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Messages - mcmcsalot

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Another interaction where didds this time insinuates the neighbor could be scum. Something I don't think didd's says if their partner awaclus did in fact choose to become a neighbor.

Why is it given that one of scum is a neighbor. Like I said it is unlike galz to tell his neighbor he has a pr on day 1

I don’t think Galz would have told anyone anything, but if the neighbor was a baddie, there is all manner of interaction that could have happened to make him worth whacking (or suspicion, scumslip, etc). It’s not a given that the neighbor is a baddie, but that is one of the only scum mods that was worth taking and either kind of baddie could choose it.

Ppe:5 LaLi, gonna keep thinking about Joth. I don’t think you’re out in left field. The Awaclus vote for Swowl is also interesting.

I hope all the US folks are doing okay with all things hurricane. The flooding looks awful

Jimm other stuff for you to look/think about. Our end of day day one and two both have two wagons on town members.

Day one I pushed an EFHW wagon along with some other townies. EFHW voted for cuzz and then unvoted because they didn't realize they were the third vote not the second vote.
Ugh, I had to scroll through three or four times to find Robz's vote. I thought there was just Awaclus. Jumping on third is different from jumping on second. unvote

 the alternative wagons were ones on Cuzz and Galz.

Vote Count 1.3

LaLight (1): shraeye
Cuzz (3): Robz888, Awaclus, jotheonah
EFHW (5): LaLight, WestCoastDidds, mcmcsalot, Galzria, Cuzz
jotheonah (1): Swowl
Galzria (1): EFHW

Not Voting (1): scolapasta

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to exile. Day 1 ends on September 25, 2024, 10:45:00 am. That is in 31 hours and 20 minutes.

scolapasta has been prodded.

Shraeye consolidates on Galz
Next up cuzz points out scola exsists and requests a prod whilst suggesting a lurker exhile. Scola arrives to vote galz. This makes galz and cuzz both at 3 votes and efhw leading with 5.

Robz then leaves the cuzz wagon in favor of the scola lurker exhile effectively ending any chance cuzz would get exhiled and leaving us with the efhw and galz wagons. Important to note EFHW has not claimed yet so there is no reason scum would assume the efhw exhile isn't going to go through so despite robz's move here fitting with a scum!robz protects traitor!cuzz it isn't damning. Also good to note shrraeye's consilidation onto galz instead of cuzz in the first place also fits this scum protecting traitor narrative.

Vote Count 1.4

Cuzz (2): Awaclus, jotheonah
EFHW (5): LaLight, WestCoastDidds, mcmcsalot, Galzria, Cuzz
jotheonah (1): Swowl
Galzria (3): EFHW, shraeye, scolapasta
scolapasta (1): Robz888

Not Voting (0)

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to exile. Day 1 ends on September 25, 2024, 10:45:00 am. That is in less than 7 hours.

EFHW claims and then we pretty much all move to scola

Day 1 Final Vote Count

Cuzz (1): Awaclus
EFHW (1): Galzria
jotheonah (1): Swowl
Galzria (2): shraeye, scolapasta
scolapasta (7): Robz888, Cuzz, LaLight, EFHW, WestCoastDidds, jotheonah, mcmcsalot

Not Voting (0)

With 12 alive, it took 7 to exile.

Robz has made the argument awaclus or shraeye could be scum based on the fact that if town, it means all 3 scum exhiled scola but as he himself pointed out the wagon was made up pretty much of everyone who was around. I think the more typical "end of day" position to look at is the EFHW 5, Galz and Cuzz 3 position where didds, myself and cuzz are on the efhw wagon and robz, Jomm, shraeye, and awaclus are off

Some other interesting things I found in my reread.

Here is didds opening post.

Hi hi hi hi hi hi!

I totally forgot we had a game starting! So I missed the helloing! Hello!

Galzy, I missed you!

Mcmc, exchange students are cool. When I was in grad school I had a Swedish undergrad that came and was shared my apartment for a semester. It was super interesting.

LaLight! Where are you now? Still Israel? I get super worried about you, then not. Then worried again! I need you to move to somewhere that is never in the news.

I wish that fausty was available for chatting…I am super curious about the how the gamecon has gone. It’s a bucket list item for me, but it’s always during my semester so I need to do it in a sabbatical year which is a rare thing.

Joth and Swowl, I hope pregnancies are going well and C and DisSwan are being treated like the royalty they are.

Robz, I hope that big life changes haven’t been rough. It’s awesome to have you around!

EFHW and Scola! Hi! What’s shaking?? It’s so good to see you both.

Awaclus, how is your music? Are you still taking classes? I’ll be in Copenhagen for a conference in a couple of weeks, but I seem to have the idea that you are somewhere further north than that. Norway?

