Game Reports / Amb/Amb vs Amb/Steward
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:41:14 pm »http://dom.retrobox.eu/?/20130828/log.50cb6ca6e4b05eb23e363ec8.1377723734370.txt
I knew this had potential to be a crazy game when I saw both Ambassador and Steward. Then you add in Familiar, Minion, Merchant Guild and Village and you have the perfect recipe for a come from behind engine that wins on turn 27.
I lost the initial Ambassador tennis when my opponent (who played first) lined up all three estates with both ambassadors on turns three and four while I had my opening buys collide with coppers on turn four. I opted to trash with Steward, which I think turned out to be the right move.
From then my opponent grabbed a quick two golds and four provinces and I switched into an engine by adding a village, minion, potion and familiars. My thinner deck then proceeded to fill his deck with junk and then pick up six duchies while my opponent only managed an extra province and two duchies.
I think that I may have been lucky that my opponent never got a province with one of his forges. I also didn't get a chance to use ambassador to return my familiars once the curse pile had run out, but that probably would have been like rubbing salt in a wound.