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Messages - Mic Qsenoch

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: What's the deal with TGG?
« on: March 06, 2024, 12:05:02 pm »
In the long run I would guess that both userbases will be big enough to support reasonable automatching for whoever ("reasonable" may not be true for everyone). ShuffleIT definitely has more top players at the moment, but some strong people are queuing on TGG as well.

For tournaments, TGG doesn't have spectating and most everything is client side (more vulnerable to cheaters), which makes it a hard sell.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What's the deal with TGG?
« on: March 06, 2024, 11:39:18 am »
FWIW I was replying directly to another post on the ShuffleIT discord from a user Bingophil, which could give another perspective on the UIs and also some context for why I mentioned those specific things.

I am curious, what is worse about it? You can make the app interface nearly identical to the d.g. version. Everything falls into place once you turn on the log and keep it always on along the side. You can also configure it to show the entire game rather than just the last two turns if you prefer (to match the website). If you don't like the cards being fanned out in front you, but rather stacked and straightened just like the website and if you want a way button for ways on top of the action cards like the website, and/or prefer tapping vs dragging to play, you can change all of it to match the website interface. Once you do these things it looks to me just like a much prettier and more configurable version of the website interface. You can make the game stricter than the website version with a limited log, like Donald X. intended, or you can make the game much more generous letting you see the cards in your draw deck and discard pile to allow for more advanced play from casuals making Donald cringe. The only obvious interface difference I see post reconfiguration to match the website is that many card interactions have a different interface such as sentry. But these are often just different and arguably more efficient ways of presenting these choices. I don't doubt some of them are worse than the website, but some of them are surely better as well.

Other Games / Re: Tears of the Kingdom
« on: May 14, 2023, 09:16:50 pm »
3. I found the organization of the Great Sky Island misleading and confusing, and seems like there might be semi-soft-lock potential (by which I mean, you aren't technically soft-locked, but it takes significantly more skill to exit an area than to get into it). You do the first shrine, and then Rauru says, go do 2 more shrines. Look around and then put a pin on the map wherever you see them, then use the pin on the map to find it. Unless I'm blind, only one of the two shrines is visible from where you're standing when he says that, so naturally you would go to that one first. But the "direct" path there, I'm pretty sure, is not meant to be accessible. But it really looks like it is, so I spent about an hour and a half running around the snowy mountain area trying to figure out how to climb the icy walls near the top. I was eventually able to do it, by putting together an awkward mess of logs and a raft and balancing it at a funny angle in a little crevice, and then climbing the logs instead of the icy walls. I did the shrine, then eventually found and completed the other shrine, and only then did I find what I think is the intended path to the snowy mountain shrine on my (admittedly very convoluted) way back to the temple of time. It seems to me like they intended for you to do what I ended up doing after having already done the snowy mountain shrine, which is make a big loop around the island and hit the snowy mountain shrine on the way back to the temple of time. But I'm not sure how you would ever know to do that?
I think you're blind  :), both Shrines look quite visible.

The tutorial could be more streamlined, but it felt fair enough for an open-world game, let people start rambling around.

I agree with the general points about possibilities for awkwardness / frustrations in some of the systems. But I think some amount of that is unavoidable if you want to have flexible / powerful systems. For sure a controller (or at least this particular scheme) is an awkward interface for some of the construction.

Rules Questions / Re: Traits and Types
« on: December 22, 2022, 03:19:20 pm »

Nah, make the mouse card Fool. That adds an heirloom to your hand and Will-o-Wisp to the non-supply piles.

Even better, use Page for Mouse and add another split kingdom pile instead of the Page pile, increasing the number of cards you can have in your deck from 69 to 72 (not counting the ungainable Mouse card Page itself).

You can't get anything else from the Page line with Mouse Page.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: November 22, 2022, 05:36:17 pm »
What is the key card which can give you infinite vps on turn 1? (You can also use other cards.)