Who haven’t we seen yet? Cuzz! Heya! Shraeye! Where y’all at? Shraeye is also at the start of a semester, so prolly flattened. But maybe September just flattens everyone. But whenever he shows up, say hi to RaeRae for us!

I’m super impressed with us that we can go dark for two years and then manage to find our back to each other. I keep thinking that the show Traitor will ignite the game in the world beyond us, but even if it did, I’m not sure they’d find us. Alas and alack!

Not sure how others feel but does the language "who haven't we seen yet? Cuzz! Heya! Shraeye! Where y'all at?" sound a bit like Didds is trying to signal to Cuzz that they know Cuzz is the traitor and "haven't seen him yet". This could apply to shraeye as well but putting cuzz first with the separation of the "Heya!" suggests cuzz.

Jomm has had fos thrown around at him mostly by didds and robz but some others as well but there was never a legit case or strong push for jomm until yesterday. Based on our misexhiles days 1 and 2 and the fact that the alternate wagon on those days was also town, that suggests to me scum was throwing out Jomm's name, town wasn't picking up on it but was busy making cases on other townies so scum didn't feel the need to stick their nexk out to try and force the jomm case, once day three comes around and one misexile wins it they get much more aggressive.

Then the way day 3 goes down really suggests town!Jomm to me. Robz votes shraeye based on wagon analysis, didds vote Jomm

Alright, I'm going to try to do some wagon analysis.

Day 1

Cuzz (1): Awaclus
EFHW (1): Galzria
jotheonah (1): Swowl
Galzria (2): shraeye, scolapasta
scolapasta (7): Robz888, Cuzz, LaLight, EFHW, WestCoastDidds, jotheonah, mcmcsalot

Day 2

LaLight (3): Swowl, shraeye, WestCoastDidds
Swowl (6): LaLight, Awaclus, mcmcsalot, Cuzz, jotheonah, EFHW
Cuzz (1): Robz888

Jo, Cuzz, mcmc, and EFHW were on both mis-exiles.

Shraeye was on neither of them.

Awaclus, WCD, and myself were on one but not the other.

On both days, both major wagons (at least at the end) were on what are now confirmed townies. This means that scum were sitting pretty and didn't necessarily have to scramble. On the other hand, moving from LL to swowl was a necessity given the claim, so scum who were around then would probably have made the switch just to not appear suspicious.
Thanks, y’all for the patient explanation. I appreciate it.

And thanks, Robz for the exile wagons.

I was teaching when the claim and shift happened, but there was no way Swowl seemed to me at all  like scum so I wouldn’t have moved there.

But I’m still intrigued about why every Joth wagon seems to evaporate. If all the baddies chose the option to know each other, they wouldn’t go there, which is two more votes he’s not going to get. And the people who have voted for him have flipped green (Swowl, LaLight).

Vote: Joth

Vote Count 3.1

shraeye (1): Robz888
jotheonah (1): WestCoastDidds

Not Voting (6): Cuzz, mcmcsalot, EFHW, jotheonah, shraeye, Awaclus

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to exile. Day 3 lasts until October 09, 2024, 02:10:00 pm.
Robz and didds are split,

Then I announce intent to make a didds case and Jomm comes in and votes for didds, awaclus follows. This promts robz to pivot into making his case for joth.
Vote Count 3.2

jotheonah (2): WestCoastDidds, Robz888
WestCoastDidds (2): jotheonah, Awaclus

Not Voting (4): Cuzz, mcmcsalot, EFHW, shraeye

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to exile. Day 3 lasts until October 09, 2024, 02:10:00 pm. This is in about 29 hours and 20 minutes.

Next up shraeye votes me and unvotes, cuzz votes awaclus, both Jomm and awaclus claim and then EFHW votes for me. This prompts didds to throw away their joth ideas in favor of joining efhw in voting me as they know and we all know, efhw is town. Shraeye could possibly be convinced to vote me as they had briefly, didds best chance of not getting exhiled is now going for me.

Vote Count 3.3

jotheonah (1): Robz888
WestCoastDidds (3): jotheonah, Awaclus, mcmcsalot
Awaclus (1): Cuzz
mcmcsalot (2): EFHW, WestCoastDidds

Not Voting (1): shraeye

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to exile. Day 3 lasts until October 09, 2024, 02:10:00 pm. This is in about 7 hours and 30 minutes.

Now we have robz also throwing away his jomm case to vote for me because I won't vote for Jomm...
Vote: mcmcsalot

I'm shocked he doesn't find my joth case more compelling, and I think that's probably because they are both scum. Joth and mcmc are playing VERY differently from their established town metas. They're saying that's because they're busy or lazy or over committed. I don't believe.

I'll move to mcmc since the votes are there.

