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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Getting a Gold with bad luck
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:59:01 pm »
Never, your opponent plays Thiefs/Noble Brigands on you

Can you be indefinitely prevented from making $5 after a 4/3 opening that way, though, I wonder?

Well, obviously not with NB... since it can't steal Coppers, then no matter how bad your luck is, you'll eventually draw 5 Coppers; assuming that you actually buy Coppers given the chance.

With Thief, absolutely. Assume that your opponent plays 2 Thiefs every turn... should be possible if we assume that worst luck for you includes best luck for your opponent. He can trash down to Village + Thief + Thief. While your bad luck is still preventing you from hitting $5 even without the opponent hurting you, he has time to do that. So then you quickly get to a game state where you have nothing in your deck but 3x Estate.

Ok, now I'm wondering... in a board without any virtual money, could a player do such a thing, thus forcing a stalemate?

Thief can't hit cards in your hand.  Without a hand size reducing attack you would be guarantied to keep at least two coppers in your "deck", which you would then draw at the end of the cleanup.  With perfect bad luck, the stalemate happens after you buy the last copper and one estate at which point you will be seven estates away from a three-pile ending.

Well, if you're going with player interaction, couldn't you just add curses to the mix, so you could theoretically end up with a deck of just estates/curses?

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 3!
« on: July 12, 2012, 11:45:34 am »
Question for #6, is the effect mandatory?
For example, it trashes cards, but may not necessarily gain anything?
Is the trashing mandatory? Edit: Looks like this is a no, if governor is up there, you can pick other things besides the tfb.

General Discussion / Re: Drinking
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:30:54 pm »
Living on the west coast is a dream for micro-brew drinking.  Russian River, 3rd St Aleworks (very local), Lagunitas on tap nearly everywhere...

Like it so much it inspired me to start brewing my own.  Any other beer drinkers take the plunge and start brewing?

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 1!
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:27:21 pm »
On another side nitpicky note, shouldn't it technically be impossible for both Chariot and Almoner to both be accepted as valid?  If the +1 coin from the copper counts for Almoner, shouldn't it count for the (mandatory) copper from Chariot?
Not that it changes things, or bothers me, just thought it was interesting.

Yes, these two cards were in fact the reason why I said, in the voting instructions, "I tried to be fair but also forgiving when a submission came in that twisted the rules in a way I hadn't foreseen.  In at least one case, different submissions interpreted the eligibility requirements in contradictory ways."

The Terminal Drawer challenge -- ballot to be posted soon -- has a card or two on the edge like this, although none that contradict each other, I don't think.

Ahhh, missed that part.  Reading comprehension go!

Looking forward to the next set (and the one after, and the one after...)

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 1!
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:14:10 pm »
Congrats to both the winners, really like both the cards.  Almoner more so than Soothsayer, but Almoner is a hard card to compete against.

On another side nitpicky note, shouldn't it technically be impossible for both Chariot and Almoner to both be accepted as valid?  If the +1 coin from the copper counts for Almoner, shouldn't it count for the (mandatory) copper from Chariot?
Not that it changes things, or bothers me, just thought it was interesting.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 2!
« on: July 02, 2012, 04:14:24 pm »
What about cards like Library for Challenge #4? (draw up to 7 cards in hand)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A Different Kind of Cursing
« on: June 13, 2012, 01:00:08 pm »
What if it just searched through a number of cards on their deck, say... 10 or so?  Maybe Hand, and if not, top 5 cards?
It would always give a Hex card, butthey only get -1vp (plus islanding) if it hits. 

I want to have a reasonable chance of hitting if they HAVE vp's, but with aggressive trashing you can minimize / eliminate the possibility.

I'm kind of curious as to why you think permanent negative VP is that bad of an idea? In a game with 0 trashing, it works effectively like a curse, that doesn't clog up the deck.  With trashing, it either clogs up the deck, or gives -vp.
My worry is that it isn't strong enough when there is heavy trashing on the board.  Well... now I'm worried if it's strong enough at all now...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A Different Kind of Cursing
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:39:47 pm »
They gain a Hex card, and their entire deck is in their discard.

Variants and Fan Cards / A Different Kind of Cursing
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:23:44 pm »
So... I like cards that do the same thing, just in a new or different way, so I set out to make a different way to get the same effects from cursing.
Thus, I present Warlock, and the supporting card Hex

$4 - Action - Attack
Each other player reveals cards from the top of his deck until revealing a victory card.  He places that card on his hex mat, and gains a Hex card.  He discards the other revealed cards.
The hex mat is worth -1 vp for each card on it, return cards to their decks at the end of the game.
setup: Make a pile of Hexed cards next the supply with as many Hexed cards as there are curses available and each player takes a hex mat

$0* - Victory
0 vp
This is not in the supply. At the end of the game Hex cards are not considered part of your deck.

