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Messages - DrHades

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: The defining cards of the sets
« on: March 01, 2012, 04:42:36 am »
I was going for a card that completely changes the game (because that's what first comes to my mind), is very strong and posibly kinda defines the set.

Base: Witch - definitely the strongest card of the whole set, total gamechanger. HM: Chapel, but it needs a good board to shine.
Intrique: Minion - selfengine attack with a choice, what's not to love? HM: Torturer, but it sucks without villages.
Seaside: Tactician - duration, strong and speedy, DoubleTactician is often unbeatable. HM: Fishing Village, but like Chapel - it is useless on it's own.
Alchemy: Scrying Pool - actions matters, when there is good trashing and non-terminal actions, it's an unstopable beast (that slows the game like hell). HM: Familiar, but it is not so interesting. Curser in base was "whov", curser in Alchemy is "meh".
Prosperity: King's Court - one of the 2 strongest card in the whole game, no need to explain. HM: Goons and this needs to be explain. I think Goons are stronger and more gamechanging. But when you say "Prosperity", I think of King's Court. I don't know why, I just think that it better describes the nature of this set...
Cornucopia: Hunting Party - first, it looks like a wierd Lab. But it is much much much more...HM: Menagerie, Tournament, but Tournament is not so much gamechanging as HP and Menagerie nicely describes the set, but is not very strong.
Hinterlands: Jack of all Trades - I don't care whether this describes the set at all, this is on of the most suprisingly strong card there has ever been! HM: Ill-Gotten Gains, but it is not good on many boards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The best 2-card combo
« on: February 22, 2012, 07:53:12 am »
I nominate Embassy + Tunnel.
Embassy-BM is one of the fastes BMs out there and doesn't care about greening early. With Tunnel, you can green from the very beggining and get Golds as a reward! Good luck with your engine, opponent!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The best 2-card combo
« on: February 21, 2012, 09:18:36 am »
I nominate Tactician+Vault.
Tactician stands on an old Dominion true that 1 great turn is better than 2 mediacore, because you sacrifice your 1 turn to make the other turn epic, right? Right? (Barney, we've been there) WRONG! With Vault you are able to make a DoubleTactician which plays Tactician every turn and can buy Province every turn you have Vault in your hand. This is of course better with Warehouse, Cellar or something like that, but is usually the strongest thing on the board even without anything else (you just need few Silvers to buy the first Tactician).

Dominion General Discussion / The best 2-card combo
« on: February 21, 2012, 06:41:16 am »
I think it is time to make the list of best combos in the game :) Rules:
1. Only 2card combo counts, but you can assume using other cards (e.g. Vineyard/University would be really bad if there were no other action cards on the board, but there almost always will be).
2. If the combo is stronger with some other kind of support (a village, a trasher etc.) it's a plus for the combo, but you should also count how strong it is without it (let your brain guide you and your heart decide the unclear situations).
3. Please decide on the pure strenght of the combo (e.g. Chancellor+Counting House is a nice synergy of two bad cards, but not a very strong combo).
4. Everybody can sent me his top20 of combos. Every place has to be 2 different cards and no duo shall be repeated (e.g. you can have KC+20 different cards somehow ranked).
5. The deadline for the voting phase will be annaunced after the end of the nomination phase. You can send me your top20 now if you want to (but it is better to wait at the end of the nomination phase).
6. The nomination phase starts now and ends 1st March, 0:00:00 (the last timezone). In this phase, you can post your nominations of combos to this thread, explain why it is good and lobby for that. After this phase ends, I will make a list of nominated combos with names of their "godfathers". Everyone can then choose to vote for any of these OR even for any other. The nomaniton phase serves only for explaining why are certain combos good. Please make your nominations like this: "I nominate card A+card B." and then your explenation not in bold so I can easily find the nominations at the end of the phase.
7. Lobby for any combo you want, but DO NOT tell what will/did you vote for (I want to avoid situtions like "Oh, so *insert your favourite top player* ranks it this, so I will too, cause he is better then me so he knows better...")
8. If you have any questions or suggestions about the rules, feel free to ask!

