Game Reports / unique governor game
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:02:57 pm »
I'm putting this out there to see if it was mostly luck, or if there are some lessons to distill
None of us had any points until the last turn.
My first thought was that lookout was the better trasher for this particular board, but upon closer examination, my opponent trashed more than me. It seems that it was mostly a case of the drawing governor benefiting me as much as my opponent, compounded by the presence of a $7 card and a $6 victory for the trashing governor. I thought it was a good effort on his part to try and soothsayer himself back into contention. Given the spread at that point, it was worth a try.
Thoughts on lessons to draw and optimizing play in general?
Code: [Select]
Ambassador, Doctor, Lookout, Storeroom, Governor, Soothsayer, Altar, Border Village, Nobles, King's Court
None of us had any points until the last turn.
My first thought was that lookout was the better trasher for this particular board, but upon closer examination, my opponent trashed more than me. It seems that it was mostly a case of the drawing governor benefiting me as much as my opponent, compounded by the presence of a $7 card and a $6 victory for the trashing governor. I thought it was a good effort on his part to try and soothsayer himself back into contention. Given the spread at that point, it was worth a try.
Thoughts on lessons to draw and optimizing play in general?