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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Site down a lot these days?
« on: February 14, 2023, 01:07:50 pm »
I am getting regular "site can't be reached" at high frequency these days. Basically no access to the site since maybe Friday?

It has always had these errors from time to time but it seems to be more frequent and for longer periods more recently. Is it just me?

Landing Party/Reap. Why yes, I will topdeck all my Landing Parties thanks to this Gold I'm playing in start-of-turn.

Crown is similarly good here

Launch is good for this as well. Start your turn, play $3 worth of treasure, free the Landing Parties, and then play a normal turn. Repeat every turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Dominion and Disney, Twitter and FTX
« on: November 22, 2022, 11:26:22 am »
I have been playing Dominion since 2011 (and active here for most of that time). I have been writing an in-depth marketing newsletter since May 2018. I have been waiting for the moment it made sense to talk about Dominion in the newsletter. The big Disney CEO change-over on Sunday gave me the opportunity.

The essay is basically about the difference between Strategy, Tactics and Execution - and I talk about how Dominion might be the only game where players need to develop new strategies each game, and then get rapid feedback on if their strategic choices were correct.

Thought people here might enjoy the mention "in the wild":

Now we can all wait for @Robz888 to find a way to write a Dominion feature in Reason!


Dominion General Discussion / Re: GPT-3 designed Dominion cards
« on: August 08, 2022, 09:06:19 am »

Correct. Direct access is available to everyone now though.

uh where?

You just need to complete a short training. They give you $18 in free credit. Have fun!


Dominion General Discussion / Re: GPT-3 designed Dominion cards
« on: August 05, 2022, 12:29:53 pm »
If an AI can create the card text, why not the art, too?  Presenting the first AI-generated Dominion cards:

What tool did you use? Looks a bit like MidJourney? I'll bet Dall-e-2 could create something more like an actual card.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: GPT-3 designed Dominion cards
« on: August 05, 2022, 12:21:15 pm »
Since GPT-3 reportedly read the entire Internet (when it was being trained), it probably read f.DS. I wonder if it could convincingly write posts in the style of specific top posters.

Oh ShiT, that would be creepy.

That would surprise me. I don't think it has enough neurons to devote an amount of memory to f.ds that would allow it to memorize  stuff from specific authors. GPT-3 doesn't actually have the text of the internet memorized, it has a world model consisting of memorized neuron values. It only has access to stuff that's in there.

One of the things you can do with GPT-3 is over-train in on a specific set of content. So you could, for example, train it on the DS forum. It would then be able to write in the same style as people here. This would be "in general", not a specific person - but you could start a prompt with something like:

Posted by: silverspawn
I think
And then let it run, and it would know enough to write a post in the same style that silverspawn has written posts in the past. The way it works means that it is very unlikely to actually copy previous writing word-for-word, but it will generate something that generates words in a probability pattern that is similar to silerspawns old posts.

There is nothing stopping you from over-training it on a specific author, but generally you need a LOT of content from that author for it to work very well (i.e., more than a single novel-length amount of content)


You could do that if you had access to a trainable instance of GPT-3. And it would be really cool. You can't do it with through the AI dungeons interface, though.

Correct. Direct access is available to everyone now though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: GPT-3 designed Dominion cards
« on: July 27, 2022, 07:49:09 am »
Since GPT-3 reportedly read the entire Internet (when it was being trained), it probably read f.DS. I wonder if it could convincingly write posts in the style of specific top posters.

Oh ShiT, that would be creepy.

That would surprise me. I don't think it has enough neurons to devote an amount of memory to f.ds that would allow it to memorize  stuff from specific authors. GPT-3 doesn't actually have the text of the internet memorized, it has a world model consisting of memorized neuron values. It only has access to stuff that's in there.

One of the things you can do with GPT-3 is over-train in on a specific set of content. So you could, for example, train it on the DS forum. It would then be able to write in the same style as people here. This would be "in general", not a specific person - but you could start a prompt with something like:

Posted by: silverspawn
I think
And then let it run, and it would know enough to write a post in the same style that silverspawn has written posts in the past. The way it works means that it is very unlikely to actually copy previous writing word-for-word, but it will generate something that generates words in a probability pattern that is similar to silerspawns old posts.

