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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Wording Challenge: Planetarium
« on: June 26, 2019, 10:58:14 am »
I think the way to simplify it is to make it more like Tournament, with two sets of either/or's that lead to a positive outcome or a negative outcome. Here's my suggestion:

Planetarium, Action $3
+1 Action
Set aside a card from your
hand face down. The player
to your left may trash it. If
they do not, reveal it; if it is
an Action, play it three
times, otherwise discard it.

The four possible outcomes (+1 Action for each):
Trash an action card (bad)
Play an action card three times (very strong)
Trash a non-action card (sort of good)
Discard a non-action card (sort of bad)

I gave it +1 Action so that it doesn't have the "might be terminal" problem that makes it annoying to play. I also made it cheap because 3 of the 4 outcomes are not very strong, so you're swinging for the fences, but also have room to bluff.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 10, 2019, 05:52:18 pm »
Bomb, Action, $2
+1 Action
Trash this. If you do, trash
your hand and draw until you
have 5 cards in your hand.

This is a new Chapel. It's more awkward at trashing but because you still get to have your turn it's more... explosive!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 10, 2019, 10:19:39 am »
Edit: This submission doesn't count, so I'll think of another. Thanks for the feedback!

Pilgrimage City, Action, $3+
+1 Card
+1 Action

When you buy this, you may
overpay for it to set it aside. At
the start of your next turn, play it
once for each $1 you overpaid.
(Use tokens to track overpay)

I'm stretching the brief a bit far, please let me know if it's too far. The effect of the card is a one-shot, but it does stick around doing almost nothing in your deck thereafter.

I'm moving some word complexity to the rule book with the parenthetical. I hope it's clear, for example, if you overpay by $5 you put 5 coin tokens on it so that next turn you remember how much you paid.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 04, 2019, 10:19:52 am »
Trash a card from your
hand. If it is a Silver, gain a
card costing up to $6.
When you gain this, gain a
Silver onto your deck.

A limited remodel variant in the vein of Dismantle. Might be a nice opener for picking up another $4 or $5 and add an early silver without buying it. And hey, that Silver is useful!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 01, 2019, 02:03:17 pm »
Observatory, Project, $3*
During your Action phase, Silvers are also Actions which give +2 Cards, +2 Actions instead of +2$.
You can't buy this if you have any Treasures in play.

This is inspired by one of the Project outtakes which turned Silvers into Peddlers. I think attaching the no-Treasure cost should make going for it a nontrivial decision. It gets crazy with those fast silver gainers, but not in a way that ruins many kingdoms.
It looks the idea behind the Buy restriction is to nerf the card such that you only get it later in the game. That is sound but the problem I see is that this very Buy restriction is too harsh, i.e. in some Kingdoms Observatory is not available, while the effect is far too strong.
Once you bought Observatory, an ordinary gainer like Ironworks becomes a non-terminal Copper that can gain a card which is stronger than Lost City.

Thanks for the feedback! It is true that some kingdoms this is unavailable, which I think is somewhat similar to Capitalism or Tomb. Since it's a landscape card I'm not as concerned about that, but it's a consideration.

It may be too strong right now. I figured the Lost City effect would make the project worth going for, while not making the kingdom too boring otherwise. The project essentially costs $3 plus however much treasure you have in your hand since you can't spend them this turn. Do you think it would be more interesting and balanced if effect was Lab instead of Lost City?

Incidentally, the cost restriction was also meant to make gaining early silvers self-defeating.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 31, 2019, 08:26:48 pm »
Observatory, Project, $3*
During your Action phase, Silvers are also Actions which give +2 Cards, +1 Actions instead of +2$.
You can't buy this if you have any Treasures in play.

This is inspired by one of the Project outtakes which turned Silvers into Peddlers. I think attaching the no-Treasure cost should make going for it a nontrivial decision. It gets crazy with those fast silver gainers, but not in a way that ruins many kingdoms.

Edit: Changed from Lost City to Lab effect to make it less centralizing

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 04, 2019, 10:11:00 am »
Tulip, Action - Victory, $4
Return this to the Supply. Take
the Coffers from the Tulip
Supply pile.
Worth 1VP per Tulip in the
When you gain this, add 2
to the Tulip Supply pile.

I don't love the double line, but this should be interesting to play around. The first one is worth 7 (11 in 3+ player), the second 5, etc. for each player, but you usually don't want more than half the pile. If the other person gets a bunch you probably want some too, and hey they only cost $4. You can always return some if the Tulip market gets too saturated. You might be able to sell them for a lot!