So... the concept behind this card is that it splits the two parts of cursing, putting the emphasis on the -1 vp rather than deck clogging.   You will always gain a Hex card, regardless if it hits or not, thus providing fodder for itself, and ultimately Hex cards are the best thing you can hit with this.  Though, you may even want to play this once the Hex cards run out just for the -1 (at the cost of trimming your opponents deck).

You should never be able to benefit from having Hex in your deck for scoring purposes.  They still get counted as adding to your Hex mat, but not towards deck totals.

Does this need anything else to make it better? I thought about pricing it at $5 and giving it +2 cards (to complete the homage to the orignal curser), but is that interesting enough?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Investment
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:35:24 am »
Sweet jumpin jesum Bribe is powerful.  Basically, to me that looks like first person to get that is gonna win.
Seriously, turning Smithies into +4 cards +1 action? There's just no way you could balance that.  Torturer becomes its own chain.  All coppers becoming silvers, silvers to gold (with +buy too!).

I really like the concept, but as is this is just absurdly powerful (probably even moreso than the original Investment I'd say)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Single card ideas
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:23:11 am »
The trashing on Ambush is a terrible idea imo.  Never a big fan of the order of your discard.  Having things like that will slow things down, as people always make sure things are discarded in the 'proper' order, and only the worst card is the top of your discard (or a province/colony).

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Exception to the Rule, Part 5
« on: May 04, 2012, 12:36:27 pm »
Bit of a longshot, but you want to use it as fodder for forge, since you have either other $4's you want to trash, or some combination of $7.  Maybe a $5 for plats?

Trashing any number of cards after you've played them seems way to strong to me, and treads on the grounds of mint. 
Couple idea's here, still want some feedback on the pseudo-remodel one too.

Shaman - Action - $2
+1 action
When you discard this card from play, you can either trash 1 card instead of discarding it, or trash this card and 2 other cards instead of discarding them.

This version keeps with the discard->trash mechanic, but might be too restrictive in it's cleanup with requiring 2 other cards be trashed when you trash it.

Liking the clean up after itself mechanic, so I'll probably keep that somehow.  I agree with jonts, in that it probably needs to be able to trash cards from your hand as well (estates/curses).  Any way to make it more useful as a $2 without making it a no-brainer pickup.

Well, it's intentionally NOT a duration, as it's effect is done the turn you play it (albeit at the end of the turn).  It gets cleaned up with everything else.  If it were to stay out (and my expansion has mechanics to deal with that...) I'd have a limit to either the number of turns or number of times able to trash.  Also, it'd cost more than just $2.  The only reason it has the "while this card is in play" wording is so that it can't be TR/KC'd.

Updated idea. Added a self trash ability (one shot remodel), as well as reworded the discard mechanic.  It should be able to trash cards from your hand during cleanup as well.

Shaman - Action - $2
+1 action
When you play this card, you may trash it and another card from your hand.  If you do, gain a card costing exactly equal to the total cost of both cards.
If you do not, while this card is in play during cleanup for this turn, you may trash 1 card instead of discarding it.

Gives it a little bit more power in trashing estates/curses, and lets it clean up after itself when you're done trashing.  Not quite gaining a gold when it's trashed, but a one shot remodels not terrible.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: A better Golden Deck
« on: April 26, 2012, 07:55:06 pm »
Haha, oh wow that's glorious, abusing haven.  I wonder if it's possible to take it any further than that, or have we reached the theoretical maximum ridiculousness with haven?
The biggest thing is having your deck be 0 cards at the end of your turn every turn in order for it to count.

Makes me wonder if there's a way to abuse Native village and Outpost similar to how you're working haven.

As an aside, what's the best you can do to make a card that's completely immune to all attacks as well?  I suppose you could just include moat or lighthouse, probably lighthouse, but what if those aren't available?

Time to put my own thinkin cap on.

Variants and Fan Cards / Card Idea - Shaman, a different way to trash
« on: April 26, 2012, 07:38:28 pm »
So I've been toying around with my my fan expansion for a while, and I thought of an interesting (at least, I find it interesting) concept I'd not seen before. 

