Rabid 52 - 47
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201202/09/game-20120209-100024-3bbe0fb1.html25 Golds in play, enough said... I was fortunately to get early draws that yielded Golems, but I didnt really have the other action cards to support them. As a result golem would discard my entire deck, vault would then draw it back, leading to 2-3 bad turns afterwards while I tried to get back to the actions. Rabid made good use of the chancellor to avoid the same fate.
Rabid 40 - 29
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201202/09/game-20120209-100710-560c1eee.htmlPeddler game with only +buy coming from Spice Merhcant. Rabid more effectively sliced down his deck and had a monster turn 13 to take two provs and a commanding lead
PSUmvp 30 - 27
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201202/09/game-20120209-101628-f612f24d.htmlSaboteur game, I was lucky to island a prov before it could be sabbed.
Rabid 43 - 34
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201202/09/game-20120209-102243-e4f5ade7.htmlWeird game, alchemist available but completely ignored. Lot's of discarders (festival, remake, Horse Traders) with ample +Actions (Festival & Crossroads), so we each tried to cycle on Libraries. Rabid did it much more effectively than I.
PSUmvp 39 -37
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201202/09/game-20120209-103425-503f008f.htmlVineyards game, no one wanted to take the second to last pile. stalled out at the end
PSUmvp 53 - 33
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201202/09/game-20120209-104529-7b1a2127.htmlLaboratory cycle game with BM. remake was available and we both took one, but surprisingly we didnt really slice down our decks. Late game Tunnel fueled a gold rush. Rabid had a strong turn 17 that should have put him in the lead, but the Prov's were getting thin and could have at best tied (with going first). This let to him buying three Duchies instead and me taking a Prov on the next turn. Just not enough left in the piles to catch up, though I think he had the deck to do it for sure.
Rabid 61 - 15
http://dominion.isotropic.org/gamelog/201202/09/game-20120209-105629-a41b083e.htmlBad move early by me... I took a Mint trying to size down my deck, and get favorable witch draws on the shuffles. I was not able to load Rabid up with enough Curses to make it worthwile. His buy of Hunting Party was much more effective at cycling through the deck.