Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: January 10, 2023, 05:26:11 am »Correct; I have tried "Each other player gains a Copper" a number of times, including in Plunder, and it has yet to survive, except on Mountebank which you may note I replaced. It's possible when it doesn't happen every time, e.g. on Jester and Noble Brigand, though I'm not thrilled with it on Jester and I also replaced Noble Brigand.Was it intentional for recent expansions/2E's to have multiple Cursing attacks in them? Or is it just a side effect of Witches being "easier" to design (compared to Militias/Knights/Spies/etc.)?It's something I've decided to embrace, due to all the ways Witches are the best attacks. They're simpler, they work, they're the most fun. As you know, Militias are less fun and harder to vary the attack on; Knights are hated/loved; Spies are awful; and none-of-the-above Duration attacks are just hard to come by.
Could copper attacks be an alternative, that is cards that deal out coppers instead of curses?
He's talked about this before; it's bad because Coppers aren't limited in supply like Curses and Ruins are. A deck with 5-10 curses sucks, sure, but a deck with 40 coppers? You just don't get any interesting decisions the rest of the game.
There are too many Coppers, and the pile doesn't scale with the number of players.
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks to you an the other replies for explaining that.
I suppose that there are reasons for not limiting the Copper pile to 10 per player as a setup instruction for such cards.