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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Enterprise (Beta)
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:12:09 pm »
Which post has the most current version of the cards posted?

Is it the first post of the thread?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Return a card from the trash to the supply
« on: August 16, 2014, 03:08:13 pm »
Is there any reason why this effect would be broken on a card?

It would be a real factor in games with both trashers and cursers, especially Sea Hag.

The card I'm thinking of doing is:

Action - $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Return a card from the trash to the supply.
When you gain this, if it is your Action phase, you may play it immediately.

I wanted to make it more interesting with Remodel type cards and there aren't that many workshop type cards so there's another little effect.

I'm not sure why you have the reaction, it seems powerful.

But in regards to just the supply returning, what about in games with no trashing?

Oh.  Now I get the reaction.   Doesn't seem like a bad idea overall.

Rules Questions / Re: Black Market and Treasures in Play
« on: August 16, 2014, 09:13:10 am »
They stay in play

(Enter a bunch of other people explaining the same thing in more words)

They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play They stay in play

Wait...  you mean they stay in play?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: May 17, 2014, 01:03:34 pm »

How is that bad luck Brian? I don't get how it's bad if those two come up on the board.
He can never open double TM and collide, but for his opponent, he would get 4 Golds turn 3

What? He pays $4 for a Treasure map turn 1, then $3 plus coin for another turn 2, then turn 3 he lucks out and collides them. How is it even related to the fact that he started a game or not?

but he doesn't luck out

But that's not the meme. The meme is that he starts a new pro game, and then its bad luck that Treasure map and baker are on the board. But it's not. If the meme were "Treasure map Baker on board, Treasure maps never collide" that might be a Bad luck brian.

it's bad luck because of the coinflippiness of the board. since he always has bad luck, a random based board is bad luck for him. his opponent willl collide treasure maps t3, so even if he is the better player, he can't win.

Yeah, I get it now. I guess the long explanation defeats the purpose of a punchy joke that you normally see in memes.

I assumed it was he got a 5/2 split, and it wasn't a well-thought-out meme.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A card that doesn't fit in the contest...
« on: August 29, 2013, 06:02:04 am »
It would be simpler and more what I was wanting if you don't gain anything...  I'm wanting the card to be pretty simple.

Also, I find it funny how when anybody posts a card, people bring it down through showing it's over/underpowered, but here it's just the wording somewhere...  Nobody's even said what they think of the card.

It's a fairly simple card, powerful, but probably priced about right.  It could cost $7, and still get purchased, but I'd test it at $6 first.

General Discussion / Re: Math discussion from Alchemy
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:09:56 pm »
I think one of the points of math is to start with as few axioms as possible, and prove anything else from that.  If we can prove 1 > 0, then we don't have to postulate it.
Why? Shouldn't the point be to not have as numerically few axioms as possible (which also brings up the disturbing question of what counts as separate axioms),

What counts as a separate axiom is what you define as a separate axiom. There's nothing disturbing about it.  Axioms are specified.

I remember reading a proof (that was really simple) that with any line segment, you can create an equilateral triangle with sides that long.  Now, the conclusion is obvious, but if we can prove it with other axioms, we don't need to make that an axiom.
But this doesn't actually gain us anything. Why did we have to prove it in the first place? What is wrong with making something obviously true an axiom?

Because when you create a new system of numbers (and yes, you can do this, and yes, there are reasons you might want to), you need to prove that every axiom that applied to the old system applies to the new system in order to use the proofs derived from those axioms.  The fewer axioms you used, the less you have to prove.

If there is something wrong with making something obviously true an axiom, how does that not invalidate the whole process of making axioms?
Didn't you take it as an additional axiom (and one which actually seems most probably wrong to me) that it is better to have fewer axioms?

No, it is not an axiom that it is better to have fewer axioms.  That's planning for future laziness, and mathematicians are all about being lazy.

General Discussion / Re: Math discussion from Alchemy
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:52:17 pm »
There is no way to make the Complex Numbers into an Ordered Field (with the standard field operators), which is why there's no canonical total order. However, if you don't care about relating the ordering to the field algebra, then you're free to use whichever order you choose. I'm partial lexicographic orderings, myself. I mean, if you're not going to relate it to the field, might as go all the way.

My first homework problem in my first graduate math course was to prove that 1 is positive.

Wait, couldn't you just say that 1 > 0, so it is positive?

Most people could; someone in a graduate math course can't.

In certain graduate level math classes you can't.  It's perfectly valid in others.  It all depends on how fundamental the class gets.

we actually played 2 games with double amb vs dual lookout and both of them very incredibly close early game and both of them he eventually won, but he's just better at this game, so it doesn't disproof or proof anything

all of that doesn't mean that ambassador isn't in fact better, but i still don't see it and what you wrote here doesn't exactly help making me believe anything.

Now you should play two more games with you taking amb/amb and him taking lookout/lookout.

It wouldn't prove anything either, but it would be interesting to see.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Dominion moments 2013
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:18:08 pm »
I don't get it. That's a 6 point advantage and why is opening potion funny in that context?

