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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Creating Dominion
« on: October 12, 2016, 03:10:00 am »
Welcome back! Have you checked out the forum games yet?

Thx - I will have a look.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Creating Dominion
« on: October 10, 2016, 04:53:47 am »
It's actually happening! Philip (SCSN) and I are building the new version of Dominion Online that will go online on the first of January 2017.

This is fantastic news - congrats and I'm looking forward to this.

I haven't been logged in for two and a half years at this board and have skipped Goko/MF entirely. I just had some very occassional real life play in the meantime and even didn't buy expansions starting with "Dark Ages". I started to explore Star Realms and Legendary encounter real life in the meantime (when it comes to deck building), because it's much easier to keep track and turns are not complex in handling (I still absolutely love Alien Legendary encounter, but developed a love/hate relationship with Star Realms btw).

I'm just not a real life dominion player I guess. For me dominion was always connected to a good online implementation - handling the complex chains smoothly (which isotropic was). I was quite a regular player as "califax" on isotropic.
Events and Adventures plus Empires already renewed my interest in dominion. But reading this I expect to be addicted again ;-)

Dominion Articles / Re: Strategies in intrigue
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:26:13 am »
Played again tonigh with the same 10 cards. and i won! it seemed ineffective at first, he was buing provinces at turn 6, but the torturers really did some work this time, i was able to chain a lot of them.

The guys are absolutely right about engines being superior most of the time and being more fun for the engine builder. The question is: Do your friends still like the game? Because: To watch engine player's turns is really awful for BM players, especially real life and especially with chained torturers involved.

I'm serious. If I try to build complex engines real life with relatively new players they might not want to play again.

Other Games / Re: Why is Tichu so popular?
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:52:42 am »
Thx. It might be an interesting option in round 7 if you were allowed to declare "No trump"?!

Other Games / Re: Why is Tichu so popular?
« on: January 21, 2014, 10:06:41 am »
Sounds interesting. How is the trump determined in rounds 1 - 6 (sorry, if I'm missing something)?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: I quit for the first time today...
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:58:34 pm »
Resigning is a valid game decision in any game.

Of course it's not in multiplayer games. As others have stated (look at lespeutere's post) you completely change the game dynamics even if they could have continued.

You start with 8 provinces in a 2 player game. This is common knowledge at the start of the game. You start with 12 provinces in a 3 player game. This is for a reason.

At yucata for instance you can only resign 2 player games. This is for a reason too - and btw a good solution.
If Goko allows resigning in multiplayer games - this is a questionable implementation. At least you should understand that resigning in multiplayer games - even if technically allowed - is not a valid decision in the sense of fair play.

Other Games / Re: Spiel des Jahres
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:52:40 am »
Hanabi - A very good game, but I'm a little bit surprised about the nomination because it's really simple and also is cooperative.

What do you mean by "really simple"? It's simple ruleswise, but imho quite deep. Signals for a really good game.

New players will struggle to reach something like 22 - and for me only 25 counts. To achieve this you have to consider a lot of things, give clues to multiple persons at the same time. Therefore the timing of the hints also matters. Do you consistently reach something like 25? I doubt our group can, because after all luck still matters. But I would say a good group will reach 25 once in a while and 23/24 consistently.

As a "Spiel des Jahres" it is ok if you use the evalution of score from the original rules, which says that 21 is still very good.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko regrets
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:33:56 am »

I still hate this argument.  isotropic was absolutely valued by Donald X, and almost certainly by RGG as well.  They WERE involved with iso.  It was used for tons of play testing!  They approached dougz before Goko was ever in the picture! 

I have no idea what you mean when you say that the "you're getting something for free" mindset is unfortunate.

I guess it's the pizza thing. Donald complains about people who are complaining about the free stuff gone when in reality they would have paid for Iso. It's not so much a Goko vs. Iso thing, but the general approach: Making an online version that is oriented at the real life experience.

I've learned Dominion real life (and with 4 players -> another mistake) and stayed away from the game for 2 years. I've tried Iso nevertheless (when prosperity came out) and it teached me how great and deep Dominion is.

I've tried Goko then and recently the Dark Ages cards real life due to the lack of alternatives. It was a real pain. It might have been possible in the old days with the base game, but turns become much more complex. You simply need an Isotropic like interface to play competitively and notice all things you have to notice and play mega turns appropiately. Both Goko (animation speed, general view) and real life (administrative effort) fail in that regard.

