« on: December 01, 2015, 01:40:55 pm »
I feel that although sifting is widely recommended as a good thing one thing that is not mentioned as much is the reshuffle
when you have just played 2 grand markets and have a spy in your hand and you have 1 card left in your deck you probably don't want to play the spy unless you have a slimmed down deck that will get those grand markets quickly. If you play the spy you will end up reshuffling and the gms will be in your discard and wont go back into the deck until you reshuffle a 2nd time
grand markets are just an example any other strong cards should b worried about this
an even stronger case is where my opponent had a familiar and potion in hand with no cards left in his deck and 9 curses left his choice was to play familiar now and than have 2 in his discard which would have taken him till the clean up of the 2nd turn(I think the right term meaning he would shuffle to draw his 3rd hand) to get his 2 familiars instead he opted to not play the familiar buy a 2nd one and got one in his next hand although this is an extreme case this highlights the need to be aware of such things
this case also highlighted one of my rants of don't buy a cantrip because you can