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Messages - Mightyclaus

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Rules Questions / Re: rules for Shanty town
« on: April 14, 2013, 11:50:56 am »

No, that's much more wordy and does not add clarity.

Well, the full quote from the rules says:
"You get 2 more Actions to use no matter what else happens. Then you must reveal your hand. If you have no Action cards in hand, you draw 2 cards."
So my bid is not exactly more wordy  ;) and as to clarity, as said, we had confusion from the wording "no matter what..."
So we'll use my interpretation for future games.

I'll shut up now  ;D

Rules Questions / Re: rules for Shanty town
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:57:40 am »
The explanition above is quite clear, thank you.
We had the exact same discussion in a recent game, and what started it was the phrasing in the rules :"You get 2 more Actions to use no matter what else happens."
1 player took this to mean: (with a hand of 1 shanty town, 1 other action and 3 coppers):
play shanty town, play the other action, then reveal a hand (with no more actions), draw 2 cards. THEN play another action, because rules says NO MATTER WHAT you are entitled to 2 extra actions.
It would be more clear if it said something like: "Reveal your hand. If you have at least 1 action cards +2 actions. If you do not have any action cards +2 cards and +2 actions."

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