Vote Count 3.4

WestCoastDidds (3): jotheonah, Awaclus, mcmcsalot
Awaclus (1): Cuzz
mcmcsalot (3): EFHW, WestCoastDidds, Robz888

Not Voting (1): shraeye

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to exile. Day 3 lasts until October 09, 2024, 02:10:00 pm. This is in about 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Shraeye turns out to be the big difference maker
I hate this tossup,

vote: didds

This seals didd's fate as only a complete refusal to vote them and force a no exhile would really prevent their exhile at this point.  Something like this:
I really think it's shraeye, mcmc, and joth. I will not vote for didds.
Hate this

Vote: Didds

Like I said all that strongly suggests scum was going for Jomm prior to efhw voting me whom they then pivot to.

Obviously alot of this analysis is predicated on me knowing I am town but this points biggie biggie biggie to robz being scum.

So I wasn't sure how open to be about my reads but with the joth replacement I think I have to be. Jimm I think you and awaclus are town.

I think based on the setup and what we have it is just extremely unlikely the scum!awaclus takes the modification become neighbor and the immediately nightkills galz thus rendering that neighborhood useless. You have to assume scum planned the fact that they would get towncred for it or assume that galz leaked he was a pr or assume that awaclus leaked he was scum.

Also we have this quote from didds
I’m not following, Mcmc. Why should we assume Galz was a neighbor?
Which again is to say if scum planned this big gambit didds has to fake that they didn't know galz was a neighbor which they would know from their partner.

Haha yea thanks, got it now.

That is correct jimm! Though I have never super understood exlo and what exactly that means compared to mexlo

If we exhile the exhile proof traitor we go from 4/1/1 to “no exhile” into nk opening tommorow at 3/1/1 and then we are at mexlo though then we know the identity of the traitor and can hit them dropping us to 2/1.

So today we are safe to exhile the mafia or a 1-shot exhile proof traitor.

If we no exhile then the exhile proof traitor becomes a big problem so no exhile isn’t an option.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 4)
« on: October 12, 2024, 08:53:58 am »
So we are at 4/2 and we know mafia and traitor took a minimum of two roles. Town gets one modification to start and we know of two more modifications.

Also if their is another neighborhood we know one of those three players is either a traitor or mafia so I think a second neighborhood claim if it exists would be good.

A restless spirit still has actual power so they should not claim.

We can now trust efhw’s results though knowing that didds was mafia I think it is slightly more likely than usual that didds would do the nk

Unless there’s redirecting.

Right I mean luckily/unfortunately all we got were a no result on robz and awa neither of which are super strong mafia taking the nk candidates and with redirect or as well I agree I don’t think the no result does a whole lot in the way of clearing either of them.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 4)
« on: October 12, 2024, 08:29:52 am »
So we are at 4/2 and we know mafia and traitor took a minimum of two roles. Town gets one modification to start and we know of two more modifications.

Also if their is another neighborhood we know one of those three players is either a traitor or mafia so I think a second neighborhood claim if it exists would be good.

A restless spirit still has actual power so they should not claim.

We can now trust efhw’s results though knowing that didds was mafia I think it is slightly more likely than usual that didds would do the nk

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 08:35:18 pm »
I know this is crazy. Though didds not coming to check in at all gives me great hope

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 02:13:02 pm »
faust is villain laughing in a chair whilst petting a cat I know it

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 02:07:00 pm »
Also lets not do that thing I definitely did in the bomb game where someone goes...wait how does that role which I am clearly not work again...

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 02:02:59 pm »
If Didds flips town, then I think we might just have a McRobzalot team.

Well, if Didds flips town, we just lose, don't we?

I was just going to say that but there are what 5/2/1 misexhile is 4/2/1, nk is 3/2/1

Though edgecase of a restless spirit being that nk means we would still have a vote so I think we technically could be in it even with misexhile?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:54:33 pm »
I really think it's shraeye, mcmc, and joth. I will not vote for didds.

Is there not a world for you where it is shraeye, joth, didds?

If that was the case, why did you not join me when I pursued shraeye, or when I pursued joth?

So on Day 1, either ALL the scum are on the wagon, or either shraeye or Awaclus is scum.

Ditto for Day 2, except it's shraeye or WCD (or me, in fairness).

Process of elimination seems to point to shraeye, although it seems a little weird to punish him for NOT exiling townies.

I also think dids is scum. Was waiting to vote till I could go back and do a re-read but the outrage for the swowl exhile feels really fake scummy

I actually initial found that your analysis matched my vibe that didds was scummy and that promted me to look deeper there.

I’m not sold on shraeye being scummy but I don’t read him well at all. Awaclus I think I am getting better at but I need to re-read him

here is why I didn't follow you to vote and pursue shraeye, I don't read him well so your analysis isn't enough to get me to vote but I didnt disagree, I just wasnt sold.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:50:32 pm »
Your case that didds' reads were inconsistent is itself inconsistent, as you have not pointed out any real inconsistencies—or I missed them. And again you ignored the very gaping inconsistency that Joth was guilty of.

