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Messages - santamonica811

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Rules Questions / Re: when does Idol give out curses?
« on: August 28, 2024, 03:22:35 am »
Thanks, Ingix,
As always, you come through.  :-)

Rules Questions / Re: when does Idol give out curses?
« on: August 27, 2024, 04:34:18 am »
... under [a]... it showed {img} {img}, but with brackets, when I was typing my OP.  But that was edited out when I hit "post" (and, bizarrely, it also randomly decided to make the last part of my OP post into boldface)    :D ::)

Very very odd.

Rules Questions / when does Idol give out curses?
« on: August 27, 2024, 04:30:32 am »
Game 1499 74259, Turn 18
1.  I've played with Idols many times before.  Always works the same.  Your second Idol (and 4th, and 6th, etc) gives a curse.  Very very clear.  But, today, I looked at the game log, and I see that the log correctly shows that I played an Idol for the second time in this Buy phase, but it didn't give out a curse.

A bug?  A known bug?  A rules mistake on my part??? 

2.  I just tried to attach a screenshot of the above.  But it's no longer clear how to do this. 
[a]  When I click on the "Insert Image" icon, above, it gives the following:
No idea how to stick my jpg in between these two. 
I also tried dragging the image from my desktop.  Nope, that didn't work.
[c] Finally, I clicked on "Attachments and other Options" (directly below this screen).  But, oddly, doing this reveals *nothing* that is remotely related to attachments at all.  All that pops up are 3 options: a deselected option for "Notify me of replies", a deselected "Don't use smileys", and a pre-selected "Return to this topic."

It's like someone who designed this page just forgot to put the button(s) for "Attach image"   LOL

Any suggestions?

Citadel seems, so far, too powerful of a card.  I've only played a small handful of game with it so far, but getting it (against Lord Rat) has led to a decisive win each time.  And that's without Kings Court in the would be an almost sure resignation if you got that combo going in a game, other than at the very end.  In my first game with Citadel, travelers were there, and Cit + Disciple was crazy-powerful, of course.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Clarification on 2017/2018 pricing??
« on: June 03, 2016, 05:41:33 am »
(I hunted for about an hour in the various fora, but had no luck in my search.  Sorry in advance if this has been asked and answered a million times already) :-)

My current understanding:  When the switch happens, we will have the option of getting the offline version--good for as long as our computer software/OS allows us to use it.  Or, getting a free one-year subscription to the online version--after which; we'll pay a monthly fee.

Right so far??

My question:  For those of us who have purchased expansions...will these all be included in the monthly fee?  I bought the "bulk" package of adventures last year, so I assume that my monthly fee (after the first year) will include all the expansions I now own, right?  Person Number Two, for example, bought only one expansion.  So, she will be paying the exact same monthly fee that I do, but will have access to only the expansion she has paid for?  Is this correct?  (And in this second example, she would have to pay some extra amount each month for each additional expansion she wants access to.)

I am considering buying the Adventures expansion this month.  Given that there are only 6 more months left of usage via MF, I would not bother to do this, unless this new purchase carried over, and my future monthly payments (i.e., starting in 2018) covered access to all the expansions--including Adventures--that I bought as of Dec 31, 2016.

Much thanks in advance for the info.

(By the way; I vaguely recall reading somewhere here that the monthly fee will be about $2 bucks.  Was the right, or did I imagine this?)

Dark Ages took a while. It was released in pieces. The first part was online from the get-go, but really did not matter because the original online system was much worse than it is now. The other parts took a couple months each. Guilds was available day and date.

Adventures is taking at while to implement because MF (not Goko) is creating an all-new Online Dominion that hopefully will be better. The estimated release date for Adventures is September.

"Guilds was available day and date."  I'm not sure what this means???

I take it that MF is an online game developer, yes?  Does this mean that (if your Sept estimate is correct re Adventures) Guilds will come out online some time after that?

And, to slightly change the subject (can I threadjack my own thread??); will people who have paid for the full package via Goko and/or have to repurchase everything?  Or will those of us be transferred to the new site as already-paid?  (Excuse me if this question has been asked a million's probably a pretty common question.)