Puzzles and Challenges / Exception to the rule with Scrying Pool
« on: February 21, 2012, 02:30:22 am »
In which cases do you want to discard an action card you show from your deck with Scrying Pool?

Here are 3 (2 really obscure) cases off the top of my head:

1. Possession probably does some wierd things (I am possessing my opponent and accidentaly played a Possession (through Golem), so now I want to screw my own deck with Scrying Pool, because he will play with it the next turn. (or maybe I just want to have good actions on the top of my deck anyway, cause I don't have Scrying Pool in my next hand)

2. I have also Golem in hand, but there are not-optional trashers in my deck (Remake) and I want to play the Golem, but want to have a better chance that it does not show the Remake. Also I have to reshuffle for this to make a difference. (is there ANY chance this is gonna happen?)

3. My deck is not good enough to reliably draw itself every turn, so I want to discard some Scrying Pools/drawing cards and reshuffle so I have them in my next hand, because they will be useless in this turn anyway. (this is probably the only "happens occasionally" situation for this "exception to the rule")

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Rebuild
« on: February 17, 2012, 07:27:45 am »
1. Very strong with "overpriced cards" - Boarder Village, IGG and especialy Peddler.

2. Allmost only usefull to trash 5s to Duchies at the end (and 1.)

3. Too luck dependent to my taste. You have 6 Peddlers, draw just 2, your opponent has 4 Peddlers, draw all of them. Yay!

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What is missing?
« on: February 16, 2012, 09:40:12 am »
The solution is: Cards that contain part of the words "Dominion Strategy"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Bully award
« on: February 15, 2012, 02:47:52 pm »
Anyone else has the bully award with Pirate Ship;D

Tournaments and Events / Re: Ryder Cup?
« on: February 15, 2012, 02:41:01 pm »
I think there are 2 good options for a tournament like this:

1. USA(+Canada?) vs. The World - 50-100 players in each team, sorted by the rank at Iso, best of 7.

2. 4player teams of +- nations - big nations more teams, small nations can group up to make 1 team and then some kind of World Cup.
As a canadian I would rather play with the world than the states, but I'd rather play with canadians than the world. So I would prefer option 2 but if we end up doing option 1 please don't call us american. No offense intended obvs.

Oh, that wasn't how I meant it. I would just like the teams to be about the same strenght and I am not sure if USA isn't too weak against the whole world...

I would too prefer the second option...mainly because Czech Republic would have a really strong team :)

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Official(?) Dominion App Available on iTunes
« on: February 15, 2012, 02:36:25 pm »
Dominion is basically their flagship product right now--based on the fact that the only RGG game I've seen in non-gaming stores is Dominion (compare with Mayfair having Catan in stores).

You never saw Carcassonne in a store? Where do you live?  :)

Tournaments and Events / Re: Ryder Cup?
« on: February 15, 2012, 04:13:59 am »
50-100 players? How about just 10?

Well, the DS tournament was 256 people and it was full in 3 days. IsoDom 3 was posted just here on the forum and had over 32 contestants very quickly too. So I think 10 is really low...

But if it wasn't an "official" tournament, but "forum" tournament, then 20-30 seems more likely...but 10 is still too low...
I think you're missing the point. There are hundreds of people who'd really want to play in the real Ryder Cup, or the olympics, or what have you. Doesn't mean they get to.

OIC...In that case I think 10 is too much  ;D 10 on both side is 20 people playing and like 80 (maybe) people watching. I think then the 5 (odd is better than even - we won't need a tiebreaker) top players is better...but maybe I have a different taste  :)

What would be really great is a real life event. Is it possbile to play such an event at "Spiel" in Essen or maybe at any con in the US? Would player travel or is this unthinkable?

I think the main priority for IRL competitive Dominion should be a well-organized World Championship...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Official(?) Dominion App Available on iTunes
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:41:27 pm »
Absence of log would be pain in the ass  :( Absence of a rating system is just nonsence, there definitely will be a rating system.

