weird cards, she loves the simplicity of the base game and the further we go from that the less she likes it. Which means we will never play with a lot of the newer cards. That stinks but it is what it is. I've been wondering if I could take some of the Heirlooms and split piles and buy more of them so as to make whole kingdom piles with them. Would any of them be overpowered? Would any of them be terrible and never get bought? These are the ones I'd consider doing it to -

Goat, Pasture, Pouch, Cursed Gold, Lucky Coin
Plunder, Patrician, Emporium, Settlers, Bustling Village


Other Games / Recomendations for easy to learn games?
« on: August 06, 2017, 11:21:42 am »
My wife and I were crazy for Dominion for about a year mostly because its such a simple to understand and fast paced game. We kept to the first few expansions since she doesn't care for the complexity the later ones add. Do you fellow Dominion players have any recommendations for games around Dominion's complexity level that a non-gamer like my wife might like?

Variants and Fan Cards / New Mechanic - Delay
« on: January 28, 2017, 09:37:06 am »
I've come up with a new mechanic called Delay and a bunch of possible cards to try it out with.  These cards use the Delay mat and would have rules in the rulebook and printed on the Delay mat as a reminder that when you shuffle your deck, put all cards from the Delay mat into your discard pile. Cards on your Delay mat aren't considered in your deck at the end of the game. The idea came from Debt, where you get the card now but pay for it later. With Delay you pay for it now (at a bargin price) but you have wait to get it. Chancellor type card are great with Delay and so are big draw cards that will help you cycle through you deck faster.

Keep in mind all of my cards are designed for long Colony/Platinum games and if these cards came in an expansion it would include them.

Moneygrubber - $5

Choose one: Gain a silver to your hand or gain a Gold, putting it on your Delay mat.

Prosperous Village - $5

+1 Cards
+2 Action
When you gain this, gain a card costing less than it, putting it on your Delay mat.

Assistant - $3

+1 Card
+1 Action
+ $1
When you gain this, put it on your Delay mat.

Byway - $4

+1 Action
+1 Buy

While this is in play cards cost $1 less but not less than $0. When you buy a card this turn, put it on your Delay mat.

Bunker - $3

+1 Action
+ $1

Put any number of cards from your hand onto your Delay mat, then draw that many cards.

Manor - $4

Choose one: Gain an action card costing up to $6, putting it on your Delay mat, or gain an action card costing up to $4

Collateral - $5

+ $2

Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand puts a card from their hand, chosen at random, onto their Delay mat.

Stockpile - $6

Whenever you buy a card this turn, put it on your Delay mat.

Savings - $5

When you gain this, put it on your Delay mat.

Territory - $9

When you gain this, put it on your Delay mat.

Variants and Fan Cards / MattLee's cards, round 2
« on: January 12, 2017, 11:32:03 pm »
I really appreciated the feedback from the last cards I posted, I'd love to hear anyones opinions on these new card ideas before I print these out! From now on I'm just going to do text versions and I'll post full cards when I've tested a card and have it working how I want it to.

New Explorer
Cost - $5

You may reveal a hand containing no Treasures. If you do, gain 2 Golds, putting them into your hand. Otherwise, gain a Silver, putting it into your hand.

I've always felt like Explorer from Seaside was a bit weak. This seems harder to do (i think?) but would have a higher payoff. Every time you use New Explorer it would be harder to get double golds later on. Its also bad with big money.
Cost - $2

+1 Card
+ $1

Put any number of cards from your hand on top of your library.

Has any official card let you do this before?
Cost - $6

+2 Cards
+2 Actions
+2 Buys
You may not buy this if you have another Lodge in play.

Inspired by Grand Market. Its hard to get your first Grand market but easier with each one you buy. This is kind of the reverse.
Cost - $4

Reveal your hand. If it contains no Treasures, gain a gold. If it contains no actions, gain a action card costing up to $4.
Cost - $3
+1 Action
+ $2

If any supply piles have exactly 1 card remaining, you may gain a card from one of these piles.

Cost - $6
Worth 1VP for each Arena in the supply.
When another player gains an Arena you may trash this from your hand. If you do, gain a card costing less than this.

I saw this idea on the forums and loved it, but I could see other players buying this card just to spite me (ive had this happens sometimes with Duke). With my version if other players do this you can trash this to gain a dutchy or some other more useful card.

Variants and Fan Cards / A weird card idea
« on: January 06, 2017, 01:09:45 am »
What do you guys think of this weird idea?

Type: Action
Cost: $5 ?
Play any number of Action cards from your hand in any order, then put your hand on top of your deck in any order.

It feels like it would be fun, maybe a little too confusing though. The drawback keeps it in check since you'll be stuck with your victories and treasures next turn. I'm not sure if I'll actually try this one, it just seemed like an interesting idea.

Variants and Fan Cards / Paying VP tokens?
« on: January 01, 2017, 11:49:14 am »
I'm thinking of trying out a card like this:

+1 Card
+1 Action
+ 1VP

If you have 4VP or more,
pay 4VP and gain a Provence
I don't think there's a precedent for this so how would you word it? Pay sounds weird. Do you remove them? Loose them? Any thoughts on the card?

Variants and Fan Cards / Discard and draw mechanic
« on: December 27, 2016, 05:06:37 pm »
I'm creating this thread separate from my main thread to develop a new mechanic. I want to do a few vanilla cards in my set but want a way to give them a something extra and unique. What do you guys think of tacking this line of text onto cards -

"You may discard this card during your action phase. If you do, draw a card"

Its not the quite same as +1 Card +1 Action since it doesn't use up an action and obviously you don't get the +1 Card +1 Action if you actually play the card. If you have too many terminal actions you can discard this and draw. If you need that extra dollar to buy a Provence you can cross your fingers and hope to draw the treasure you need. Here a quick sample-


Variants and Fan Cards / MattLee's cards
« on: December 27, 2016, 04:04:55 pm »
Hi all! This is my first shot at making cards and I'd love any and all input I can get before I print them out. I only own the base set (1st and 2nd edition), Intrigue (1st and 2nd), Seaside, and Prosperity but I am familiar with most of the other cards. If a card of mine is very similar to a card in a later expansion me know. I only play 2 player an usually colony/platinum games so cards that work for those games are my priority but I want them balanced for all games if possible. I prefer cards that are simple, don't slow down the game, and are unique.


This is my attempt at making an Envoy type card more fun. Instead of just loosing your best card it lets you play a little mind game with your opponent. He put 3 decent cards into the face up pile, then the face down cards must be really good right? nope, its a pair of coppers, gotcha! The +1 Action is there to make the choice more interesting.


I'm not sure how strong this card would be. It won't always hit but when it does it could be harsh. It could incentive or disincentive you from buying the same cards as your opponents which could be interesting.

In my house Market and Wishing well are both popular cards and this is a sort of hybrid of the two.

This might be too similar to throne room and kings Court to bother with but I like the idea. We'll see.

I saw this idea somewhere on the forum and liked it. I sometimes buy feast on a 3/4 split when there are must have 5 cost cards. This is a card you buy on a 5/2 split when you'd rather have the 4 cost cards!



Has anyone played with cards that basically end the turn? Does this sound un-fun?

I got this idea from another Lastfootnote, his cost $2, +4 cards, passed to the left and when you gained it you shuffled your deck into your discard pile. Every player can benefit from drawing cards, so the other player was never sad to see it. I want to see if I can find a make a version that you buy if you need it but not all players want. This version won't benefit a big money strategy and they'll have to decide if they play it just to get it out of their deck or keep a dead card so you can't have it.

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