Shaman - Action - $2
+1 action
While this card is in play during cleanup for this turn, you may trash 1 card instead of discarding it from play

The wording keeps it from being TR/KC'd, it doesn't allow you to trash cards from your hand (no estate trashing), but the trashing happens after your turn so you can still get full value out of those coppers.  Is this too weak without the ability to trash cards from your hand as well?

Unfortunately I haven't been able to play test this version, I tested a version that lasted more than one turn, allowed trashing from your hand, and gave you a benefit the next turn. Surprise, it turned out way too strong.  I'm interested in something that might be worth spending 3 (maybe 4) on, but not too valuable for it's price.

Thoughts, or is this not salvageable?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: A better Golden Deck
« on: March 05, 2012, 12:49:00 pm »
Blueblimps first Hard mode of 12 VP is what I first had in mind, but I am loving the other ideas.

And I guess just gaining VP in general works, as long as you maintain the 5 card hand before and after.  I'd be interested to see what kind of shenanigans would be possible with things like Island or even Native Village

Puzzles and Challenges / A better Golden Deck
« on: March 02, 2012, 08:00:15 pm »
So I've been reading up on the Golden Deck (5 card deck where you bishop a Province, and buy a new Province each turn, 5vp chips a turn), and I was wondering if there was anything better?

So the challenge is what's the most number of tokens you can get each turn, every turn.  You can only have 5 cards in your entire deck at the start and end of each turn, they must be the same cards, and it's a solo game so no outside assistance.  I'd rule out Possession as well. 

For hard mode, they must be 5 unique cards.  The best I can come up with this is 12vp a turn, works in hard mode as well.

What about something with Highway/Talismen/Border Village/Cache?
With 2 Highways in play, buy 1 BV, Gain 10 more, gain 11 Cache?

Could you also use the Haggler's to gain Cache as well?  Basically, can you trigger the Cache's on Gain, then trigger Trader's?

Ignore me, nothing to see here folks...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Expansion - Dominion: Agriculture
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:38:31 pm »
Hmm... some serious food for thought there.

My first idea keeping the mechanics basically the same (which still has its issues), would be you start with 2-3 Produce instead of copper when using cards from Agriculture, and allow you to buy them at cost $0.  With some re-work on the cards so that they can always at least do SOMETHING when you don't have a Produce in hand, so you don't get any "dead" cards (Everything with a trash Produce gets the "Either" treatment).
This helps the early part, so you don't have to go through 2 shuffles minimum before you can use things.

The other idea running around my head right now, is make Produce a new "Type" of card ("Goods" type, allows for other cards to use the same mechanic?).  You could play "Goods" during your action phase, and they don't require an action to play, and Produce simply has "+1 Card" on it, still costing $0, and allowing people to buy them.  Reword all the cards to "Trash n Produce from Play" rather than from your hand, and instead of gaining them to your hand, directly into play so you don't get the extra draw.

$0   Produce - Goods
   +1 Card
   When this card is trashed, return it to the supply instead.
   15 Produce per player in supply

This makes it so they don't clog up the deck, and they don't interact with other card type specific cards (TR/KC/Mine/Thief/etc...).  Probably still need to rework some of the cards so that they at least have some usefulness when you don't have any Produce.  It still gets the "have to get them through drawing" mechanic I wanted over using tokens. 

Might make Gardens too strong though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Expansion - Dominion: Agriculture
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:26:34 am »
I suppose I can change the wording on Produce to just "You cannot buy this card" instead.
The goal is that it can only be gained through gaining card mechanics.  I do want it gainable through other gain mechanics (remodel), and trashable through other game mechanics (again, remodal).
I just want to avoid people having extra buys, and grabbing them up.

Also, if I wasn't clear, my intention is that they are quite similar to potions, in that they are in addition to everything else you set up (not part of the 10 kingdom cards), sorry if that wasn't clear.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Expansion - Dominion: Agriculture
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:45:37 pm »
So I started off thinking of one or two cards, and using "produce tokens", but as soon as I switched to cards it sort of opened the flood gates for card ideas.
With this expansion, I'd treat it similarly to Alchemy, where you could use just 1, but I'd say at least 4-5 would be good.  I designed it to have all 10 kingdom cards at once from this expansion.  Still working on what/how to reconcile getting some of these cards to work as the only Agriculture card available, but for now try to think about these with at least 5 Agriculture cards in the kingdoms

Again similar to alchemy, if you're using any of these cards, add the pile of Produce cards to the supply.

Bushels count as kingdom cards, and use up one of the 10.