I'm sure there are ways with Triumph.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: 3-card combo to win in turn 5
« on: November 15, 2022, 03:35:57 pm »
The Project is Guildhall, if you're like me and don't recognize landscape art.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: November 01, 2022, 12:25:44 am »
(How) can I retrieve the game log given the game number?

Checking now, this game won't actually reload, there's an "internal error" bug when I try to do it, but in other cases:

You can't get a text log really, but if you have a subscription you can create a table, load old game, put in the game number and use Load from End.

I see, thanks for the info. I was wondering how you got started with Cavalry instead of Port, but I've now figured it out myself (buy Caravan, Butterfly into Guildmaster twice, assuming you have at least 5 Coppers among your first 7 cards).

If I've calculated correctly, buying all Estates, Provinces, Silvers and Importers and playing all basic Treasures leaves you with only $278-$230=$48, so there's many cases where you can't empty the supply without further support:
 - at least one 8 debt card or Possession is in the supply
 - a $7+ Action card is in the supply, but no $6 Action
 - Platinum/Colony
 - at least two $3 kingdom card other than Importer are in the supply (and no $2 Actions)
 - four or more $2-$3 kingdom cards other than Importer are in the supply
 - 2 or more Potion cost cards are in the supply

and a few other combinations.

But either of Bridge, another stackable cost reducer, Nomads or Training would take care of all cases except the last one. (With Bridge, you can use the whole $278 to buy the debt cards, except in the extremely unlikely case of all 4 pure debt cards being present.)

Overlord is fine actually since you only have to pay for 9 of them and they can give you $3 back, and the Potion part isn't correct (you could even have 3 and be fine if it's Vineyard / SP / Apo, it all just depends on the costs in coins). I didn't try to list it all because it's not clean.

How do you buy out 2 or more potion-cost piles (at least 18 cards, even if one of them is Vineyard) with only 16 Potions? There's no way to replay treasures in this kingdom AFAICS. Even if the potion-cost cards have consecutive $ costs, using Butterfly doesn't save you any potion - e.g. with SP and Apo., you need to buy SP 20 times to empty both piles (butterflying it 10 times), so you'd have to pay 20 P (and $40) total.

You're right about Overlord; playing each of them as a terminal gold gives you back $30, so they only cost you a net $72-$30=$42 (plus 8 debt that you never repay). It's fine as long as you don't have to pay extra for any other kingdom card.

I'm just dumb and forgot the Potions were finite. Was just thinking "we can get as many Potions as we want from Horses".

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 31, 2022, 01:52:52 pm »
(How) can I retrieve the game log given the game number?

Checking now, this game won't actually reload, there's an "internal error" bug when I try to do it, but in other cases:

You can't get a text log really, but if you have a subscription you can create a table, load old game, put in the game number and use Load from End.

I see, thanks for the info. I was wondering how you got started with Cavalry instead of Port, but I've now figured it out myself (buy Caravan, Butterfly into Guildmaster twice, assuming you have at least 5 Coppers among your first 7 cards).

If I've calculated correctly, buying all Estates, Provinces, Silvers and Importers and playing all basic Treasures leaves you with only $278-$230=$48, so there's many cases where you can't empty the supply without further support:
 - at least one 8 debt card or Possession is in the supply
 - a $7+ Action card is in the supply, but no $6 Action
 - Platinum/Colony
 - at least two $3 kingdom card other than Importer are in the supply (and no $2 Actions)
 - four or more $2-$3 kingdom cards other than Importer are in the supply
 - 2 or more Potion cost cards are in the supply

and a few other combinations.

But either of Bridge, another stackable cost reducer, Nomads or Training would take care of all cases except the last one. (With Bridge, you can use the whole $278 to buy the debt cards, except in the extremely unlikely case of all 4 pure debt cards being present.)

Overlord is fine actually since you only have to pay for 9 of them and they can give you $3 back, and the Potion part isn't correct (you could even have 3 and be fine if it's Vineyard / SP / Apo, it all just depends on the costs in coins). I didn't try to list it all because it's not clean.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 30, 2022, 03:05:21 pm »
(How) can I retrieve the game log given the game number?

