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Messages - zxcvbn2

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Dominion League / Re: Season 24 - Results
« on: October 25, 2017, 09:31:47 pm »
E1: zxcvbn19 4-2 mutagen

Tournaments and Events / Re: One Day Cup Rebirth 10/28 - Sign Ups
« on: October 08, 2017, 06:47:54 pm »
I think there needs to be a limit for how long the match can take. If each round can take up to an hour, that should be enough for most best-of-3 matches and it's fine if some aren't.

I'm wary of doing that, since it could encourage slow play if you're in the lead. Not that I think people will do that, but I'd rather remove the possibility. If we are worried we can't get a Bo3 in under an hour, I'd rather just play 2-game matches with draws than enforce a time limit.

I'm envisioning that it wouldn't be a problem when people can spectate games.

Okay yeah, and even without spectators I doubt it will be an issue in a tournament with no physical reward. I'm okay with Bo3, but if you haven't started game 3 within 45 minutes of start time and it's tied 1-1 call it a draw. Sound reasonable?

Tournaments and Events / Re: One Day Cup Rebirth 10/28 - Sign Ups
« on: October 08, 2017, 06:24:30 pm »
If there were a chess clock implemented on the site that'd be a good neutral way to deter slow play, and a Blitz Dominion tournament sounds like it could be a fun idea, for the record. As it is, I'm satisfied relying on the good will of the participants.

Tournaments and Events / Re: One Day Cup Rebirth 10/28 - Sign Ups
« on: October 08, 2017, 06:17:48 pm »
I think there needs to be a limit for how long the match can take. If each round can take up to an hour, that should be enough for most best-of-3 matches and it's fine if some aren't.

I'm wary of doing that, since it could encourage slow play if you're in the lead. Not that I think people will do that, but I'd rather remove the possibility. If we are worried we can't get a Bo3 in under an hour, I'd rather just play 2-game matches with draws than enforce a time limit.

Tournaments and Events / One Day Cup Rebirth 10/28 - Sign Ups
« on: October 08, 2017, 05:57:10 pm »
Hey, so back in the isotropic days we used to run a few one day tournaments. You can check some of them out by following the links in my sig or going way back to the oldest page in this tournaments sub-forum. I think it's still possible to run one of these on the current platform, so I thought we'd give it a go on a weekend when I'm not too busy.

Since games take longer, I think our best bet is for each round to be best of 3 or best of 2 each round, with ties being allowed if the format allows. I've listed the formats we've used before, it'd be nice to know what you all prefer.

Some rules:

-All participants must have a gold subscription on the day of the event.
-All games will use fully random kingdoms with point tracker on.
-All games should be rated for bookkeeping purposes.
-A time-out/disconnect counts as a game loss, unless your opponent agrees otherwise
-Try to avoid slow-play! Take the time you need, but remember we are trying to complete this in a relatively short time-frame, so be courteous.
-All users must check in on challonge by the sign-in time, tentatively 10:00 EST/14:00 GMT.
-The winner of each match must report the score on challonge and post the results and game #'s in the relevant thread.

If you're interested, please sign up with your username here:

Please feel free to post your comments, questions or concerns here. Otherwise, keep tabs with this thread for details on the format and time once that decision is final, and I'll see you in a few weeks!

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM42: Space Alert Mafia (Now Open for Sign-ups!!!)
« on: September 28, 2017, 01:48:44 pm »
We can talk about games that ended half a decade ago :)

Game mods have become soft, huh? ;D

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM42: Space Alert Mafia (Now Open for Sign-ups!!!)
« on: September 26, 2017, 08:11:19 pm »
I'm not new, but it's been several years, thanks for directing me over there.

Wow. I believe you last played in, what, Mafia 5? An insane game (actually RMMM at least, and perhaps bastard, by the standards we use now), that Galz and I were just discussing last night (in person!).

Also, wait, you're allowed to talk with users in person? Isn't that a rules violation or something? :P

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM42: Space Alert Mafia (Now Open for Sign-ups!!!)
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:22:49 pm »
I'm not new, but it's been several years, thanks for directing me over there.

Wow. I believe you last played in, what, Mafia 5? An insane game (actually RMMM at least, and perhaps bastard, by the standards we use now), that Galz and I were just discussing last night (in person!).

Haha yep, I think that's right. It's been a while.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM42: Space Alert Mafia (Now Open for Sign-ups!!!)
« on: September 26, 2017, 02:57:38 pm »
I'm not new, but it's been several years, thanks for directing me over there.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Civility Pledge
« on: September 26, 2017, 02:57:19 pm »

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM42: Space Alert Mafia (Now Open for Sign-ups!!!)
« on: September 26, 2017, 12:07:53 am »
Gosh, I love Space Alert and this looks fantastic. I'm /in :)

Dominion League / Re: Season 24 - Signups
« on: September 20, 2017, 08:02:56 pm »
I'd like to join!

ShuffleiT username: zxcvbn19
Timezone: America/New_York

About how long would this last?

Typically they last around 3 hours at the least, depending on the format.

I'd love to play in one last tournament, but I'm not sure I'll be available on a Thursday. If it happens, I'll try to be there.