There is nothing stopping you from over-training it on a specific author, but generally you need a LOT of content from that author for it to work very well (i.e., more than a single novel-length amount of content)


Dominion General Discussion / Re: GPT-3 designed Dominion cards
« on: April 17, 2022, 11:37:49 am »
GPT-3 read the entire Internet in 2019 (among other things). So it likely has memory of fan cards in there.

A lot of the cards generated (that I did not include) were exact duplicates of existing cards.

The way GPT (and other models like it) work is it takes what it has in memory (to a max of about 1500 words) and then “predicts” what the next syllable should be. If memory has a bunch of dominion cards (wall cards) it will just start listing more existing cards. I got that to change by adding text in between saying “These are new yet to be released cards:”. That forced the AI to shift its probabilities and not just repeat. Even so it still generated a bunch of existing cards.

GPT also has a parameter called “temperature”. If temp is set to zero it will always return the highest probability token (ie syllable). If you raise the temp it will be more likely to select a token that is not the MOST likely. Think of it as building a distribution function of potential tokens. The higher the temp the higher the standard deviation of the next token will be.

To make these cards I played with temp, but generally they were made with pretty high temperature.

Some of the cards were completely non-sensical. Stuff like

Estate $
Put this in your hand

To get the list above took a bunch of judgement on what was worth including. (As well as changing the prompts).

I also only created 1-2 cards per creation. I would record the card (if reasonable), delete the response and create again. If I just let the AI keep going it would get confused and usually stop completely. (As it cremated more cards the memory that it should be creating “new cards” would get less emphasis)

This also meant that creating these cards was expensive (in terms of computer power). You are charged both for the output AND the input (about 6-cents per 1000 tokens). I think it roughly cost me $4 or so to create these cards.


Dominion General Discussion / GPT-3 designed Dominion cards
« on: April 15, 2022, 02:27:12 pm »
I have been playing around with GPT-3 to see what it is capable of. I have been working on changing prompts to see what I can get it to do. (I still can't get it to rhyme very well. I think it might be impossible given how it was built).

Here are some Dominion cards I had it create after using a very long prompt with lots of example cards:

Hex $4
Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. For each Curse revealed, gain a Curse. For each Treasure revealed, gain a Treasure. Put the revealed cards back on your deck in any order.


Throne $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Return a card from your discard pile to your hand.


Dragon $6
+4 Coins

Kingdom $4
+2 Coins
Trash a card from your hand.

Governor $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
At the start of your turn, you may discard a card. If you do, +1 Card.

Ballad $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
Draw until you have 4 cards in hand.

Matriarch $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's an Action card, play it. Otherwise, put it back on top of your deck.

Ruin $2
Trash a card in your hand. If it costs $4 or more, +1 Card.

Oracle $3
+2 Cards
When you gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand and discard it. If you do, choose one: +1 Action; or +2 Coins.

Hoard $5
When you play this, gain a Treasure card costing up to $4 more than it.

Consulate $5
Gain a Gold onto your deck. You may play an Action card from your hand

The Fool $3
+1 Buy
You may trash this for +3 Cards.

Skeleton Key $4
This card stays in play.
While this is in play, when another player plays an Action card, you may discard this card to cancel the Action.

Robber $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
All players look through their discard piles and trash a treasure. If they do, they gain a curse

Court $7
Choose one: +3 Cards; or +4 Actions; or put all cards in play back into your hand

Deliverance $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's an Attack card, put it into your hand. Otherwise, put it back on top of your deck.

Viscount $6
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
3 VP

Scout $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. You may reveal an Action card from them and put it into your hand. Put the rest back on top in any order.

Genie $6
+1 Action
+1 Card
While this is in play, other players can't play Attack cards.

Dryad $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck. You may put it on the bottom of your deck.

Siren $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may play a card from your hand.

Army $6
+3 Cards
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of their deck, trashes one of them that they choose, and discards the rest.

Town Drunk $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Discard a card. Other players discard down to 4 cards

Bone keeper $5
Trash a card from your hand.
Reveal a card from your hand and gain a copy of it.

Riches $4
When you play this, trash a card from your hand.

Rummage $5
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card to your hand costing up to $3 more than the trashed card.

Visitor from Abroad $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Discard a card. You may gain a card costing up to $5.