So, yes: I'm playing RftG (Goko threatening here as well, but it's good real life too) now and will try Innovation. I probably won't fully explore Dark Ages, which is a pity.

Other Games / Re: Stefan Feld games
« on: March 25, 2013, 07:47:43 am »
I've not really played any of his games before other than ItYotD which I played once when I'd just started gaming and I hated it so I haven't played since. I might check it out again at some point though because I'm sure I'd like it better now I've developed my taste for slightly heavier games.

I really like "In the year of the dragon", but I can easily see that it might be frustrating for casual gamers/beginners - especially in a tight 5 player game. For introduction 3 players is best imho. The Great Wall expansion from Alea's Treasure chest is very interesting too and maybe slightly more forgiving.

Other Games / Re: Chess
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:59:02 am »
3. e5 is not a bad move.  Though funnily enough, it's also sharper than Nc3, it seems?

It's often sharper, yes. But recently the Nc3 line sees many games with heterogeneous castling and has thus become sharper and maybe more interesting.

To your theory question, theory: Currently I think top level chess is in good shape. Recently an important tournament in Wijk aan Zee ended with many interesting fighting games. Current number 1 of the rating list - Magnus Carlsen - simply plays out even positions. In some tournaments they have rules to forbid quick draw agreements.

BTW: Many thx for suggesting Hannabi here many months ago. I've picked it up at Essen because of your post. It's a great little game.

General Discussion / Re: Logic problems
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:55:24 am »
Nope, still dont getit.

Start with 3 people with blue and 3 with green.

Now obviously they can all see each other, and the Blues can see 2 other blues.

So when the stranger turns up and says I can see someone with blue eyes.
If I am B1, he can possibly be talking about B2, B3 or even me. But also i know that B3 can see B2 (and vice versa), so they could assume the stranger is talking about the other one.

Before the stranger's comment... if you are B1, you know that everyone knows there's at least 1 blue-eyes. However... for all you know, you have green eyes. So you assume for the moment that you do have green eyes. And if you do, then B2 would only be seeing 1 blue-eyes person (B3), and so B2 has no way of knowing whether or not B3 sees a blue-eyes person. So for all you know, B2 doesn't know if B3 knows that there's a blue-eyes person.

Hang on, lost it again!

GX (assume the number of green people doesnt matter?)

I am B1, I dont know whether I have green eyes or not, but now we are back to where I was before taking meout of the equation, that B2 can clearly see two people with Blue eyes, so could be talking about either of them, B3 or B4.

That's why they all leave the island on 100th day and not earlier.

General Discussion / Re: Logic problems
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:49:18 am »
Why don't they just look into the water of the ocean around them?  :P
But this is an interesting riddle and pretty similar to one I enjoyed the most.

There are 3 Logic students having their final exam. The professor says:
"Instead of writing an exam I just let you having a final test.
There are 5 hats, 3 of them are red and 2 of them are white.
Please stand in a row, so that one of you can see the other two, another one can only see one and the front one can see no-one.
I will put a hat on each of you and then removing the 2 leftover hats out of the room.
You aren't allowed to talk or use any help or items.
If anyone of you can tell me what color the hat has he's wearing, all of you pass this test."
After an hour of silence the student on the front who couldn't see any other student gives the right answer.
How did he do that and what color had his hat?

I assume his (nr. 1) hat is red. If hats of nr. 2 and nr. 1 were white nr. 3 - who can see both - would announce his red hat.
If he doesn't do this nr. 2 can announce his red hat if nr. 1 has a white one.
If he doesn't do this either nr. 1 can announce his red hat regardless of the color of the other two.

General Discussion / Re: Logic problems
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:33:37 am »
Nope, still dont getit.

Start with 3 people with blue and 3 with green.

Now obviously they can all see each other, and the Blues can see 2 other blues.

So when the stranger turns up and says I can see someone with blue eyes.
If I am B1, he can possibly be talking about B2, B3 or even me. But also i know that B3 can see B2 (and vice versa), so they could assume the stranger is talking about the other one.

Yes, they can assume this in that moment, when the stranger is speaking, but only until day three.

General Discussion / Re: Logic problems
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:17:06 am »
I had a reason of thought that led me in similar direction, but I don't see how the stranger is relevant. Everyone knows he sees a blue eyed person, because they see one themselves. So, how does he provide any additional information?

The stranger is relevant because know everybody knows that everybody knows there is a blue eyed person.