Tournaments and Events / One Day Cup Schedule and Results
« on: February 16, 2013, 08:43:57 am »
pirate ship economist04

zxcvbn2 vs. Polk5440
heron vs pirate ship economist

Qvist vs pirate ship economist
heron vs Polk5440

Qvist vs zxcvbn2
Polk5440 vs pirate ship economist

Qvist vs Polk5440
heron vs zxcvbn2

Qvist vs heron
zxcvbn2 vs pirate ship economist

Tournaments and Events / Re: New One Day Cup on February 16!
« on: February 16, 2013, 08:36:20 am »
Are drop-ins allowed? I'd like to come (but might oversleep).

I might be a little late here, but yeah, all drop-ins are welcome.

Tournaments and Events / Re: New One Day Cup on February 16!
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:33:00 am »
So right now, barring any last-minute entries or dropouts, we are at 4-6 players. So that means, if nothing changes, everyone will play each other, with the top two playing a best-of-seven for the tournament.

I'll see you guys in the Secret Chamber tomorrow! :)

Tournaments and Events / Re: New One Day Cup on February 16!
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:33:57 am »
I mean, I still plan on doing this, even if we only have enough for one pool of round robin play. Hopefully some there will be some last-minute signups.

Tournaments and Events / Re: New One Day Cup! 2/16
« on: January 30, 2013, 08:41:47 pm »
You might want to redo the title.  I thought for the longest time that 2/16 meant 2/16 spots filled, not "The tournament is on February 16"

Fixed it.

Tournaments and Events / New One Day Cup on February 16!
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:47:42 am »
After a long break from posting in the forum, I've decided (after disappointedly missing the Championships) to make my own tournament! With Blackjack! And Hookers! And Overused Memes!

But seriously, how about another One Day Cup? Same set up as last time, here's a copy-paste of the rules, with changes in bold:

Pool play, with players split up into seeded pools of 3-6 players. After all players check in at the appropriate time that day (15 minutes early, please), I'll release the pools and the schedule. Players will play each other member of their pool in a best-of-five match. After pool play, either the winner or the top two (decided the day of the tournament) in each pool will move on to single-elimination best-of-seven quarterfinals.

Some other rules:
Unless otherwise agreed to:
Point tracker: ON (By popular demand. ed.)
Veto mode: OFF
Same starting hands: OFF

Tiebreaker rules:
1. Head to Head
2. Least individual games lost between tied opponents
3. Least individual games lost between all opponents
4. Coin flip

If you'd like to join the tournament, just make a comment saying "In" or something like that and I'll add you. Any questions or comments on any of the format and rules are encouraged.  I think that's it. If anything seems missing, let me know. Otherwise, see you in a couple weeks! :)

Tournament will start at 10:00 AM Eastern US (GMT -5)

Good luck!

General Discussion / Re: Fantasy (American) football?
« on: October 04, 2012, 03:56:53 pm »
Dear zxcvbn2: I am very sorry that immediately after trading you Santonio Holmes, he went down with a season-ending injury.  In the meantime I am pleased to report that Larry Fitzgerald seems to have fully recovered from his Week 1 / Week 2 doldrums.

Yeah, that was an awful trade. And now I have to find another receiver to play immediately this weekend, since the others have a bye.

I just wanted a better RB than Shonne Greene. Is that too much to ask? :(

General Discussion / Re: Fantasy (American) football?
« on: September 09, 2012, 02:12:06 pm »
Oh cool Stafford. Why not throw another interception while you're at it?  >:(

My thoughts:

Game 1: Not much to see. Courtyard/ BM

Game 2: I really like the synergy with Stables and Baron, and I set up a tradition Village/ Smithy engine around it, occasionally sprinkling in Border Villages. GE does something similar except that he takes longer to get his second baron, opting initially for explorer instead.

Game 3: I really am not good with ambassador. We both open 5/2 and initially ignore it. I open with Jester, which is just really stupid as GE ends up slimming down quicker and buying out mostly bazaars and moats (to block my ambassadors and jesters, and also build his engine) with barons for buys. I end up eventually doing something similar, but it takes me way too slow.

Game 4: FV/ Wharf/ Peddler is cool. I really like yw/ minion/ tunnel, hoping that the draw power from the wharves and buy power from the golds from tunnels would help. First player advantage allows me to win despite my distraction, but seriously, should've stuck to Fv/ Wharf/ Peddler.

Game 5: Very long game, very intense, very frustrating at the end. I only need 5 to buy a duchy to win the game my last two turns and I only get up to 4. This comes after my turn 23 province when my deck was so bloated it was crazy that I got to eight at all.

All in all, very fun, ge was a great opponent.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Cosmic Encounter I - The First Encounter
« on: August 27, 2012, 04:59:44 pm »
Hooray! I won! :D

Yeah, had like 5 flares. I expected to have to play my mite flare to make all the allies go away my first encounter. Also, I had my super, so had you played the morph Merchant would have had to lose six ships to my zero. :)

That was lots of fun, and really short (three players never even had turns!). I imagine that could've gone many more turns had I not had two card zaps.

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