Rummage $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Discard any number of cards. +$1 per card discarded. Draw until you have 5 cards in hand.

I think the key to getting it to create anything interesting was have a long prompt that explained the game, and then gave lots of examples of cards that had significant text (i.e., not village and smithy). Even so about half of what was created was useful. The other half re-created existing cards or made no sense.

But not bad!


Dominion General Discussion / Wayfarer and Develop/Remake
« on: January 21, 2022, 02:45:01 pm »
Came across this today.

Remake I understand, since it specifically says it happens once after each other and to different cards. So if you remake an Expand into a province, then you try and remake a Wayfarer you get a Platinum.

But Develop surprised me.

You Develop one card into two. It's not clear to me when you check the value of the card you are developing. You develop a Wayfarer ($6) into a card costing $1 more and $1 less. You choose the order. So two options:

(1) Get $7 and then a $5 card (check once)
(2) Get a $7 card, the Wayfarer turns into a $7 card, and then you get a $6 card

Dominion Online uses #2, but it's not clear to me with the description of Develop that that is the right way to do it. Has there been a ruling on this?



It happened in a game I played today...

I am a bit of a Dominion fan... I started playing back around 2011. I won the online championship around 2013. My current rating hovers around 60. I play far far far too much.

I have found people who are into Dominion tend to intersect on two things:
1- A little bit geeky
2- A little bit analytical

(maybe more than a little on both...)

A buddy and I have started a new podcast a couple of months ago that may appeal to folks with that intersection.

The premise is that we are radio commentators in the early 1960s in the "Marvel Universe". We have knowledge of the "public" things that happen in the comic when they happen. We move froward through the issues as if they are happening on the date they are published (i.e., The Fantastic Four appear in November 1961.

We ask the questions we think we would personally ask if we were living in that world. We end up discussing things like the impact of super heroes on the Cold War, if Ironman is a good use of StarkCorp shareholder capital, the psychological impact of super powers on the previous elite, the political implications of mind control, and lots more.

Most episodes are less than ten minutes and they come out three times per week (Mon/Tue/Wed)

Here is the website (each episode has an email associated that has the cover art of the issue covers, a short summary of the topics covered, and a summary of the comic itself):

Here is the Apple Podcasts link (obviously available on other players too!):

Would love to know what people here think.


Dominion General Discussion / Combo: Stockpile and Cavalry
« on: June 30, 2020, 04:55:02 pm »
It's not an obvious one, but I have pulled it off a number of times to win when I otherwise should not have.

You need to have drawn your deck(ish) with some stockpiles in hand.

You play the Stockpiles(set aside), then buy a Stockpile ($3) and the ones you just played get sent back to your discard. Then you buy a Cavalry ($4 - so $7 total) and you draw two more cards (often two more Stockpiles - worth $6), that you can then play to do it again.

You are down at least $1 each time (sometimes more if you draw the Cavalry you just purchased), so by itself it is nothing special, but it can be combined to do some magic. The stockpiles give you $$s and buys. The Cavalry gives you draw (both when you buy, but also playing to get horses). So if you have a source of actions, you can often do something like this: 

- Play 8 Stockpiles ($24, 9 buys), buy a stockpile and a Cavalry (-$7), then use the horses you already have to draw back all the stockpiles and play 9 this time (+$27)

This works even better with cost reduction.

In this game (#49451302 - not sure how to link to it), there were no +actions and I lost the highway split 8-2. But I had trimmed my deck. On my last turn I Remade a cavalry into a stockpile, then played three stockpile and bought another stockpile ($1) and a cavalry ($2), which. drew back two more stockpiles. I repeated to empty both piles, with enough. leftover to buy three provinces and a few estates for the win

Since both cards are in the same expansion (and you can currently play "5 cards from that expansion" as an option right now on dominion online),  it is a combo you could end up seeing lot. 

Variation:Villa also lets you play Stockpiles and then get them back into your deck.  If you have excess draw this could work too, but Cavalry tends to work better as it gives you the draw you need to get the Stockpiles back the same turn, and the extra buys. from Villa aren't usually needed with. all the buys you get from the Stockpiles.



