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Messages - rotundo

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Dominion Articles / Re: Hinterlands: Fool's Gold
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:27:40 pm »
I've had good luck with Adventurers in FG decks, believe it or not, once you've got rid of all your other treasure anyway. The standard (and correct) knock on Adventurer is that there are few if any situations where you would prefer Adventurer to Gold. But in a good FG deck, that simply isn't true. Gold gets in the way, whereas Adventurer finding two FGs returns $5 or $8, depending on whether you already have a FG in hand. The real trick to making it work is to have NO treasure in your deck except FGs... sometimes easier said than done.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite Dominion Downer?
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:48:46 pm »
Gotta go Other here and vote for my personal weakness, confusing Fairgrounds and Farmlands. Stupid Green $6 F-Words. Many whoopsies.

Dominion Articles / Re: Seaside: Treasure Map
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:35:27 pm »
There is a really easy way to pair up treasure maps - abuse an inn right before a reshuffle.

I was looking for Inn in there too. I didn't pull it off until Turn 9 here, but it worked pretty well in the end.

Game Reports / Re: My first Chancellor-Stash-Counting House-Hamlet
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:56:26 am »
I think you actually tried to over-combo here.  Chancellor-Stash is a nice combo.  Chancellor-Counting House-* Village is a nice combo.  I think trying to play both together rather diluted them, though.
By all accounts CH-Chancellor-Stash should have lost this game; a little more luck and/or better play on your opponent's part and it would have.

Almost certainly. I just couldn't resist trying to build a mega-crap deck. I didn't want to leave any style points on the table.

Game Reports / My first Chancellor-Stash-Counting House-Hamlet
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:02:26 pm »
Black Market, Cellar, Chancellor, Counting House, Hamlet, Merchant Ship, Outpost, Stash, Warehouse, Worker's Village.
Colonies: Yes.

I'm sure there's a lot of things I could have done better here (and why does he have two Stashes?), but I managed to pull this one off, in a Colony game no less, with only 1 Platinum and 1 Silver added to my deck... so I'm gonna file it in the "boast" column. But on a board like this, there's got to be a way to work it even better?

Live games with my friends are usually fuelled by alcohol and... erm, other things, so our house rule is yes, tell them what you bought. The tricky part comes when NOBODY remembers.

Dominion Articles / Re: Is develop REALLY that awful?
« on: February 06, 2012, 07:48:12 pm »
I just played a game yesterday with Ill-Gotten Gains, Border Village and Feast. Develop was a beast!

With the right action cards on the board, it can play very well with Vineyards too:

Dominion Articles / Re: Ill-Gotten Gains
« on: February 06, 2012, 07:35:21 pm »

Anyone else had success with IGG and a trasher?

I recently had this game:

The presence of IGG, Border Village and Feast turns Develop, of all cards, into an absolute beast. Featuring the relatively rare "Play a Feast, gain an Estate" maneuver at the end.

Sometimes your hand is Gold, Gold, Bishop, Province, Copper. What other choice do you have?

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:14:24 pm »
Just played a game as Karr where I was trouncing someone with a village/Rabble/Margrave chain. I was drawing/playing my whole deck but was clicking pretty quickly.. but then:

15:13 ∞: play faster
15:13 Karr: I was waiting for you to discard!
15:13 ∞: you are just sitting there now
15:13 Karr: I was typing!
15:13 Karr: TO YOU
15:13 ∞: just play - you type and play too slowly
15:14 ∞: later, you should stick to table games
15:14 ∞ has returned to the lobby.

∞ is a clown. He bought the last province to beat me 33-25 once. Before I could even "gg" him, he types "owned" and disappears to the lobby. If you check his profile, you'll notice he's lost 229 games. His score was -100 in 157 of them.

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