I wish I had more people to play test some of these, as some of them I've only tested in my head, and in a sort of solo play.  Thoughts, comments, gut reactions, questions, anything is welcome :) (you could even be rude on purpose, but what’s the point in that?)

$0   Produce - Treasure   
   When this card is bought, immediately return it to the supply.  When this card is trashed, return it to the supply instead.
   15 Produce per player in supply

$2   Barn - Action – Reaction - Duration
   Gain 2 Produce   
   Reaction: When an opponent plays an attack card, you may reveal and set aside this card, if you do take a Produce from the supply and set it aside, take both into your hand at the start of your next turn
   Duration: At the start of your next turn, gain 1 Produce into your hand

$2   Silo - Action      
   +1 buy      
   While this card is in play, you get +1 coin for each of the next 4 Produce trashed

$2   Bushel - Treasure - Reaction   
   When you gain this card, trash a Produce from your hand.  If you do not, return this card to the Supply
   Reaction: When you would trash a Produce, you may reveal this card from your hand, discard this card from your hand instead of trashing a produce

$3   Oxen - Action         
   Gain 1 Produce   
   Pick One:
      discard x cards: gain x Produce OR
      discard x Produce: +x cards, +x actions, +x coin OR
      Gain 1 Bushel

$3   Stove - Action      
   +1 action      
   trash x Produce: +3x cards

$3   Farmers Market    - Action
   +2 coin      
   trash 1 Produce: If you do, gain an action card worth up to 4

$3   Hired Hand - Action   
   +1 buy, +1 card      
      Gain 1 Produce OR
      trash 1 Produce: If you do, +2 coin, +1 buy

$4   Farmer - Action      
   +1 action, +1 coin      
      Gain 1 Produce OR
      trash 1 Produce: If you do, +1 coin, +2 card

$4   Plow - Action      
   +2 card      
      Gain 1 Produce OR
      trash 1 Produce: If you do, +2 action, +1 card

$4   Wagon - Action         
      Gain 3 Produce OR
      trash x Produce: +3x coin

$4   Market Stand - Action      
   +1 coin, +1 buy      
   Trash x Produce: gain x silvers

$4   Town - Action      
   +2 action, +1 card   
   Gain 2 Produce   
   When this card is discarded from play, you may trash a Produce from play and put this on top of your deck

$4   Maggots - Attack
   +2 card      
   Opponents must trash 1 Produce from their hand or reveal a hand with no Produce and reveal the top 2 cards of their library, trash any Produce, and put the rest back in the order of their choosing

$4   Barn Raising - Action            
   Trash a card in your hand and x Produce: Gain a card worth up to the trashed cards cost +2x

$4   Homestead - Victory
   +2 vp for every 4 Produce   

$4   Harvest Moon - Action
   +1 coin, +1 buy      
   Reveal your hand, for each Produce revealed, action cards cost $1 less this turn, but no less than $0.

$5   Irrigation - Action      
   +2 card      
   While this card is in play, you may trash a card that is not a Produce from your hand, and gain a Produce into your hand

$5   Harvest Festival - Action
   +2 action, +1 buy, +2 coin   
   Gain 2 Produce   
   You must have at least 1 Produce in play to purchase this

$5   Blight - Attack
   +1 action      
   All other players reveal the top card of their deck, and discard it.  If it is a:
Produce, trash it and they gain +1 curse;
Victory card, you gain +1 card;
Treasure card, you gain +1 coin

$5   Crop Thief - Attack   
   +2 coin      
   All other players reveal the top 3 cards of their deck, all Produce are trashed, and all others are discarded, you may gain +1 Produce per player that trashed a Produce

$5   Merchant - Action
   +2 coin      
+2 Produce OR
trash 1 Produce: If you do, +3 coin, +1 buy

$5   Orchard - Victory - Action
   2 VP
   +1 action   
   Gain 2 Produce   

$5   Seeds - Treasure   
   When you play this, it's worth an additional $2 for each Produce or Bushel in play

$5   Food Fight - Action - Attack - Reaction            
   Reaction: When you would gain a card, you may reveal this and instead gain a Produce into your hand
   Action Either: trash up to 2 Produce: opponents gain a curse for each Produce trashed OR    Gain 2 Produce

$6   Harvest-Time    - Treasure
   When you play this card, gain a card worth up to the number of Produce currently in play, and were trashed this turn

$6   Harvest Market - Action      
   +1 action, +1 card, +1 coin   
   Gain 1 Produce   
   Costs $2 less for each Produce in play, but no less than $0

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