Dominion General Discussion / Re: Is Harvest the New Scout?
« on: May 14, 2020, 01:55:51 pm »
If your strategy needs Fortune more than your opponent does it can absolutely make sense to buy Gladiator. If he is going for a big money one province per turn strategy and you are building an engine to grab the whole pile, a fortune is far more valuable to you than it is to him.


Dominion General Discussion / Re: Is Harvest the New Scout?
« on: May 13, 2020, 06:46:15 pm »
I ban the following cards:
Philosopher's Stone
Royal Seal

At least when playing on random, all four are just a waste of a spot that could go to something else.

Harvest is only useful (1) as a discarder, or (2) as an action that makes $s. It is bad at both of those things - and it's not particularly good by combining them. Only purchased if you need one of those things and its the only option

Transmute and PStone are very weak. They have their rare uses, but so rare that I think it's fine I never play with them. I expect they would be more interesting if I played "two expansions" rather than fully random

Royal Seal is fine. It is often worth getting one instead of a silver, but it never makes the game more interesting.

There are other cards I dislike, but all of them make the game different. Those four just seem to sit there and take up space


Rules Questions / Re: Considering Trader errata
« on: May 06, 2020, 08:00:26 pm »
+1 on this.

The "exchange" cards like Changeling are very fun. The game has changed so much that gaining silver is not great in any case. This gives the Trader a little power bump, and makes it cleaners and makes it more consistent with the later cards.

I feel like if this change were NOT made, I would still play it as a house rule IRL....


Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Previews 2: Horses
« on: March 03, 2020, 12:57:42 pm »
I've played a few games now.

I like Scrap a lot - especially with gainers (including itself)

Play Scrap on a Silver and it gets you +1 card/+1 action/+1 horse - so it effectively is a cantrip that turns silvers into horses - which is pretty good in most engines.

When you play Scrap on say a Gold - you get Market (C/A/$/B) + Silver + Horse. The silver is not great, but you can turn around and play Scrap on the silver later to turn it into a horse.

It interacts really nicely with Sheepdog too. When you gain that horse, you turn Sheepdog into a lab.

I played a game with no villages, and managed to build a nice little engine with Scrap+Sheepdog+Bandit....


Swashbuckler and Guild Hall

Guild Hall provides and alternative way to earn coffers so you can get the Treasure Chest on an early play of Swashbuckler. Then each Gold you get from Treasure Chest earns you a coffer.

(In the game I just played it also had Warehouse - to set off the Swashbuckler - and Spices which picked up more coffers. But the key was Swashbuckler + Guild Hall I think


When he played Gravedigger the game froze:

Maybe due to something with Necromancer?

Dominion General Discussion / Stalemate
« on: September 24, 2019, 09:34:45 am »
Well almost anyway.

Game 30966178.

Only +actions were Ghost Towns
Haunted Woods meant that if you bought something you couldn't play your Ghost Towns - so only one . action next turn
Bishops for VP
Treasurers to pull Golds from the trash

Eventually both of us got to the point where we could pull a gold from the trash, trash it with Bishop, and play Haunted Wood - but then not be able to buy anything

I was ahead in VP, but didn't see anyway to end the game. If I tried to buy provinces or empty piles, I would lose a turn and he would catch up in points.

Eventually I figured out I was far enough ahead that I could afford to lose a couple of turns, and (very slowly) started buying Hunting Grounds, and then trashing them to Estates. I think it was clear it was going to work eventually by about turn 39 and cider01 resigned. I think it would have been over by around turn 50 or so....

Anyway, the first time I thought I had a stalemate in a LOT of games played.

We talked about ending in an agreed draw. Cider said he knew a way to do it, but we never got to the point of actually learning how to do it.


Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Captain / Encampment bug
« on: September 06, 2019, 11:30:44 am »
Do you actually know if anything was returned? It seems unlikely that an Encampment you bought was actually returned; those were already in your discard pile. Like Ingix said; it seems more likely that it "returned" the one that was already there; which means it didn't actually do anything.

If that's correct; the only bug here is in the log; not in the actual game. From the looks of the earlier Encampment play; it looks like the normal behavior of the log is to ignore instructions that failed due to Lose Track. Though it would make more sense to me if the log recorded these things as they were ("e failed to set Encampment aside" and e failed to return Encampment to the supply").

