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Messages - TheOneDM

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Help! / Re: Did I spend the whole game paying for a bad opening?
« on: February 18, 2012, 03:00:14 pm »
Thanks for all the help! Looking back on this game with a full night of sleep, I bought too many terminals. Probably should have gone Gold with my second $6 and then not flooded myself with bad actions.

I appreciate all the commentary. I've only been playing for about two months, so I'm still having a tough time on playing boards without obvious engines.

Help! / Did I spend the whole game paying for a bad opening?
« on: February 18, 2012, 03:22:06 am »
I just got totally crushed here:

I bought a Talisman in the opening, and it was an utterly terrible mistake for me to make. But did I spend the rest of the game paying for it? I couldn't ever seem to get to $6 to pick up a Gold. The first time I did, I took Goons instead, and... well, to be honest, I couldn't tell you why. I picked up a Peddler the second time, thinking it would push the $5 hands up a notch, but it simply didn't work.

Did that *one* Talisman screw the whole thing up, or did I buy too many actions, or what?

Rules Questions / Re: Counting Treasures for Bank
« on: January 23, 2012, 02:31:37 am »
Thanks for the answer!

...treasures, just like actions, are played and resolved one at a time.

I must have missed this in the rules somewhere. My fault! Is there anything besides Bank that would be sensitive to the order of treasures?

Rules Questions / Counting Treasures for Bank
« on: January 23, 2012, 01:51:27 am »
We had a situation come up today where a player played a long Market chain to get lots of +Buy, then used Counting House to get 7 copper. He then played the 7 Copper and 3 Banks.

We were unsure of how to count the Banks- are all Treasure cards considered to be played simultaneously, meaning all 3 banks have a value of $10 (for a total of $37), or are they played sequentially, making it 7xCopper ($7) - Bank ($8) - Bank ($9) - Bank ($10) for a total of $34?

Are there any other corner cases where this could matter?

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