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on of the usefull things about cm is the draw to x

just wondering how that village will play with night cards since you will have a lot of dead cards in hand b4 the night phase
it seems weird that Donald would put in a card that discourages the other cards in the set

Game Reports / i went merchant storeyteller
« on: August 22, 2017, 03:08:57 pm »
because usually you have a silver out before you play more merchants and so it doesnt get u anything even if you play a silver after it

Game Reports / wierd golden deck
« on: August 16, 2017, 07:59:01 pm »
tomb jack fortress raze and donate
silvers ran out bc both players kept double jacked and donated our silvers away to keep our decks trim
my opponent resigned when i won the fortress split 6-4 but he was ahead by 15 points but each turn i was getting at least 6 points from trashing the fortresses

Dominion General Discussion / gear&vault?
« on: August 16, 2017, 07:48:21 am »
does vault help triple gear
or maybe start double gear and vault

Game Reports / pirate ship
« on: August 01, 2017, 03:31:47 pm »
my opponent went trader feodum on a colony board with kc and citys
my pirate ships were at 17 when he finally emptied 2 piles silvers and feodums which gave my citys tons of buys to get over 200 coins and empty colonys and provinces

Dominion League / Re: Season 23 - Signups
« on: July 16, 2017, 01:35:23 pm »
username   ezgutt
time zone new york

Tournaments and Events / Re: 3p Tournament
« on: April 24, 2017, 07:03:00 pm »
I would play but I don't have large chunks of time availalble

why wasn't talisman a better opening as it would have double your fool gold buys?

Dominion Articles / Re: Engine capacity math
« on: March 02, 2017, 02:10:17 pm »
silvers should draw you 2 cards each with stoy teller and it itself gives you one coin for a total of 7 cards drawn and 4 cards used

if the discussion is which one to get I would say cultist mountebank together would beat straight cultist or straight mountebank.
with cultists two piles run out extremely quickly. so the curses might determine who the winner is. also the cultist draw is much depleted when there are Junkers.
as for going straight mountebank,  you wont give out all the curses fast enough and your deck will become terribly bloated due to your opponent junking your deck.
I don't know when I would go for what but I would go for 2 cultists than a mountebank  but this is really a question for the simulators. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: royal carriage, what?
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:11:13 pm »
i think a big point everyone has missed is that you can chose to royal carriage after you played the first action that gives you tremendous flexibility over tr.
for example lets say you have copper copper estate tr village I would assume the best thing to do is "waste" the tr on the village but with royal carriage you don't need to do that and can wait and see if your village drew a card b4 wasting a rc

Dominion Articles / Re: Engine payload question
« on: December 03, 2015, 07:28:43 pm »

Is this even a worthwhile strategy? Is it a true engine that I'm doing? if not, is there even a true engine in the base set?
It is probably overkill with all that gold it takes $ and buys 2 get there but it is a good strategy if your opponents are also beginners

Dominion Articles / Re: sifting and reshuffleing
« on: December 03, 2015, 06:53:46 pm »
This is a tad short for an article.

And people might take you more seriously if you use less abbreviations, more apostrophes and such.
And although it's clear you've grasped the concept, I would let someone else write an article on this. I've been playing Dominion for a few years and I still don't feel qualified to write an article, even about a card that I've played hundreds of games with.
thank you for constructive criticism
I assume most people (I naturally wrote ppl but changed it after proofreading it )beginning articles were also in need of criticism but I need to start somewhere
I didn't want to write a new strategy article but all the old ones on the subjects I want 2 talk about haven't been written on in 2 or more years so this is just a small start

Dominion Articles / sifting and reshuffleing
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:40:55 pm »
I feel that although sifting is widely recommended as a good thing one thing that is not mentioned as much is the reshuffle
when you have just played 2 grand markets and have a spy in your hand and you have 1 card left in your deck you probably don't want to play the spy unless you have a slimmed down deck that will get those grand markets quickly. If you play the spy you will end up reshuffling and the gms will be in your discard and wont go back into the deck until you reshuffle a 2nd time
 grand markets are just an example any other strong cards should b worried about this
an even stronger case is where my opponent had a familiar and potion in hand with no cards left in his deck and 9 curses left his choice was to play familiar now and than have 2 in his discard which would have taken him till the clean up of the 2nd turn(I think the right term meaning he would shuffle to draw his 3rd hand) to get his 2 familiars instead he opted to not play the familiar buy a 2nd one and got one in his next hand although this is an extreme case this highlights the need to be aware of such things
this case also highlighted one of my rants of don't buy a cantrip because you can