It was definitely returned.

I bought three that turn (exposing the treasure I think), and the next turn the other player picked up some more - result was I ended up with 2 for the game and he had 3.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Captain / Encampment bug
« on: September 05, 2019, 11:01:11 am »
Game #30346979

This turn:
Turn 9 - ednever
e starts their turn.
e plays an Encampment. (Captain).
e draws a Copper and a Replace.
e gets +2 Actions.
e plays a Silk Merchant.
e draws 2 Coppers.
e gets +1 Buy.
e plays a Silk Merchant.
e draws an Estate and a Replace.
e gets +1 Buy.
e plays a Hideout.
e draws an Estate.
e gets +2 Actions.
e trashes a Copper.
e plays a Replace.
e trashes an Estate.
e gains a Hideout.
e topdecks a card.
e plays a Replace.
e trashes an Estate.
e gains a Silk Merchant.
e gets +1 Villager.
e gets +1 Coffers.
e topdecks a card.
e plays 3 Coppers and a Silver. (+$5)
e uses 1 Coffers. (+$1)
e buys and gains 3 Encampments.
e returns an Encampment to the Encampment pile.
e draws a Copper, an Estate, a Hideout and 2 Silk Merchants.

What happened:
I played a Captain, chose Encampment (did not show a gold)
At the end of the turn I bought 3 Encampments
Then it returned one of the Encampments I just bought to the supply

I am pretty sure this is wrong and I think I know why it happened.

When I played Captain to play the Encampment, it should check to see if I revealed a gold. I did not, so it should set aside and return to the supply at the end of the turn. But Captain says, "Leave it there", which overrules the card so it is not set aside.

That should be the end and the game continues.

But I think there must be code at the end of the turn that SHOULD say: "Are there any Encampments set aside that need to be returned? If so, return them to the supply"

But instead the code must take a short cut and say, "Were any Encampments played this turn and a gold not revealed? If so, return an encampment to the supply."

So (on of) the brand new encampment(s) I purchased was returned.

But I have been wrong on these things before...

Colonies and Fleet each tweak the game-end condition; on reflection I'm kinda surprised there aren't more things that change it.
I've tried some.


I played a few games against Lord B with Captain, BoM, Ferry and then either Highway or Bridge.

I think the way to do it is play ferry on Captain as soon as possible, get the Captain and the Highway/Bridge and then try and connect them (using whatever else is there)

Bridge was MUCH better than Highway - for two reasons. (1) You can't use Captain to play Highway until you have played a Highway first - which means you can't play $5 cards at the start of your turn, and (2) When Captain plays Highway it doesn't activate the cost reduction.

The impact of that is I was generally connecting Highway-Captain around turn 8 or 9. Whereas Captain-Bridge was connecting on turns 4-5.

In all cases after the connection is made the game ended (massively) the next turn. There always seemed to be some set of <$5 cards that when you played an unlimited number of them I was able to empty the provinces (and usually all the duchies and the estates and once all the silvers when that got me VP).

(I did not test Bridge Troll, but Canal came up randomly one time, and I managed to use it.)

I guess none of this is too surprising, but it was interesting (if a little tedious) to see it play out in practice. One "technique" I discovered that was helpful - especially for the Highway version - was switching the Ferry to a different card after you connect the Highway-Captain. It lets you start the next turn playing an unlimited number of the $5-$6 card you choose.

Obviously the chances of this combo ever coming up in a real game is close to zero (I'm sure someone ran the odds), but if it ever does,  boy am I ready!


Dominion General Discussion / Project - card parallels
« on: April 17, 2019, 04:06:20 pm »
A thought I had today (not very original I am sure)

Fair - Market Square :: $4 / $3
Barracks - Village :: $6 / $3
Canal - Highway :: $7 / $5
NA - Lab :: NA / $5

- They kind of scale the same way (order of value)
- Village is likely underpriced for what it does - but for a good reason - the game is a lot more fun with cheap villages
- Unclear why there isn't a Project for +1 card. Too much overlap with Flag and Hireling?
- +buy is obviously the weakest - except when it is the most important. When there is no other way to get +1 buy Fair is likely the best deal of the bunch. I'll bet it could have been priced higher and it would still be worth buying - when it is worth buying at all


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