Checking now, this game won't actually reload, there's an "internal error" bug when I try to do it, but in other cases:

You can't get a text log really, but if you have a subscription you can create a table, load old game, put in the game number and use Load from End.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 29, 2022, 12:55:57 am »
The Province pileout with any $5 gainer + $6 action + $7 action instead of Livery is sort of cute too.

Indeed. :D I think you might be able to empty the whole supply if you also add Seaway (putting the +Buy token on Port) and a kingdom card costing $4+ that gives you the buy for it.

Actually, just adding Forum and a cost reducer like Bridge to the OP's kingdom suffices to empty the supply, as you can gain Forum and return it to the supply infinitely often for unlimited +Buys. So that's an 8-card combo to empty the supply on turn 1 (with probability 50%, as you need to draw at least 4 Coppers).

No. 6-card combo to empty the Supply on turn 1 (with probability 11/24). Use Cavalry instead of Port.

This one also doesn't require a correct implementation of Livery/City-state, so it can be done on (#110411165), don't ask me why I clicked through all that.

There are some bad cases if you don't restrict the remainder of the kingdom somewhat, it either needs enough $4/$5/$6 piles or other stuff that can supplement payload. You won't always have enough money to empty the supply, like if City Quarter, Royal Blacksmith, Overlord, Golem, and Possession are the rest of the kingdom. (This is true of the cost reducer angles as well).

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 27, 2022, 08:34:34 pm »
Lol, I tried to do the first kingdom on TGG since Livery/City-state works there, but it crashed once it got nested too far. And also the interface made doing the gaining loops way more confusing.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 27, 2022, 08:17:29 pm »
I know adding Berserker works, that's what I said (as does any $5 gainer like Sculptor or Falconer).

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 27, 2022, 03:40:02 pm »
The Province pileout with any $5 gainer + $6 action + $7 action instead of Livery is sort of cute too.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 27, 2022, 03:03:32 pm »
Do you mean just swapping Berserker for Livery? I don't think that works, but I could be missing something. Adding any one of Sculptor / Berserker / Falconer (maybe more?) to the kingdom above will work, or just adding two of them instead of Livery. (For I mean).

edit: and the $6 gainers also work for this purpose (Artisan / Altar), at least when paired with a $5 gainer for sure.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Don't let your opponent do something.
« on: October 27, 2022, 12:03:57 pm »
I was going to bring a game log from, but it looks like Livery is bugged there with City-State.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Is Rebuild ever fun?
« on: April 12, 2022, 05:23:44 pm »
I like Rebuild quite a lot overall. The standard Rebuild thing is a unique deck in Dominion. It's a bit boring but still has some deck composition choices, deck tracking stuff, and interactive/endgame VP stuff. I can appreciate playing it in the uncommon cases nowadays that you both see Rebuild and that deck looks good. The fast pace is nice.

Rebuild's low level of interactivity with other kingdom cards has at least one upside to me, it can result in very divergent decks if people don't mirror. It's fun to see games where it's the kingdom vs Rebuild. People probably hate this about it, but the fact that Rebuild with decent draws can put pressure on a lot of decks can add some tension to games, even when Rebuild is not very good.

I wouldn't want to play it as often as you did when Dark Ages released, but in this card pool I'm a fan.

Once in a blue moon you can roll a board where the VP upgrading is good engine payload and you have control of what the Rebuild hits through discard stuff or whatever.

Other Games / Re: The Mind
« on: February 05, 2022, 12:21:42 pm »
My girlfriend and I discovered a technique to win the final most difficult rounds. The rules are if you play a card out of order, you lose a life, and then everyone discards cards lower than that mis-played card.

Which opens this up for exploitation. For the last two rounds we had three lives, and I played the highest card in my hand, losing a life, and discarding all the rest of my cards, then only my girlfriend had cards left (or maybe none) to win the round without any chance of losing another life.

