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Dominion Isotropic / fellas missing me?
« on: June 22, 2012, 03:27:12 pm »
I see some people are missing me. That's so sweet!  :'( ...Especially from people i hardly ever played against.

It feels like i have to clarify that I have only 2 accounts and 3 nicknames you know anyway.

The thing is I have quite a lot of stuff to do right now (bridge) so i just don't have time for this game ... so i'm going to be away for some time.


/thread closed

After being tortured by opponents last turn you end up with: Menagerie; Province and Curse in your hand. You decided to take last curse from supply rather than discard your last 2 cards. Unfortunately you are quite a bit behind in VP and duchies are over, however there are 2 provinces left, and as a coincidence that would be just enough to celebrate minimal win.

So you play your Menagerie and draw promising: Village,Village and Ghost ship.

Play village drawing: Curse.

Play Ghost ship: now your opponent, which happens to be very sympathetic girl thinking that she has won starts to tease you - she shows that she has 3 golds and 2 villages, slowly putting back those villages on draw pile while keeping to gaze in your eyes. You play village.

You overcome this really tough situation and win.

In fact you have been concentrating and know that there is only one treasury treasure card in your draw pile and it is silver. (There are 10 cards in your draw pile.)

You aren't allowed to play or use any other action cards but the ones that you can now find at your hand. (You have 3 unknown cards in your hand and all of them are action cards.)
Solutions featuring Possession, Outpost, Saboteur, Kings court, Bank, Expand, Masquerade, Venture and Chancellor are not intended. And there are no other victory or VP token cards around.

Edit:also golem, forge, native village, pirate ship, counting house, tournament prize solutions are not intended.

Here is some additional information: you remember your deck and know that there are golds in your discard pile and these are only treasures in discard pile. Knowing this you can always win, no matter how you shuffle.

Dominion General Discussion / Which is the card you hate the most?
« on: June 17, 2011, 09:59:52 am »
Which is the card that annoys you the most when you see it in the deck and opponent is going for it and successfully using it?

Mine is smugglers:i hate that one builds his deck based on what takes his opponent rather than his own plan, of course sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. If we both go for smugglers it leads to pretty miserable game.

Which cards makes you curse as you see it?

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