The Ascension app on ipad is an AMAZING implementation of a less than amazing game, and it offers no logs, no rankings, the best you can get is your personal record.  Short of the developers coming out of the woodwork and answering questions, I think its unlikely to assume that any of the features that we'd like will be implemented.

I'm optimistic that it will at least be better than the BSW implementation, which was still good enough for me to play 1000+ games, but I have to say that like the others here, without a leaderboard for competition, and game logs for analysis, I may lose interest.

Well the AI would be just very simple to learn the basics, so I assume that the app would be primary for multiplayer...and what the hell is more important for multiplayer than rating?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Official(?) Dominion App Available on iTunes
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:27:36 pm »
And if you assume that each expansion will cost additional...

I have to agree with DrHades, I don't think this would be possible; matchmaking would be a hell.  It would, however, give me one more reason not to purchase.

Clearly a lot will go away once it's no longer free...

I don't know about that.  I suspect the people who frequent the forum are the true die-hards who are likely willing to pay at a reasonable price point... barring, of course, non-financial reasons to pass on it.

But without logs, f.DS will have troubles as well, as there would be no examples to look at.

I think the absence of logs would be a purchase-killer for me, as would the absence of a rating system.

Absence of log would be pain in the ass  :( Absence of a rating system is just nonsence, there definitely will be a rating system.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Ryder Cup?
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:24:49 pm »
50-100 players? How about just 10?

Well, the DS tournament was 256 people and it was full in 3 days. IsoDom 3 was posted just here on the forum and had over 32 contestants very quickly too. So I think 10 is really low...

But if it wasn't an "official" tournament, but "forum" tournament, then 20-30 seems more likely...but 10 is still too low...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Official(?) Dominion App Available on iTunes
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:11:21 pm »
...And if you assume that each expansion will cost additional...

You really think that will be the case? I was assuming that it would be "base for free" and then everything for one price. How would the playing system work? You would create tables for specific expansions and only players who paid for them could play? It's possible though...

If so, I would definitely pay for Intrique, Seaside, Prosperity and Cornucopia, maybe Base, but I would gladly pass on Hinterlands, Alchemy and Promos :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Simulator help: Trader/Cache
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:00:03 pm »
Chapel as a bonus seems nice. I played some solitair games and Chapel+Trader+Cache gets 4 Provinces in 13-14 turns and 8 Provinces in 20-21...

I know that with Chapel on the table there will be probably something faster, but still...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Official(?) Dominion App Available on iTunes
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:25:06 pm »
Let's just hope the app would be great and that Iso going down doesn't mean DominionStrategy going down :)

Tournaments and Events / Re: Ryder Cup?
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:13:36 pm »
I think there are 2 good options for a tournament like this:

1. USA(+Canada?) vs. The World - 50-100 players in each team, sorted by the rank at Iso, best of 7.

2. 4player teams of +- nations - big nations more teams, small nations can group up to make 1 team and then some kind of World Cup.

The first is much faster, the second much more interesting, but I would love to see any of these (or basicly any match/tournament based on countries) to actually happen...

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's missing?
« on: February 12, 2012, 12:47:13 pm »
My answer is the same as DrHades. Is Bag of Gold supposed to be an honorable mention?

Spy, Treasure Map, Bag of Gold...there are more honorable mentions in my solution...

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's missing?
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:02:22 am »
Spy? Treasure Map?

Those are both honorable mentions in my solution  ;D

Game Reports / Re: Man I hate Saboteur
« on: February 12, 2012, 04:28:07 am »
I think this is one of the boards where Saboteur is the dominant strategy. Openning Saboteur was probably mistake, but I think you buing embargoed Saboteur was a good play.

That the mirror with KC-Sab is luck depending? Sure. Every mirror is. But I am pretty sure that if you build an BMX against it you got much less than 50% to win...

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's missing?
« on: February 12, 2012, 03:49:38 am »
Sea Hag?

But iso is dying soon :/

Bla bla bla...

Great work! :)

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's missing?
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:50:41 am »
Is there just one card missing?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What is missing?
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:48:06 am »

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