I don't really have an independent opinion on didds or Cuzz, like if you forced me to describe what I find as townie about them I would not come up with anything. But I've got concrete scummy things on three other players so I'm going with that!

Click the three quotes in my post and read them. Didds literally says they town read lalight and scum read swowl and then less than 24 hours later they will not vote swowl and want to exhile lalight!
So? You don't scumread Joth for doing that.

Dear sweet beautiful spaghetti man in the sky...Joth did it over the course of multiple IN-GAME days you know like a week plus of time and talking...Didds did it in 24 hours

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:46:58 pm »
Your case that didds' reads were inconsistent is itself inconsistent, as you have not pointed out any real inconsistencies—or I missed them. And again you ignored the very gaping inconsistency that Joth was guilty of.

I don't really have an independent opinion on didds or Cuzz, like if you forced me to describe what I find as townie about them I would not come up with anything. But I've got concrete scummy things on three other players so I'm going with that!

Click the three quotes in my post and read them. Didds literally says they town read lalight and scum read swowl and then less than 24 hours later they will not vote swowl and want to exhile lalight!

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:40:58 pm »
I really think it's shraeye, mcmc, and joth. I will not vote for didds.

Is there not a world for you where it is shraeye, joth, didds?

You refuse to vote didds because I am the one pushing the didds case and you find me scummy because I don't love your joth case but you still haven't offered any read of didds independent of this incredulous chain of players

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:37:54 pm »
I really think it's shraeye, mcmc, and joth. I will not vote for didds.

Is there not a world for you where it is shraeye, joth, didds?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:34:21 pm »
Actually, I'm gonna call the whole team: mcmc, joth, shraeye

I came to play this game!

What do you find towny about didds

Why is it scummy for didds to change reads but not when Joth does it?

Because didds flipped two reads in 24 hours...joth flipped his read over multiple in game days

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:20:49 pm »
Before you ask me why, I'll just say that I scumread him for a reason I prefer not to disclose right now.

wanna disclose this reason now since days going to be over in 30 min?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 01:18:25 pm »
interesting multiple people stating that either the traitor would elect to become a neighbor over exhileproof/knowing mafia or that mafia chose to become a neighbor and then immediately kill their neighbor. Seems very unlikely to me. If only days ago we had discussed some of our thought on what mafia and/or traitor would take in this setup and now we would have something to compare those statements too...

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 12:07:53 pm »
Actually, I'm gonna call the whole team: mcmc, joth, shraeye

I came to play this game!

What do you find towny about didds

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 12:07:25 pm »
Vote: mcmcsalot

I'm shocked he doesn't find my joth case more compelling, and I think that's probably because they are both scum. Joth and mcmc are playing VERY differently from their established town metas. They're saying that's because they're busy or lazy or over committed. I don't believe.

I'll move to mcmc since the votes are there.

Meh I dunno I reread joth and he it doesn't feel like he flipped his read on cuzz unnaturally and thats like your whole case right?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 09, 2024, 11:20:59 am »
There hasn’t been enough discussion about the fact that scum and traitor may not know each other, although given the number of PRs we have they clearly took some upgrades and knowing the full team I think is one of the more likely ones. But this has a potential big effect on quickhammer potential.

Let’s also keep in mind that the argument that awaclus was galz’a neighbor and would probably not have nk’d him doesn’t work if he’s the traitor and has no control over the nk.

I don’t think this has much impact on my choice for the day here since awaclus is probably not happening at this juncture but it’s worth keeping in mind.

In particular the fact that mcmc took Awaclus’s claim as if it totally cleared him is a bit suspicious.

Anyway, I wish I had better reads this game but we gotta do our best here and hope we hit. I think there’s a decent enough option which I’ll help out with once I’ve mulled it over a bit more.

Do you think there is a world where being given an option to take exhile-proof or learn the names of the mafia a traitor decides to pick...become a neighbor...

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M142: Spiel des Jahres Mafia (Day 3)
« on: October 08, 2024, 11:07:31 pm »
I might be on for a few minutes around 2. I'll put a vote down now to be safe, though I will have time to check in in the morning. vote: mcmc.

You have scum read me pretty consistently so far. Could you make a case for me, apologies if you have likely made it through various posts

Saying Cuzz's question was towny; persisting in saying I could be scum, could be trying to prevent an IC; belaboring a point unnecessarily  - it's hard to come up with things to say as scum, and it unfocuses the conversation.  Am I sure? No. Best guess I have right now.

Man that post about fuzz’s question really set off the scumdar, interesting. Also if you are town, you being presumed ic is actually bad for you and scum not being sure if town(me) is going to try to misexile you actually helps to keep you alive. My lower content level is definitely reasonable. So not a scummy case by any means but not a strong one in my opinion.

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