A note on Trade route - the Trade route token is the odd token. When you gain the first one you remove "that" token and then from then on it should be clear because the coffers all come in 2s.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: March 03, 2019, 06:30:59 pm »
Star Card
Types: Action-Reserve

+1 Card
+1 Action

Put this on your Tavern Mat.
(this is not in the supply)
When you gain a card other than a Star Card, you may flip a coin (coin not included).
If it comes up heads, you may gain a Star Card.
This is a Star Card. Star Cards are better than other cards.

You Win!
Type: Event

When you buy this, you win!
(If you have more Star Cars on your Tavern Mat than anyone else still in the game.)
Otherwise, gain a Star Card.
See, Star Cards really are better than other cards!

Bonus points if you can name the game that this idea was taken from.

I'm guessing you didn't playtest this at all.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 09:56:28 am »
Here's my serious submission:
Portage, Night - Reserve, $4
Put this on your Tavern mat.
At the start of your buy phase, you
may call this for +1 Buy, +$1, and
Action cards cost $1 less, but not
less than $0.

Think of it as a Quarry variant - it's useful for building but not for a greening mega-turn. This is to prevent every game from playing out like Bridge - Royal Carriage. The night type makes it non-terminal and delays its use for at least a turn, but the + buy and the ability to line them up together should be pretty powerful for acquiring a bunch of components or threatening piles.

This one is just for fun:
Sir Donald, Night - Attack - Knight, $5
Each other player reveals the top
2 cards of his deck, trashes one
of them costing from $3 to $6,
and discards the rest. If a Knight is
trashed by this, trash this card.
This is gained to your hand
(instead of your discard pile).

TIL Will-o'Wisp is better than Lab.

It only increases handsize if the second card is cheap. Why is it better?

I suspect Awaclus means: "Trashing a card is like gaining a lab" so The Flame's Gift is like gaining a lab, whereas The Swamp's Gift is gaining a Wisp. To have Swamp higher than Flame is like saying Wisp is better than Lab.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion current Popularity?
« on: February 16, 2019, 12:57:15 pm »

The only reason to refer back to old strategy discussions is to laugh at how wrong people were.

This is not true for things that are taken for granted now, but once had to be learned. For example, I doubt anyone will learn that Ambassador should return two Coppers over one Estate from Discord, but they could easily learn it from searching the Forum for old discussions about Ambassador. I think that makes the Forum better for people who are new to Dominion.

They can also learn that by playing one Ambassador game online.

Case in point.

$5 Action
Turn your journey token over (it starts face up). Then if it's face down, +1 Card and +1 Action. If it's face up, you may play an Action card from your hand three times.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion current Popularity?
« on: February 16, 2019, 12:12:14 pm »

The only reason to refer back to old strategy discussions is to laugh at how wrong people were.

This is not true for things that are taken for granted now, but once had to be learned. For example, I doubt anyone will learn that Ambassador should return two Coppers over one Estate from Discord, but they could easily learn it from searching the Forum for old discussions about Ambassador. I think that makes the Forum better for people who are new to Dominion.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Shitty Rules Questions
« on: January 16, 2019, 01:39:04 pm »
It's pretty clear to me that if they die and you've inherited it - it's yours now. But I don't have any expertise in Estate law.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: January 03, 2019, 10:11:30 am »
This board looks like a potent engine. Ultimately, I think I would want to use Crown Crown Royal Blacksmith as my draw (using Overlord as Crown as necessary). The payload would be a few Crowned Capitals followed by a Fortune.

Playing an Enchantress each turn should protect against the Legionary (because of the duration draw) and should stop the money player dead by turning the sparse actions into cantrips. The Enchantress also helps with consistency. As the engine player, you can reliably play a legionary each turn as well for the attack.

The cards you want for the engine are expensive, so opening Legionary on the 5-2 is probably fine. I think my other opening buy would be Overlord, played as Crown if it collides with Legionary to get lots of coin, or played as Sacrifice if it doesn't collide to begin trashing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: December 24, 2018, 09:38:06 am »
Thanks for the videos!

I don't like the Wandering Minstrel opening, because it's not cycling to anything except the necropolis - thus it doesn't do much to help early economy. If you open double silver then you can still pick up the Minstrel turn 3 but you have a higher shot at getting the Count turn 4. I think missing that early $5 for Count was why you had trouble using it to trash - Count struggles once there are too many good cards in your deck.

Butcher + Silk Merchant

Obvious and potentially useful turbo remodel variant.
Silk Merchant guarantees 5 on the first shuffle. Amass Butchers and Silk Merchants, turning some starting estates into Silk Merchants early. Maybe mill a Silk Merchant for+4 Coffers and +2 Villagers. With 1 extra token, Butcher can take Silk Merchant straight to Province in the end game. The Villagers should allow multiple-Butcher turns. There are interesting decisions around when to play Silk Merchants.

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