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Dominion Isotropic / Most Vetoed Card?
« on: February 09, 2012, 03:11:23 pm »
I'm assuming the stats can be run fairly easily to answer this one definitively, but what is the card that you (1) most often see vetoed and (2) veto yourself?

(1) Very rarely do I see a veto game come up with Ambassador that it does not get vetoed.  Personally I love the Ambassador games, especially with +action, Throne Room and Kings Court. 

(2) I almost always veto University, I just find it to be boring.  University games tend to focus on who can get a good shuffle to get two quick universities and then load up on Laboratories or whatever the strong $5 is.  I am sure not many people will agree with me on this one, but I don't see any ingenuity with university.  Though depending on recent games and having played a card too much I can also lean towards very dominant (and non-combo cards): Minion and  Fool's Gold come to mind.  I also do not like the games that end up in a race for $2 and $3 cards, so I will always take out the Vineyards, Ironworks/workshop combos.

We have all seen the threads related to favorite or least favorite card.  But I think the veto mode on isotropic goes beyond favorite/least favorite, it is so much more about strategy.  I understand that there will definitely be games that you veto a card strictly based on the others available.  But without any obvious choices, which cards are most often nixed from the game before it starts?

Council Room Feedback / Vanity Accomplishments
« on: January 26, 2012, 11:26:58 am »
I was taking a look through player profiles and tried to compile a list of all possible vanity accomplishments.  After finding a few of the more rare ones, I came across all of the badge images at /static/images and put together the below list with their description.  Some of the badge images don't have descriptions because either no one was ever earned them or they were never implemented.

If I am missing any badges or you can fill in the descriptions on the missing ones, please add to the list.  It would be interesting if the statistics could be run to see % of players that have earned each badge.

Badge - Description
Anticlimactic  -  Shared a victory with two or more opponents
Archon  -  Scored more than 110 points
Blitz  -  Scored 60 or more points in one turn
BOM  -  buy only money and vp
BOMMinator  -  buy only money and vp and win
BuzzerBeater  -  Won by exactly 1
Carny  -  30 VP From Fairgrounds
Charge  -  Scored 40 or more points in one turn
Crash  -  Scored 30 or more points in one turn
DukeOfEarl  -  42 VP from Dukes and Duchies
Gardener  -  20 VP from Gardens
Golfer  -  Won with a negative score
Imperial  -  Scored more than 100 points
KO  -  Scored 50 or more points in one turn
MegaTurn  -  Obtained all of the Province cards in one turn
Monarch  -  Scored more than 90 points
MrGreenGenes  -  Bought 6 differently named Victory cards
NegativeSum  - 
OneTrickPony  -  Buy no actions other than 1
Onslaught  -  Scored 70 or more points in one turn
OscarTheGrouch  -  Trashed 7 cards in one turn
Peer  -  Scored more than 60 points
PileDriver  -  Bought all 10 copies of a single card
Protego  - 
Regent  -  Scored more than 70 points
RoyalHeir  -  Scored more than 80 points
SaltedEarth  - 
Slam  -  Scored 20 or more points in one turn

Dominion Isotropic / Ipad interface
« on: October 14, 2011, 02:35:26 am »
Playing on the iPad has gotten a lot better recently.  With iOs5, the image version is working fine without the weird scrolling issues.  Most things are just annoyances.  However, not being able to reorder cards going back on top of your deck is a serious hindrance.  Has anyone found a solution that would work with Apothecary, Rabble, Navigator, etc?

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