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Messages - v3ck

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Pages: [1]
Dominion General Discussion / Re: How do you think about Ambassador?
« on: April 20, 2012, 01:06:36 am »
How do you think about a tennis racquet? Do you use it to keep the rally alive or to make it difficult for your opponent to do so?

Donald X help us all.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Is resigning considered rude?
« on: March 15, 2012, 11:54:33 pm »
Some people enjoy having their time wasted. Someone once announced in the lobby that I should be avoided after I politely spared him from the drudgery of finishing a lopsided game.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: First game that I pile-drived provinces
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:20:47 am »
I'll be impressed when you do it with Markets, Hunting Parties, and a Counting House.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The defining cards of the sets
« on: February 29, 2012, 09:16:23 pm »
The sets are really defined by how they put Curses in your deck.

Base: Witch
Basic curser

Intrigue: Torturer
Curser with a choice

Seaside: Sea Hag
Curser that affects the next turn

Alchemy: Familiar
Curser that costs a Potion and is better than a basic curser

Prosperity: Mountebank
Curser that gives treasure cards

Cornucopia: Young Witch
Curser that increases variety

Hinterlands: Ill-Gotten Gains
On-gain curser

If only the two of us are interested we could have a 1 round 2 player tournament for the title of Vancouver Dominion Champion. :p
I could get a third person, but a few more would be nice.

I'm in Vancouver, and would be interested in local competitive play, probably not all the time, but definitely for local tournaments and possibly league play.
+1 interest in (2 -player) Vancouver tournaments.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: December 01, 2011, 01:53:36 am »
This isn't a "civility" issue per se, but my opponent bought the last Province and the following baffling exchange happened:

The game is over! (All Provinces are gone.)
AJD has 24 points (4 Provinces) and took 12 turns.
v3ck has 20 points (4 Provinces and 4 Curses) and took 12 turns.

1:28 v3ck: ? ? ? ? ? ?
1:28 AJD: ...What do you mean?
1:28 v3ck: weird shuffles?
1:29 v3ck has returned to the lobby.

No, v3ck, it wasn't weird shuffles; it was I bought a Witch and you didn't. What did you think was going to happen?

I was distracted and something got mixed up in my head, then said something rather odd. I admit that I do that occasionally. However, it really doesn't belong in this thread (even if you say it isn't really a civility issue). I don't appreciate being disgraced by being quoted among the people saying things like "fuck you", "faggot", and "piece of shit".

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Your nicknames for Dominion cards
« on: November 28, 2011, 09:09:49 pm »
When my friend bought his first Baron, he said "a four for a Barn!" Therefore, Baron is Barn.

2011 / Re: 2011 Championships Registration
« on: November 21, 2011, 04:47:33 pm »
1) v3ck
2) GMT -8 / PST

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Optimal Deck Size
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:52:33 pm »
Your deck is a cake. You want to make your cake as delicious as possible. You aren't going to do that by making just the right amount of batter; you're going to do it by making the batter with the right proportions of ingredients. Now get baking!

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