This depends on you making sure you have enough lives left over for the final rounds, but it works.

This is against the rules, you are only allowed to play your lowest card. (At least the rules here:

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Help! Site frozen with "reconnecting"
« on: January 21, 2022, 02:16:59 pm »
Open the site up in an incognito or private browser window, enter your login credentials but don't click "Login", click the small "Kick & Resign" at the bottom of the page.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: January 27, 2021, 08:31:38 pm »
play Hero to gain Philosopher's Stone (topdeck)

There have been a lot of Scrying Pool/Stonemason engines posted here.  I really like the usage of Hero, though.  That's novel.  It takes 3 turns for gained Pages to be used as Heroes though.  That really dampens the growth.  Imagine that you could buy Heroes directly and use them the very next turn.  And also, imagine that they generate 3.5 Scrying Pools instead of just two.  Then the growth would be on par with an engine I posted in this thread earlier [Reply #24 on: November 10, 2018, 11:12:10 pm].

But having said that, I like when people post new ideas and yours has potential.  It has two things going for it that I see.
One:  Warriors produce a lot of coin.  Try calculating how much (and remember that Scrying Pools are also attack cards).  Once again, though, you would be looking at a two turn delay in Warrior growth;  training on Stonemason may generate more.
Two:  With Capitalism purchased, Hero is considered a treasure and may be returned to your deck by gaining a Mandarin.  Unfortumately, I can not come up with any way to limit Mandarin gains, in this kingdom, off the top of my head.

Warrior doesn't make money, that's Soldier.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 11, 2020, 09:38:05 pm »
I'm saying this on the basis that exchanging a card that is being gained from the Black Market deck shouldn't work, and you'll be forced to take the card you were originally gaining. So in our case, our Fairgrounds would get removed from the Black Market deck and we'd stop being able to buy it.

Though, I'm remembering that gaining Horse can be exchanged with Changeling, and that's not from a supply pile, so maybe it does work after all. I've yet to test this with the Black Market / Trader situation on the client.

Exchanging just requires a pile, it doesn't have to be a Supply pile, so Horses work. Black Market cards do not have a pile, you can't upgrade Page/Peasant from the BM for instance.

The wiki seems to have some contradictions.  The rules given for exchanging are as you have stated, but is the Black Market deck a pile or not?

Their rules clarifications for Black Market include:

"If you buy a card from the Black Market deck and then use Trader to prevent yourself from gaining it, the bought card goes back on top of the Black Market deck."

I wonder what ShuffleIT has implemented?

That particular rule clarification predates the recent Trader errata (note that the current Trader doesn't "prevent yourself from gaining"). You can't Exchange things from the Black Market (see here: and some messages below it).

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: November 11, 2020, 10:10:44 am »
I'm saying this on the basis that exchanging a card that is being gained from the Black Market deck shouldn't work, and you'll be forced to take the card you were originally gaining. So in our case, our Fairgrounds would get removed from the Black Market deck and we'd stop being able to buy it.

Though, I'm remembering that gaining Horse can be exchanged with Changeling, and that's not from a supply pile, so maybe it does work after all. I've yet to test this with the Black Market / Trader situation on the client.

Exchanging just requires a pile, it doesn't have to be a Supply pile, so Horses work. Black Market cards do not have a pile, you can't upgrade Page/Peasant from the BM for instance.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Nocturne advice
« on: November 04, 2020, 02:42:29 pm »
Exorcist will be basically the same power level with just Wisps and Imps.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Minor note about new printings
« on: November 02, 2020, 11:43:02 am »
I don't understand why the infinite loop of trader/forum/cost reduction no longer works? The forum still goes back into the pile and you still get the buy back.

You can't Exchange once the Silver pile is empty, so now you can only do it as many times as there are Silver remaining.

I've played a game online with Ruins + Way of the Mouse + Raze before. I'm pretty sure it was possible to trash the card itself. It didn't draw any cards.

This isn't how it works online (or by the rules), OP is correct.

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