« on: March 05, 2012, 01:05:51 am »
AJD’s thread about how the cards in each Dominion set relate to the theme(s) of the set started me thinking about the theme in a different way – that is, how does each set/expansion relate to its basic theme or title. For example, how well do the names of the cards in the base set connect to the basic premise of the game, that you are creating a dominion, a united kingdom? With Intrigue, how do the cards there relate to that theme of intrigue within your dominion, and so on with each expansion? Some connections are obviously easier than others. It will take a while for me to work it all out, but here is what I came up with for the base set:
Your Dominion will have to start small and grow. Along the way, there will be much Intrigue. Still, as improbable as it may be, (perhaps as improbable as Alchemy ever actually being proven to work), you know you can eventually bring it all together. To do so, you will definitely have to Expand in your Prosperity. As a result, your dominion will reach from the Seaside to the Hinterlands, resulting in a Cornucopia of possibilities for you. For now, though, you have taken those three small Estates your father left you and that pittance of an inheritance of 7 chests of Copper, and turned them into so much more, including Duchies and Provinces.
First of all, you had to give attention to your castle. What would any self-respecting castle be without a Throne Room, where as you sit upon your throne you can make judgments that will double the strength of your actions? And there is that Cellar you have, where you can discard the things that you don’t want. Maybe someday, you could locate a good Torturer, and make better use of that space. For the pious members of your court, you also have designed a beautiful Chapel, where people go to have their sins removed. There is also an excellent Library, where multiple volumes can be found to fill your needs. There is even a Laboratory, where that Alchemist you plan to hire will hopefully be able to make all of the Gold you need to be able to prosper. And then there are the Gardens of which you are so proud. When they are in full bloom, they are worth more than even the nicest Duchy in your kingdom.
Of course, it is also important to have a Council Room, where you can meet with the stuffy Bureaucrats who are always trying to get in the way of your next deal. You also have to continue to work with the Chancellor you appointed who is never satisfied with how things are working out. He always seems to want to start over with every project. Though you often wonder why you even have him around, there are times when he has proven to be very useful. Even the Bureaucrats, Silver-tongued devils that they are, have their benefits when you are able to use them for your own purposes.
Truly, it is a great castle, but there are some parts that could use a good Remodel, like the dining hall where you hold a big Feast each month. You hope to turn it into a Great Hall someday. Speaking of that monthly Feast, it is becoming so popular, you are probably going to have to trash that idea and move on to something bigger, like a Festival. Of course, if you do that, you will have to start holding it in the meadow outside of the local Village.
Speaking of the local Village, it certainly is the place where all of the action is. For example, at the Market there, people can find a little bit of everything they need. Someday, you hope to turn it into a Grand Market, but this will do for now. It is plenty popular when it is open. The village’s Smithy is very productive. He keeps your horses supplied with plenty of horseshoes. The Moneylender there has a good business going, though he seems kind of limited in his scope at this time. You have to keep your eye on him, though. You’ve heard through the grapevine that he hopes to eventually set up a Bank, which will really allow him to turn his small coins into much more. And then there is that very interesting little Workshop at the far edge of town. They really can crank out a lot of cheap product in a short time. One other thing you can say for the owner of the Workshop. Though you wouldn’t expect it from him at first glance, he is very good at designing Gardens.
In the foothills on the other side of the valley is a very special Mine. There they use the Copper tools to dig out the Silver, and they use the Silver tools to dig out the Gold. They also use the Gold tools to dig out the . . . , well, you’re not really sure right now. The mineralogist overseeing the work hopes to eventually find a Platinum vein, which sounds good, though you really have no idea quite what Platinum is, nor what you would do with it if he did find it.
Of course, life is not without its problems. You know you have a Spy in your court. You are sure you will catch him eventually, but until then you are stuck with him nosing around in yours and other people’s business. There is also the money that keeps disappearing from your coffers. Whoever the Thief is, he will be caught and punished appropriately. Still, you have to admit that the damage he does seems to be minimal. Sometimes he’s actually more of a help than a nuisance. There’s also that old woman who lives in the strange house in that clearing in the woods along the main road who claims to be a Witch or something like that. She isn’t happy if she isn't coming up with some kind of Curse on anyone that comes near her. A lot of people are getting very nervous about her. She definitely has a powerful effect on people. You would be better off having her as an ally rather than an enemy.
Speaking of the woods, there is also the issue with those two stupid Woodcutters, who can’t saw straight even if their life depended on it. They are so bad, they should pay you for their work, but at least the timber you get from them is valuable for use in your future expansion projects. There is also the local Militia, which is getting better organized and more threatening. In fact, they have been siphoning off some of the men from your army for their cause. Fortunately, you have your Moat to protect you against your enemies, including any future Rabble or Goons that come along. Still, since the Militia is proving to be such a pain, you might need to offer more money to some of the Adventurers in the area to get them to join your army and share in your vision for the future, your currently small, but soon to be grand Dominion.