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Game Reports / Re: Double Lookout Fail...
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:48:14 pm »
Hi guys, thanks for the comments.

To clarify, I am very aware that this made no difference to the result, and playing them was not the best plan in the first place.  I'd pretty well given up at this point, and was just on autopilot to the end of the game.  My opponent had won already.

I just thought it was kind funny that the 5 gold got arranged like that for my two lookouts.

Edit: Ok, I just reread my original post, and it does look like I'm blaming the lookouts for the loss.  Poor choice of wording on my part, heheh.

Game Reports / Double Lookout Fail...
« on: December 27, 2011, 04:05:45 am »
Not once, but twice, does lookout completely screw me in the same turn.  Check out turn 19:

Help! / Did I play well, or luck out?
« on: December 27, 2011, 12:59:01 am »
Hello all, here is probably the weirdest game I've played in a long time:

I am looking for actual opinions on whether or not my victory was luck based.  My opponent early on got a well-oiled engine running while I was still scrambling.  I ended up winning by possessing his deck and eventually getting three colonies out of it.  Here are the main things that we did differently, as far as I can tell:

Early on I went for great halls instead of silvers.  Probably a mistake, but my reasoning was: they'll work well with scrying pools, and in a possession game, I tend to go for VPs ASAP.

He went for silvers, and it seemed to pay off, since he claimed almost all of the alchemists.

I bought a Jack of all Trades early on to filter out the curses.  I think this helped.

Also, I went for a monument, again, because of possession.  This turned out to make little or no difference though.

I believe my opponent erred when he went for a province instead of a possession in turn 15, but I would welcome any thoughts on that.

Also, my opponent only went for one possession, and I took four.

The second half of the game consisted of us trading possessed turns.  I basically bought all the junk I could at all times, and discarded his alchemist chains whenever I could.

It was messy...and really hard to keep track of when mixing in the outpost and possessions.

Anyway, I would welcome any thoughts on whether my victory was luck based, or if I made good decisions.


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