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: an expert level event attack
« on: November 29, 2015, 01:51:29 pm »
I'm not sure this is really much of an attack at all. If anything, it advantages the opponent by speeding up their deck cycling and getting their new buys in play fAster. This wouldn't undo their top decking either, since they will have already drawn it. offering opponents this "attack" might be a good weak consolation prize for an event with a strong boon to the player though.
it called expert level bc you need 2 be good at knowing when a reshuffle would hurt an opponent like if they have a goons and familiar potion in hand with 10 cards in the discard if he plays the familiar he probably wont get it and the goons for 2 more turns but if he just buys a familiar he will likely get 1 familiar in the next turn
also it could help if this was a reaction when an opponents card would go in the discard you may discard 2 cards if you do he shuffles his deck into his discard and puts it all in his deck

Variants and Fan Cards / an expert level event attack
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:23:13 pm »
name:look a distraction
cost 1
all your opponents shuffle his discard pile into his deck +buy

or all your opponents put there deck into the discard pile +buy

this would be for those players who are not only counting there own cards but are counting there opponents as well triggering a reshuffle or making them trigger a reshuffle
what do you think about an attack like this?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Lowering piles
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:57:51 pm »

Edit: I'll add that it's better to lower piles that your opponents need for their strategy, because then you can count on your opponents to help you empty the piles as they build their engine. Simple example is lowering the Village pile when your opponent's strategy needs them, even if your strategy can make do with only a few of them.
Maximum number of gains is surely important somehow. Can we formalize the conditions around this?

I just played a game with bridge and artificer and alter and village and pawn with 1 pile gone and pawn and village at 3 each neither of us could 3 pile in one turn but then I played 2 bridges and I got 3 free pawns with artificers bc they were free so you really need to b carefull about all types of gainers that can sneak up on you

Dominion General Discussion / Re: 5 cost treasures
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:46:14 pm »
I think +buy is low on this list of things engines need.
if there are no plus buys a village smithy engine will need 5 turns to draw the whole deck 2 villages and 3 smithys with a perfect shuffle and you will need another coin to get to 8 plus more villages if you want to draw your deck with three provinces and a silver you need 5 smithys and 4 villages and 1 turn on a silver that's turn 10 when you buy provinces thru turn 14 with perfect reshuffle I am not such a nerd that I know the odds of getting that perfect shuffle but I would think it would be low so if u miss 1 that's 15 turns slower than bm smithy which defeats the purpose of an engine which is to win you the game 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: 5 cost treasures
« on: November 12, 2015, 02:16:14 pm »
I have previously never bought royal seal  but I have just played a game which makes me majorly rethink that with bakers and traveling fair  there was at least 3 times I payed 2 coin tokens in order to get the top decking effect so I think that next time royal seal is out I will have to give it a try I think in an engine  deck it could be very good when you topdeck the 2 pieces you need to start your engine going

Dominion General Discussion / borrow
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:14:46 pm »
I have not written any strategy articles and I am not doing one here I just want to note some major changes that barrow a 0 costing event has on the game
1) as with baker it gives everyone the opportunity to open with a 5$ card
2)in order to buy a province you only need 7$
true that the money density is higher for a 7$ 4 card hand but this means if you have an engine drawing your whole deck you don't need to buy any additional money
3)for big money it has 2 advantages  the previous reason of you only need to get to 7 and a bm strategy should be able to do that even in a slogish game and it also helps with those really annoying 5$ hands to get a gold and break that cycle of to many 5$ hands (I don't know if this is a usual phenomena as I usually try to not do bm and I haven't played 1000s of games but It happens to me a significant amount of times I go bm I would also like to hear your feedback on that)

Goko Dominion Online / 2 games at once
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:55:11 pm »
do peop[le play 2 games at once ie open up in another browser

Dominion Articles / Re: The Perils of Slow Trashing
« on: August 10, 2015, 03:23:45 pm »
i think that the main point is that once you get an engine w those 5 $cards you can trash in a few turns to make the engine much smoother b4 greening  I find that I jump 2 quickly for the slow trasher and that my opponent go for the engine pieces and then later goes for the trashing he comes out w a full engine first especially when there are limited pieces like bazar

Dominion General Discussion / cantrips
« on: July 27, 2015, 02:39:44 pm »
I really dislike that these are called cantrips meaning you cant lose by getting them I know of at least 2 times they are bad besides for the obvious dead draw(drawing them without actions)
1)when you are hit by a discard attack  you don't know should you discard your silver or cantrip or your cantrip or copper you don't know what your next card is to be able to make that decision
2)this is pawn specific you can make the wrong choice 
how many other ones are there

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Salvager / Spice Merchant
« on: July 15, 2015, 02:28:03 pm »
I think the computer doesn't know which one to chose with spice merchant
also if there are nice cantrips like market and laboratory and caravan they go extremely well with salveger

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