Much thanks to all.  I've only played the "pre-existing" adventures so far.  When I look at the map of adventures, there are only 2 open spaces. . . two tan spots, directly above the green "Hinterlands."  So, that leaves only one space for a 20-stage Guilds and another 20-stage Adventures, um, adventure.  Or two spaces for either Guilds or Adventures, and no idea where the other one would go.

I guess time will tell.  In the past, how long did it take between "hard" copies of an expansion and the release of the online version?

I bought the Ultra Pack a few months ago, and as a result, the online store (was Goko, and is now shows that I have "purchased" all the expansions, including Guilds.

I gather that the online Guilds adventure is not up-and-running yet, right?  Is that also true for the Adventures expansion?  I thought I had read online about some people playing it already . . . although perhaps they were talking about playing a game with the actual physical set???

If either or both of these are already available online, can someone provide a link, or walk me through the steps so that I can play?  I know this sounds like a silly question.  But it doesn't show up on the FAQs.  (For the FASQs, for that matter)  :-)

thanks in advance for anyone's help and/or advice

Rules Questions / Re: how to buy Fairgrounds???
« on: November 28, 2014, 08:46:43 pm »
Thanks.  By the way, when one is playing online, is there any way to see how many cards one has, which specific cards, etc?  In real life, it would be easy of course . . . just add up the cards in your hand, unused deck and discards.  But not sure how to do this online.

Also, is there a way to view the cards you already have?  (Obviously, it would have to be directly before a full reshuffle, otherwise people would use the process as an excuse to see what cards are coming up next.)  Or, is it part of the game strategy to write down each new card or otherwise memorize them . . . and if you don't bother to do this, then you're merely at a competitive disadvantage as compared to a player with a better memory and/or a sheet of paper + pencil?  :-)

Rules Questions / Re: how to buy Fairgrounds???
« on: November 28, 2014, 08:08:43 pm »
Much thanks to both of you.  Good to know that Province is discarded, not trashed.  (I was not seeing why anyone would want to do this, but now it's making much more sense.)

Rules Questions / how to buy Fairgrounds???
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:40:56 pm »
I've played games where Fairgrounds is one of the choices.  Then (of course) you spend your money and your buy your card.

Here is my situation.  I am playing the online game via Facebook.  When I click on a particular level (I'm in Cornucopia, at the third skull icon on the FB site, if that makes any difference.), it shows the 10 cards that will be in play--in a few seconds--once the game is started.  In the previous 200 different levels, what you see on this screen (ie, the 10 individual cards) is what you see at the next screen . . . the actual game.  The 10 types of cards at the preview screen mirrors the cards that are available in the actual game.  Duh. :-)

But here, in this one level, I'm getting something odd.  When I'm at the "prior" screen, it shows Fairgrounds as the most expensive (ie, the only "6") card.  (The other 9 cards:  Young Witch; Harvest; Horn of Plenty; Jester; Fortune Teller; Menagerie; Horse Trader; Remake; and Tournament)  BUT!!!!!, when I click on the 'start game' button, the Fairground card has disappeared!!!  Instead, a 2-coin card is swapped in (this card varies...each game I lose, we get a new and different low-value card for the next game).

Now, through Tournament, if you put in a Province and no one else does, you can (well, you are forced to) swap your province for a prize.  And, one of those prizes is a single Fairground card.  BUT, in the 3 games I've played, one of the other players is always able to obtain multiple copies of Fairgrounds.  And this is being done, somehow, though the playing of the Remake card.  Huh????

I've tried buying and playing this Remake.  But no "secret" purchase options opens up for me, allowing me to buy Fairgrounds.  So far, in all 3 games, having these multiple Fairgrounds has been the difference in the game . . . so it's frustrating being prevented from buying this card, while all the other players have that option.

1.  Any idea what I'm doing wrong / overlooking?  (I did do a forum search here, but "Fairgrounds" yielded nothing remotely helpful.)
2.  Any idea why a card that's shown in the "preview" screen suddenly disappears in the actual game.  I'm assuming it's a bug in the Facebook software, but maybe not.  Hmmm . . .

Any advice or feedback is appreciated.

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