Well, crap.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Dominion moments 2013
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:07:48 pm »
Just last night I played a clearly less experienced player.
I opened pot-silver, aiming for familiars. He opened moneylender-silver.
My pot missed the reshuffle and was paired with 2 copper / 2 estate.
My opponent is buying just random cards.
My opponent gets a potion during his 3rd deck cycle.
He wins the curse split EIGHT to TWO. Also wins the game by 4 points despite being pretty bad.

Games like this make me question why I even like Dominion.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: House Rules?
« on: August 06, 2013, 04:44:16 pm »

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 06, 2013, 07:13:51 am »
In the first Hobbit film, Saruman refers to Dol Guldur as "a ruined fortress". Inspired by that:

Ruined Fortress
$1 Action - Ruins
+1 Action
When you trash this, put it into your hand.

You can Forge a Ruined Fortress into a Colony!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:44:05 am »

Plus I think people here just like making lists.

We should make a list of all the lists.

That article doesn't list itself!

Because that article is a list of lists of lists of lists not a list of lists of lists itself.
??? ...but... that article is a list of lists of lists, not a list of lists of lists of lists?

In actual fact, it /does/ list itself.  And it's misnamed.  It is a list of lists of lists and lists.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Showdown
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:09:50 am »
Even though I think Dominion is the best deck-builder, I'd rather see opinions from people who think it isn't.

I like the deck-building style of play, and I'd like to know which others are worth trying.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Vanillage.
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:39:30 pm »
I don't recall exactly, but I thought I once saw a list of terms that playtesters used.  The two terms I think I remember were splitter and chainer.  A splitter was a card that gave +2 actions, and a chainer was a card that gave +1 action, +1 card.  So, spliter = village, chainer = cantrip. 
I think that would be in the thread for onigame's weighted randomizer.

Thank you, yes it was.

And I got it somewhat wrong.

Chainer: Gives at least +1 Action
Cantrip: Gives at least +1 Card +1 Action
Splitter: Gives at least +2 Actions

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Vanillage.
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:28:29 pm »
So, now, will anybody else call it the vanillage?  It's always annoying when people say village and you aren't sure if it's the normal vanillage or any village.

I don't recall exactly, but I thought I once saw a list of terms that playtesters used.  The two terms I think I remember were splitter and chainer.  A splitter was a card that gave +2 actions, and a chainer was a card that gave +1 action, +1 card.  So, spliter = village, chainer = cantrip. 

I mention this because I'd rather use the term splitter for any village type, and Village only to mean Village.

Anyone know where I might have read about this?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite vanilla card?
« on: July 23, 2013, 01:46:24 pm »
Gotta be Lab.

Not that I think it's the most powerful vanilla card, but it's the most fun to play when you get a handful.

"Lab," draw two, "Lab," draw two, "Lab," draw two, "Lab," draw two, "...I buy a Province."

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: July 17, 2013, 11:20:23 pm »
Did I learn about a different Round Table than you all?


Yet another reminder that there are very young people on this forum, and that the movie is still older than some of us in the median age range.  Monty Python and the Holy Grail was released in 1975.  Forty years.

38 years.

Rules Questions / Re: Rats/Market Square/Watchtower order of events
« on: July 11, 2013, 01:26:32 pm »
All three seem to be fine.


Play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, play a Village, draw a Village, have 3$, buy a Village.

Why are there 11 copies of Village in this game? Did you accidentally include the randomizer?  ;)

But that's not even 11, that's 12.  He played 10, drew an 11th, then purchased a 12th.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Custom Black Market deck
« on: June 04, 2013, 07:53:43 pm »
Wouldn't Tunnel make a good choice?

It's got a useful reaction, you don't need more than one...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Dominion moments 2013
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:11:32 am »
Warfreak2   plays Minion
Warfreak2   discards: Silver, Chapel
Warfreak2   draws Chapel, Minion, Minion, Necropolis
SheCantSayNo   discards: Potion, Chapel, Minion, Minion, Minion
SheCantSayNo   draws Possession, King's Court, King's Court, Possession

But that's not even all of the story. That happened during the first of three possessed turns.  And you won the game during the fifth possessed turn following this hand.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: random setup?
« on: May 20, 2013, 05:22:02 pm »
Yes, you can beat Big Money without alternative victory cards or attack cards.

One method, and this is not the only method, is to build an "engine".

This might get you started, but there's a number of forum posts about this too, by players who know much more than I do.

my request is pretty easy, I would like to eliminate the weakest 5 cards in the base set, of intrigue and prosperity. instead of arguing on my way to see the game, why not just tell me what are these 5 cards that I can do without it?

But that's not easy.  The strength of a card depends on which other cards it is played with.  Which is another way of saying, it depends on the kingdom.  But it also very much so depends on your personal playing style.  I'm willing to list the five cards I think I buy the least, though, if you really think it'll help.

Base: Chancellor, Spy, Thief, Cellar, Moat
Intrigue: Secret Chamber, Wishing Well, Coppersmith, Scout, Tribute
Prosperity: Counting House, Contraband, and you already removed the three victory chip cards

But the thing is, just looking at the ones I picked, you might say "Hey, Chancellor and Counting House?  Those go great together!", and that invalidates my choices.  Anyhow, I hope this helps you.

Dominion Articles / Re: Develop
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:56:13 pm »
Fantastic article.

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