General Discussion / Re: Logic problems
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:13:40 am »
If they are great at Logic, why cant someone just go round and count the number of brown eyed people. if he gets to 100 then he knows he has blue eyes?

No need for strangers at all....

because ...

The do not know how many of each there are... they do all see each other. So a blue-eyed person will know that there are at least 100 brown-eyed people and at least 99 blue-eyed people, but he won't know if his own eyes make it 100-100 or 101-99.

General Discussion / Re: Logic problems
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:12:19 am »
For those who want to spoil the answer for themselves, bozzball got it perfectly! Have you seen this before, or did you figure it out?

It's very beautiful and I couldn't figure it out. As a (strong) hint for others:
Assume there are 198 brown eyed people and only 2 blue eyed rather than 100/100.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Dougz - I would like to send you money
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:05:08 am »
You made me discover the real Dominion :-) - gift on the way.

So the reason cards that give you +2 actions are called "villages" is because of the idea that you have a village full of people running around and doing stuff for you. A Necropolis is a village of the dead... but somehow it still gives you +2 actions. That's a little creepy.

Do you remember how the Battle of the Pelennor Fields was concluded? ;-)

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Why do so many people decline automatches?
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:22:44 am »
1. The opponent's rank is too high
-> don't play "any registered"
2. They don't like the board
->play veto

This will not happen as Iso is going down soon, but here is an explanation:

After a long break your rank will be down several levels, say level 30. If you want do play top players anyway you have to choose something like "+/- 20". But you do not want to play level 10. So, in my case I would like to have an option "+ 20" instead of "+/- 20"

And yes ocassionally I will decline because of Fishing village/torturer. But I don't like veto at all because
a) people often take tons of time for their veto decision (I' ll do this within seconds - just to rule out cards I don't like; not to think about best winning chances as second player etc.)
b) people very often/almost always veto Duke, Possession (yes, I like both cards a lot)

Help! / Re: Underestimating Great Halls?
« on: July 25, 2012, 03:36:42 am »
I think as someone on this thing said once, you're sacrificing an early turn in the game for eight points. It's usually a losing proposition. On the other hand, if there's something you really want to ironworks (caravans, say) it's another story.

But there really was on this board as shark_bait pointed out already. Getting all Great Halls and picking up with IW 1 or 2 Scouts on the way is great. Plus you can move your labs on top.

Game Reports / Re: Pro-combo: Horse Traders and Secret Chamber
« on: July 13, 2012, 09:23:33 am »
My real secret pro combo is with Secret Chamber and Scrying Pool.  ;D

Secret in what regard? This is an old one from the first days of Alchemy:

But congrats if you explored it yourself!

Help! / Re: Governor War, Why Did I Win?
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:00:32 am »
I don't understand Governor very well yet.

I agree, that university might be too slow and bying 3 is definitely too much. I thought, bazar, remodel, salvager might still be useful and I would get enough Silver from your Governor, but was wrong on this.

Apart from/because of this things went wrong. Yes, I had more Governors in the end. But you bought the first one turn 4, played one at turn 6 and 8. In the meantime I got the first Governor turn 6 and played the first turn 9. When I played it the first time for cards it was already out of desperation to get them together with Gold - I was clearly behind on points.

Rules Questions / Re: Counting Treasures for Bank
« on: January 23, 2012, 06:37:11 am »
Horn of Plenty... well, you might want to play that  before Philosopher's Stone if you want one extra card in your discard

Philosopher's stone isn't affected by order (unless you also have a venture/loan) because treasures in hand and in play have no effect on its value.

Horn gains you a card - that's why it can affect Philosopher's Stone.

Game Reports / Re: Victory by Develop?!?
« on: January 11, 2012, 10:21:35 am »
Well, I certainly would have sent back 2 coppers both times in that deck.

Hm, but I couldn't buy anything until turn 10 ...

Game Reports / Re: Victory by Develop?!?
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:13:04 am »
I wish I could give specific rules. I just get it when there's lots of 3s and 4s I want and it won't bring me too many terminals. Take a look at this interesting game from earlier today:

I somehow knew it would be that game when I read your post without checking the link ;-)
Brave decision to take the third terminal there, but Walled village made up for it.

I think I messed it up at turn 4:

I was used to open Amb/Silver rather than Amb/Amb and perhaps it's not a great idea to give away 2 Coppers two times in a row early with double Amb.

I dragged the game on too much, sorry, because I didn't realise the margin was already so big (miscounted Duchies perhaps). It might well have gone behind move 40 ...

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